SlC Season 22 w2: Herbs for pets

in #herbalmed-s22w23 months ago (edited)

Hello Steemains friend,

Assalamu Alaikum

I am going to participate again with great pleasure in @afzalqamar Sir's organized SLC Sesason 22-week 2 competition .so let's start with these are the main points Herbs for Pets.

✅Pet Herbal Stomach Treatment: Prepare pet safe treatment for the stomach using herbs. Share the recipe and how it can benefit your pet.

Prepare pet safe treatment

The remedy for upset stomach if all the herbs I need to make herbal treatment

Ginger15 gm
Fannel15 gm
Mint15 gm
Coriander5 gm
Water300 litre

In the first case of making herbal remedy I need to wash the fresh ingredents with water so that the dust and germ outside will go away.

First turn on the gas straw stove and add all the ingredients without ginger with water and grind the ginger a little and then put it in the water and then boil the water well for seven to eight minutes.

When I see that the color of the water has changed and the herbs have mixed herbs, the juice released has come out and the color of the water has changed, I will turn on the spice and put it in the room temperature.

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Herbal Remedy will strain the water with a strainer and fill it in a bottle to use.
I was made with herbal ingredients for Remedy for upset stomach for herbal remedies.

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Stomach using herbs.



Ginger is very safe for pets.If there is any digestive problem or motion signet, eating a small amount of ginger is very effective herb to reduce nausea from any digestive problems or nausea.

  • Ginger protects against any inflammatory problems or infections caused by antioxidnet, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Ginger's antioxidant and anti-microbial properties relieve nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain.
  • Ginger antioxidnet properties gingerol abong shagaol ingredient that relieves nausea and digestive problems. Indigestion symptoms can relieve nausea, flatulence, reflux.
    Ginger helps increase digestive system movement thereby reducing constipation, plus ginger reduces the risk of diabetic cancer and other student health problems.

Side effect

Herbal drinks made in hot water by grinding ginger are very beneficial but animals that have ginger extraction problems should not be given this drink. Moreover any herb should be given in moderation in the initial state.In case of high consumption, the blood of the body can be diluted and diarrhea can also occur.But in that case feeding should be stopped as well as vet should be consulted.

The new herb must seek the help of a veterinarian before feeding any animals.



Safe as green plants in animal diet.

  • It contains vitamin vitamins A and C to prevent diseases that maintain good bone health.
  • Mint is very beneficial for skin and has good eyesight.
  • Antifungal anti-bacterial antiviral and anti-microbial properties help keep people and pets' breath fresh
  • Mint like herb masala, which soothes body discomfort, nausea, stomach ache, flatulence, upset stomach, and cures diarrhea.

Side effect

Mint can be made of herbal drinks with water, along with other harbs.Mint should be given in moderation Special mint contains a type of Salicylate that is toxic to cats.Drinking it can cause upsetting pauses in cats' stomachs especially vomiting and lethargy.So cats should be given very little.The doctor must consult a veterinarian before feeding any new herb animals.


Fennel can be fed in moderation in animals, so panel seeds are not so toxic in their case. In animals, fennel paste or powder can be mixed with different foods in different ways. Fennel seeds are much safer and tastier to eat cooked than raw. Small amounts of fennel seeds are very beneficial on a night of digestive disturbances. Fennel leaves also contain nutrients so it is safe to feed fennel leaves in moderation.


Benefit this herbs.

  • Fennel contains many calories and contains fiber sugars, proteins, A vitamin C, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

*Anti-bacterial and fungal due to microbial properties.Protects and protects against various infections and diseases. that seeds plant compound phytonutrients that are antioxidants that help digestion.Infants develop flatulence, abdominal pain and digestive power, and protect against stomach distress.

  • If they can be fed small amount of fennel seeds, the problem will be much relief from stomach problems, moreover, more doses should not be given in quantity, this may increase the problem of upset stomach.
  • Vitamin and minerals in fennel increase the urinary system of animals and help in vision and bone formation.
  • Fennel protects against breathing problems, asthma, bronchitis and cough due to its nautioxidant properties.Eliminates bad breath.
    Protects against any inflammatory problems or infections due to anti- inflammatory properties .

  • Side effect

Allergy or gastointrestinal show problems or any unusual symptoms, but in that case feeding fennel seeds should be stopped as well as a veterinarian should be consulted.New rate Any new rate of animals must be referred to a doctor's veterinarian before feeding.



  • In animals, cilantro is a type of flexible spice that can be given in very small amounts in food along with other spices. It can be added in very small amounts to prevent stomach related problems in other animal foods for added taste and convenience. Coriander leaves are beneficial for increasing gas in stomach or intestinal gas (ferting) treatment.
  • Coriander contains vitamins that help in the formation and preservation of tissues in the body.
  • Coriander contains antioxidants that fight against any inflammation in the body and thereby boost immunity.
  • Relieves digestive problems. Indigestion symptoms reduce nausea, flatulence, flatulence, discomfort.

Coriander leaves should not be eaten in large quantities, in this case the stomach may be upset, but in the case of cats, it can cause stomach irritation. Any herb should not be consumed in excess, it can cause digestive problems, or any allergic problem.

Benefit stomach using herbs.

  • Herbal drinks are very beneficial for stomach upset or digestive problems in pets, especially flatulence, stomach aches and improves digestion and protects against stomach cramps. Fennel ,Ginger, Coriander, Mint Leaves Each of these four contains antioxidants that are helpful in digestion.

  • Therefore, in using all these rates, herbal drinks can be made by boiling them in hot water and they are allowed to eat animals, especially cats and dogs, in a very limited amount, then gradually their stomach digestive problems will gradually decrease.Cooling the herbal drink boiled in the hot water will benefit pets in very small amounts, especially 1/4 - 1/2 tsp to half a teaspoon, from stomach ache to any stomach digestive problem.

✅Flea Spray Creation: Make a natural flea spray. Write the preparation steps and applications. Also mention the benefits of the remedy how it helps for the fleas.

Fleas are wingless tiny grain bins carrying insects to the bodies of pets sucking the blood of pets. So I'm going to develop a herbal remedy to cure fleas from this pet's body.

All the hearts I need to make natural flea spray herbal treatment

Garlic10 gm
Lemon grass3 gm
Neem5 gm
Water250 litre

In the first case I have to wash the fresh invents with water so that the dust and jerms outside will go away.
First, turn on the gas strobe stove and give all the integrations without garlic with water and grind the garlic a little and then put it in the water and then boil the water well for seven to eight minutes.
When I see that the color of the water has changed and the herbs have mixed herbs, the juice released has come out and the color of the water has changed. Gas stove off and put it in the room temperature.

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Herbal Remedy will strain the water with a strainer and fill it in a bottle to spay.

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Herbal Remedy a natural flea spray was made with herbal ingredients.

Benefit Flea Spray using herbs.

Garlic for pets

Garlic has many nutrients and garlic is very beneficial for health.

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Garlic requires fiber carbohydrate, protein, calories ,sodium and iron, manganese and selenium,Vitamin C and vitamin B6 .

  • Naturally occurring antibiotic properties are quite effective in dog or cat infections.The antiseptic ingredients in garlic are antibiotic, antifungal, anti-bacterial ,l anti-microbial garlic cream killer.
  • Garlic is a powerful drug for cold-related problems, especially helping to flush out phlegm accumulated in the airways. Helps lower high blood pressure keeps heart health good.
  • Garlic is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiviral-property that naturally protects the body from disease germs, helps prevent any infection.
  • Antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties protect the skin from any inflammatory infections.
  • Fleas or ticks can fight against, elsin in garlic that contains sulfur compounds. Sulfur flies and tris can be used by spraying the skin on the exterior to repel flies and repels.

Antibiotics work like pets, but for dogs, eating garlic is often toxic.However, spraying garlic herbal drinks on the skin in case of fleas infection has many benefits in particular.The sulfur contained in garlic is released into the skin of dogs which keeps away from fleas or flies.


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  • A natural herb is pretty safe for animals. Has features that have MD inflammatory properties help reduce any inflammation in the body and soothe the skin.
  • Neem keep their skin and ears healthy by fighting fungal and bacterial infections in animals due to antifungal and anti-bacterial properties.
  • Neem has sedative and moisturizing properties that solve any skin problem caused by itchy allergies or dryness.
    A natural insect repellent that can repel and control any germs like ticks or flies, parasites.
  • Natural antioxidants can prevent any infection in the body of pets and also increase the immunity and immunity of the body. Acts as a natural defense and also reduces the risk of infection.

Lemon for pets


A natural herb is quite safe for animals.Vitamin C containing naturally occurring fly killer ingredients is very effective in citric acid home remedies.Lemon acts as a natural cleansing agent in animals.
Lemon natural disinfectant, keeps clean and keeps skin clean and helps clean any skin irritants and skin germs.
Natural fly repellents that help deter or repel lemon flies.
Citric acid in lemon is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory which plays a special role in relieving any itching of the skin.

Lemon juice should not be applied directly to any animal so it can problem skin and gastrointestinal.Animals, especially lemons, are toxic to cats if they are eaten by cats.

Lemon grass

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  • Antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial properties exist that protect the skin by fighting any bacterial infection.
  • Lemon grass is disinfectant, keeps clean and keeps skin clean and helps clean any skin irritation and screen germs.
  • Lemongrass has soothing and calming effect reduces skin irritation and provides soothing and calming effect on skin.Natural fly repellents that help deter or repel lemongrass flies.

Containing natural toxins called cyanogenic glycosides disrupts oxygen flow in dogs that are toxic to dogs. When applied to the skin of horse animals, this concentration should be thinned and given less, so it should be used safely and moderately to repel toxins, such as lemon grass consumption, which can cause mild periods of upset stomach.

Benefit using herbs.

Fleas are a type of insect that survives by eating the blood of pets or other animals or humans.Their bites cause quite a lot of discomfort and itching and lattices that exacerbate allergy problems.
*So this natural spray is very effective herbal remedy to keep animals healthy from this discomfort and itching, allergy related problems. Spraying the affected area of the pet or the whole body or where the fleas, fly, will cause the fly or fleas to go.

  • And this herbal remedy plays a special role in repelling fleas or flies because the flavor or smell of neem, garlic and lemon, lemon grass mixed with it plays a special role in chasing it quickly. Besides, if there are fleas in the affected areas of the animal, it will remove the fleas quickly.
  • And it should be sprayed twice five days to the affected area to remove the fleas from the whole body.

✅Herbal Skin Remedy: Create a soothing remedy for pets for skin irritations. Write the preparation steps and applications. Also mention the benefits of the remedy how it helps for the skin irritation..

If all the hearts I need to make a soothing remedial for pets herbal treatment

Turmeric powder1 tsp
Aloe vera2 2sp
Cocomut oil4 tbsp

I will use turmeric powder here to make a remedy.

Clean with then cut it into pieces and cut it short and fine paste the turmeric and aloe vera together in a blender.First then I'll pour this turmric and aloe vera mixture into the oil then cook it well in the soft heat. when I see the water coming out of it and the oil showing up I'll turn off the oven I'll just take the oil part .

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And it's made A soothing remedy for pets with herbal ingredients.



Many diseases pets require antibiotics natural herb This turmeric works like an antibiotic in their body.Solves many problems and acts as an immune system.

  • Turmeric antiseptic, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, microbial, anti-bacterial and curcumin properties exist.

  • Anti-Microbial, Antifungal, Antibacterial Properties exist that protect the skin by fighting any bacterial infection.

  • Disinfectant, keeps skin clean and helps clean any skin irritants and screen germs.

  • Natural curcumin of turmeric that contains antineclamatory material. Which is a spice herb that reduces any inflammation in the body, inflammatory wounds and pain and fights infection which is anti-inflammatory, very effective in solving any allergic problem.

  • Antifungal ingredients, skin eczema and fungal fight infection.
    Turmeric is a natural antihistamine ingredient that stabilizes the body's histamine-secreting cells and helps reduce any allergic symptoms, with anti-allergen content.

  • Acts as a decongestant of turmeric

#Aloe vera


Aloe vera acts as a natural defense in pat animal skin manipulation. The skin of aloe vera patenomel can be sprayed on top or skin messages can get rid of mosquitoes, flies and tricks and infections.
Aloe vera contains including natural minerals and vitamin minerals and amino acids with anti-inflammatory properties.

  • It's soothing any wound burning skin irritating itching treatment is quite effective.
  • Aloe vera contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that benefit health, fight bacterial infections.
  • Aloe vera's anti-bacterial antifungal and anti-microbial properties fight any wound, heal wounds and prevent skin infections.
  • Instead of food, it has to be messaged on the skin, so any burning or wound inflammation irritation of the skin is very effective in treating sunburn, it is an effective reliable anti-septic ingredient in the skin.
  • Aloe vera vitamin C containing anti-nflammatory content and vitamin E prevents irritation, itching.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is very safe for pets but must be consulted by a veterinarian if it is to be consumed as it can cause diarrhea in animals especially jobs and cats, diarrhea or upset stomach, but it can be used to treat skin on their exterior.

  • Coconut oil contains vitamin E, small amounts of vitamin B.Calorie protein, and iron magnesium exist in other minerals.
  • Powerful antioxidant selenium contains and other body parts that keep the skin healthy.
  • Anti-inflammatory material exists to protect the skin by fighting any skin inflammation or how white and any fungal or bacterial infection against infection.
  • Coconut oil is an anti-bacterial antifungal ingredient Loric acid, keeps hair healthy.That's why spraying the exterior on pets, especially dogs and cats, keeps the health of the coat healthy.
  • The oil's anti-microbial component is actoparasite to repel mites, flies, fleas, and prevent skin infections in dogs or cats.
  • This oil resists pests.

Benefit using herbs remedy oil .

  • Herbal a soothing remedial anti-bacterial antifungal and anti-microbial properties will heal wounds and prevent skin infections by fighting any wounds.
  • this soothing remedy will help reduce any skin lesions burning, itching.Powerful antioxidants that benefit skin health, will maintain skin softness by fighting bacterial infections.
    This remedy will not cause any infection of fleas, mosquitoes, flies if sprayed on the exterior of the pet as it will protect the anti-inflammatory material. If this oil is applied to any part of the skin wound, will heal and the skin irritation will also decrease.

At least five days a week, this oil should be messaged twice for pet skin, but if it is not half, then a veterinarian must be consulted.

✅Pet Care Chart: Design a chart listing common pet elements and corresponding herbal remedies.

AilmentsymmtomsHerbal remedyHow to use
Digstive issuevomiting, flatulence, diarrheaGingerIf the stomach has gas problems, two or three pieces of ginger can be spilled in hot water and served with other foods or ginger tea
Skin irritationhair itching, bruising, burningNeemdo well in hot water with other herbal ingredients to boil in hot water and spray on the affected area.
Allergiesdust, itchinglemonIf the body itches, if there is any problem for the allergy, mix any other food with them in the missed hot water and spray them thinly.
InfectionSkin lesions can occur, blood can come out Mosquito fly infestationTurmericMixing coconut oil with turmeric and put on it will be of great benefit .
ParasiteItchy burning, bruisinggarlic and lemonlemon and garlic should be boiled and lightly diluted and sprayed on the body.
Pain, Arthitis PainWeak, Hard to Walk and Sttifinsturmric, Coconut Oil, Aloe VeraYellow, Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera should be pasted together to make oil with a net in the oven at low heat and message this oil on.
Flex or texwrinkles and bruises on the bodygarlic is a mixture of neem and lemonalcine in garlic that contains sulfur compounds. Sulfur flies and tris can be used by spraying the skin on the exterior to repel flies and just.
bad breathbad smelly mouthcorianderTea mixed with coriander leaves in hot water removes bad breath
Stress, anxietybarking,restlsnssLavender oilMassaging this oil will release much of the stage.
Ear infectionItching, itching inside the ear, bruisingGarlic,lemon,neemIngredients made of hot water in a mixture of garlic ,neem leaves will reduce the infection of anti-inflammatory material.
Shortness of breathdifficulty breathing, cuffs get stuckDrinking garlic, lemongarlic and lemon tea in limited form will relieve respiratory problems

..The friend users I would like to invite to this contest,they are @akmalshakir,@deepak94,@rumaisha,@amjadsharif and @shiftitamanna.

Thank you so much, everyone, for voting, commenting and supporting my post

Thank you all on my behalf
Best Regards



Thank you for mentioning me my entry is already there. Best of luck 🍀


Thank you for mention me but I have already done this home work task.