SLC S21 Week 6 - Beauty and Self-Care with Herbs

in #herbalmed-s21w6 • 4 months ago (edited)
Hello Amigos 🥰 How are you doing today 😊


Since I love everything herbs and natural, I will be showing you my DIY organic hair and facemask made from 100% oraganic herbs.

These are all the herbs I will be using for this project


Make a herbal hair tonic to promote the health the of the hairs. Write the herbs used in the tonic. Explain how the tonic will help for the hair health. Write the step by step process of making hair Mask

To make a herbal hair tonic, I will be using these herbs


Rosemary is not only used for cooking. It is a very strong herb that is used to treat hair diseases. The leaf can be squeezed so the water comes out and applied on bald spot or spots with fugal infection

Benefits of Rosemary

•Cures hair scalp diseases and many other hair diseases. This is because of the rich anti fungal and anti bacterial properties it is enriched with
• Darkens hair. Yes, constant use of neem leaf makes your hair darker and shiner
• Causes rapid hair growth


In Nigeria, the hibiscus flower to dried and then used to produce a flavour drink known as Zobo. Zobo is a flavoured drink rich in vitamins and it is good for the elderly, diabetics and hypertensive, infact everybody.
It is also used in the beauty world.

Benefits of Hibiscus

• It is used as a good rinse after a hair wash. This is because it penetrates the hair leaving it healthy and shiny
• It slows down eruption of grew hair. Infact it is a natural dye
• Because of its good fragrance, it is added in the production of shampoo and other hair products


  1. Wash the leaves separately to remove dust and dirt (it can be fresh or dried)
  2. Using a pot preferably a pot you don't use, boil water(this depends on the quantity of the herbs)
  3. Pour both herbs in the pot
  4. Boil for 7 minutes under low heat


  1. Allow to cool then strain using a cheese cloth or filter
  2. Pour into a spray bottle or can. It is ready to be used

My hibiscus and rosemary water is ready for a hair rinse after shampoo

Skin Care Mask: Prepare a mask for the skin purely made with the herbs and use at least 3 herbs to prepare a mask. Write down the procedure and explain how it helps for the skin care

For my skincare, I will use the 3 herbs


Tumeric is a good oxidant with antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is a root crop just like ginger. One maybe confuse it for ginger because of their physical similarities although tumeric has the nature orange colour

Benefits of Tumeric

  1. Tumeric has a natural skin lightening property. It clears acnes, dark spots and hyperpigmentation
  2. Tumeric is a rich oxidant. If fights against skin infections
  3. It has a healing content that helps Injury heal faster and even helps in clearing the spots and scars


Although I have not used Cinnamon before now, but I have heard of its numerous benefits like

• Cooling effect. It helps to recent sunburns, reduces redness and inflammation
• Perfect for sensitive skin due to its mildness and soothing
• Gets rid of hyper pigmentation and leave the skin fresh, glowing and in the right skin tone
• It also eliminates oily prone skin that can cause black and white head, skin ache etc


Neem leaf also one herbs that is beneficial to the skin. It has numerous benefits such as

•Detoxifies the skin. It serves as a detoxifier
•Curea numerous skin diseases caused by fungi and bacteria
•Soothings the skin and eliminates redness, inflammation as well as itching


•Wash the herbs and get rid of its dirt or dust
•Remove the skin of the tumeric using a knife
•Boil the Neem leaf until the green colour comes out
•Grind the Scandal wood and tumeric separately
•Pour in 1 tablespoon of scandal wood and 1 tablespoon of tumeric into a bowl
•Add the Neem water into the mix to make a paste.
•Apply on your washed face and rinsed off after 10 minutes using a warm water


Relaxing Bath Soak: Make a bath soak with herbs and write about its benefits for relaxation and self care

The two herbs I will be using for this relaxing bath soak is


• First, I will wash my herbs to remove dust or dirt
•I will consider putting the hibiscus and cinnamon inside my warm bath tub or bucket for at least 30 minutes before bath so it's properties can be infused into the water
• I will sit still inside the tub or bucket for at least 30 minutes


Cinnamon helps to recent sunburns, reduces redness and inflammation
• Perfect for sensitive skin due to its mildness and soothing
• Gets rid of hyper pigmentation and leave the skin fresh, glowing and in the right skin tone
• It also eliminates oily prone skin that can cause black and white head, skin ache etc

Hibiscus is a soothing herb. It calms sunburn and skin reactions.
It is good for people with sensitive skin

Thank you for reading through, I will invite my friends @jovita30 @chant @ninapenda to participate in this contest
