SLC S22 Week 2 - Hebrs for Pets

in #herbalmed-s22w2last month

Assalamu Alaikum,
Hello everyone,
I am @afrinn

From #Bangladesh


Assalamu Alaikum how are you all Alhamdulillah good and healthy today I am week 2 of SLC season 22. This week, I will be sharing herbs for pets. So let's begin,

Pet Herbal Stomach Treatment: Prepare safe treatment for pet stomach using herbs. Share the recipe and how it can benefit your pet. (2 marks)

Currently, I am in my village, so finding herbs and making a proper recipe is a bit easier. All the herbs I have used here were collected from the plants just before making this particular remedy.

Pet safe treatment for Stmach using herbs.

Remedy used medicine

Ginger2 inches
waterhalf glass
Fenneltwo spoons
Cloves4 o'clock
Hajj leaves4 to 5 o'clock

Safe treatment preparation for pets for stomach using herbs.

First step


I kept the ginger well and cut it into small pieces and kept it with fennel

Second step


I gave half a glass of water. Then there
I put haj leaves on the stove with ginger and fennel cloves

The third step


I increased the heat of the stove. Then the things in my container rose up and a very beautiful color came out.

Step Four


After a nice color I took it off the stove. Then I put the herbs on the strainer. Then the liquids should be allowed to cool. Then we can add sugar. That's because my pet won't have much trouble eating. And because of the sweetness, the liquid will be easily consumed.

Benefits of this mateFennel


Eating ginger juice gives the taste of food
Ginger reduces cold and cough.
If I feel nauseous, eat raw extract and mix it with salt.


  • Contains a lot of potassium. It helps in reducing high blood pressure. Fennel powder
    Acidity gas helps in stomach pain and indigestion and improves digestion

Coriander leaves

  • Strengthens bones
  • Increases eyesight
  • Eliminates emptiness
  • Sharpens memory
  • Regular consumption of coriander leaves controls insulin levels
  • Increases immunity

Making Flea Spray: Make a natural flea spray. Write the preparation steps and application. Also mention the benefits of the remedy how it helps for fleas.

Remedy used herbs

Garlic1 o'clock
Neem leavesin quantity
Lemon leaves4 to 5 o'clock
Coriander leaves4 o'clock

A natural fly spray preparation

First step


First I gave the amount of water in a container.

Second step


Then I heated the water with neem leaves garlic cilantro lemon leaves for three to four minutes.

The third step


When my water got hot I took it off the stove. Then I filtered the medicinal water well.

Step Four


Then I let the liquids cool. Finally in my bottle I spray

Benefits of the remedy and how it helps fleas


Garlic is a natural ingredient. Although we use it as food, sometimes it can be used for various purposes. Because garlic has a lot of sulfur. Makes a pet's skin less attractive to them. We can easily use the benefits of garlic.

Neem leaves

Neem leaves are very powerful. We use neem leaves in many ways. Now sometimes people are injured in different parts of the body. Where blood clots are more likely to catch flies. Applying a light amount of neem leaves to the bait will remove the flies. We will feel relieved. As a result, the affected area will become dry. Neem leaf has been very beneficial for us since many years.


An important thing in our life.
Lemons contain limonene, a natural fly repellent. Lemon leaves are rich in fragrance. In that case I would say Lemon Patta and lemon is also a good flea repellant.

Herbal Skin Remedies: Make a soothing remedy for pets for skin irritations. Write the preparation steps and application. Also mention the benefits of the remedy how it helps with skin irritation. (2 marks)

Remedy used herbs

Material | Amount
Coconut oil | mild amount
Raw turmeric | amount like

First step


I didn't have much problem picking raw turmeric as I have a turmeric plant in my house. However, first I picked up the turmeric and washed it well.

Second step


Then I put the yellow ones in the sand. Then mixed with coconut oil.

Benefits of this material

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one such benefit for us. Very useful for such pets. That's because just like coconut oil keeps our skin dry and fresh, I think it will keep my pet's skin dry and fresh and soft.

Raw turmeric

Raw turmeric is a very important natural medicine for us, not many of us know. Raw turmeric reduces inflammation in the body. For example we had a pet at home. a goat The goat was very calm. Suddenly a dog bites. We started giving naturopathic treatment without thinking anything. Like raw turmeric lime with these we put raw turmeric and lime on the wound. Pain and burning are reduced in a short period of time. In that case we can say that natural medicines for our pets are very important.

Pet Care Chart: Design a chart listing common pet ailments and associated herbal remedies.

Pet diseasesRemedyHow it works
AbdominalflatulenceGinger and raw turmeric Ginger is a very useful medicine for flatulence. So we feed raw turmeric and adabet juice whenever the pet gets bloated. I will see that the animal's flatulence has decreased.
AnxietyInstabilityMany times our pets feel restless. Sometimes animals also experience restlessness due to excess gas. In that case animals should drink water 2 to 3 times regularly.
Bad breathBad smellSometimes pets also smell bad. Most of the time, bad breath from animals is caused by bacteria. A bad smell can also be caused by diet or skin diseases. Sometimes long term bad breath results in medical test
If the dog bites the petChili turmericand lime I had pets at home. My father always took care and fed them. Suddenly the dog bites. The area becomes very swollen and bruised. In that case the first treatment given was pepper mixed well with lime and turmeric and applied to the wound and it healed in a few minutes.

Thank you all for reading my post

I would like to invite some of my friends to this contest. They are, @aviral123 and @suboohi @sduttaskitchen @alejos7ven @chant

Thank you for reading my blog.

Thank you

LocationBangladesh 🇧🇩📷

From #bangladesh

Allah Hafeez

Dear friend @afrinn,

Assalamu Alaikum, I really enjoyed reading your post. You said something about pets and their immunity. I really enjoyed it. You gave remedies for some diseases through homemade methods and herbal plants that we can easily find around us. And you explained to us step by step how to prevent diseases and cure diseases. Through this question, I understood a lot. I learned how to take care of animals and how to heal their wounds. I wish you all the best in this competition. You continue your activities. You will definitely achieve success from this steemit platform. Thank you.


প্রিয় বোন নিমপাতা এমনিতে আমাদের বিভিন্ন ভাবে উপকার করে থাকে কারণ এর ঔষধি গুনাগুন অনেক। যাইহোক আপনি যে ভেষজ প্রতিকার তৈরি করেছেন তা আমাদের প্রতিটি বাসায় উপাদান গুলো খুব সহজভাবে পাওয়া যায়। আপনার পোস্ট পড়ে আমি অনেক কিছুই শিখতে পারলাম। আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা।