SLC S21 Week 5 - Herbal Remedies for Respiratory Health, Iron Deficiency, and Blood Pressure Control.

in #herbalmed-s21w53 months ago


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It is always a joy for me whenever I have the opportunity to participate in the Steemit contest weekly and today I will be participating in the crypto academy community contest. Stay tune below.

Respiratory: Write three different herbs for the support of respiratory health other than discussed in this lecture. Include their benefits and reasons why they help in respiratory health. (2 Marks)

I will be listing out three herbs in Nigeria that I know which can help in the respiratory health and this is it below.

1. Bitter Kola (Garcinia kola)


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  • Benefits: Butter Kola will definitely be the first in my list. It is quite popular in my country Nigeria and the benefit it offers is the fact that it helps to make sure that the airway is freely open and not only that but it also helps to deal with some respiratory conditions we have like asthma and even the one like the bronchitis.
  • Why it Helps: Talking about why it really helps, I will like to say that bitter kola helps to make sure that our lung functions quite well and it also helps to reduce something called inflammation that might want to happen in our respiratory tract.

2. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus).

  • Benefits: Eucalyptus might not be common but it always helps because the leaves have contents like the eucalyptol which serves as something called expectorant. It makes sure that our mucus is effectively loosen and at the end of the day helps us to breath much better.
  • Why it Helps: Why it helps is because the eucalyptus leaves contain some very important oil that helps to deal with nasal congestion and also helps to make sure that our airways are clear.

3. Scent Leaf (Ocimum gratissimum).



  • Benefits: Scent leaf is quite popular and the reason is because it contains virtual antifungal and even the anti inflammatory properties that helps to deal with some certain kinds of infections in our respiratory system.
  • Why it Helps: Why scent leaf helps is because the leaf is made up of some chemical s that goes a long way to deal with coughs and even helps to treat asthma. It also helps to make sure that our respiratory health is in a very top condition.

Iron Deficiency: Write about three herbs which help in the iron deficiency. Make a herbal remedy which can boost the iron level in the body. Please explain how it works in the body? (3 Marks)

For this iron deficiency, I will be making use of

  • Moringa Leaves
  • Bitter Leaves
  • Onions

1. Moringa Leaves (Moringa oleifera).


  • Benefits: Moringa Leaves as it is called helps because it is very rich in iron and not only iron but contains some vitamins like vitamin A and even vitamin C. This helps to deal with anemia.

-How It Works: How Moringa Leaves works is in the sense that it contains high iron composition which helps in our hemoglobin synthesis. Vitamin C that Moringa contains helps to deal with iron in our body.

Bitter Leaves (Vernonia amygdalina).


  • Benefits: The benefits of Bitter Leaves works in a way whereby it also contains a high volume of iron, and also antioxidants which are used to also treat anemia most especially and even to help increase our blood production in our body.
  • How It Works: How it works is the fact that the folic acid that bitter leaves contain helps to form red blood feels and helps to protect our cells from damage.

3. Onions (Allium cepa).


  • Benefits: This is the last one and the most popular, even though onion is not rich in iron as the other herbal but it contains a high amount of sulfur compounds that helps in blood circulation in our body.
  • How It Works: How it works is in a sense that sulfur will help to deal with the enzymes in our body that helps in the absorption of iron in our body. Onions also help to improve metabolism in our body beyond what we can ever imagine.

Herbal Remedy to Boost Iron Levels


  • Fresh moringa leaves
  • Bitter leaves
  • Medium-sized onion
  • 2 cups of water


  • I make sure that I First of all wash the Moringa and the bitter leaves



  • I try to ground the leaves also with the water so that it will become smooth.



  • Then I slice the onion into smaller pieces and add it to the liquid that I have grounded.


  • Then I make sure that I mix it together
  • Then I gradually drink one cup daily, especially in the morning.

Blood Pressure: Write three herbs for the control of the high blood pressure and three to control the low blood pressure. Explain how the patients can use them in daily life to maintain and regulate their blood pressure. Make your preferred remedy for the control of blood pressure. (3 Marks)

For this particular one, I will be making use of Nigerian herbs which are below;

Herbs for High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

1. Garlic (Allium sativum).

  • How It Works: How Garlic works is because garlic is made up of a chemical called the allicin which helps to sustain the blood vessels and not even sustain alone but also helps to make sure that there is proper circulation of blood which in turns helps to deal with low blood pressure.
  • How To Use: The Patient should make sure to always take around 1 piece of garlic daily or the patient can choose to add the garlic to his or her meals.

2. Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa).

  • How It Works: Hibiscus works in a way whereby it has something called the vasodilator properties which helps to make sure our blood pressure is lower and helps to relax our blood pressure also.

  • How To Use: Depending on the person, you can choose to ground the flower and mix it with tea and drink like 1 to 2 cups daily.

3. Scent Leaf (Ocimum gratissimum).

  • How It Works: Like I said earlier, scent leaf works in a way whereby it has this antioxidant that helps to make sure our heart is in a good state and thereby helps to reduce our blood pressure.

  • How To Use: You can also follow the same method when the Hibiscus flower. You can use scent leaf to add to your tea or even soups.

Herbs for Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)

1. Bitter Kola (Garcinia kola)

  • How It Works: This will be the first. Bitter kola works in a way whereby it helps to make sure our blood circulates effectively and then helps us to stabilise our blood pressure.
  • How To Use: You can decide to eat and chew like 2-3 of the seeds daily.

2. Ginger (Zingiber officinale).

  • How It Works: Ginger works in a way whereby it helps to make sure that our cardiovascular function as it should be and then helps to raise low blood pressure because there is effective circulation of blood.
  • How To Use: Most people prefer to take ginger tea which really helps.

3. Baobab Leaves (Adansonia digitata).

  • How It Works: This is the last and the less common but it works like magic. It works in a way whereby the baobab leaves contains high level of potassium which helps to make sure that our electrolytes is balanced in our body system
  • How To Use: You can also make use of the leaves with tea most especially when the leaves are in powdered form.

Preferred Remedy for Regulating Blood Pressure


  • Hibiscus flowers

  • Ginger

  • Garlic

  • 2 cups of water


  • I will make sure that I first booil the hibiscus flower, the ginger and also the garlic in the same water for around 5 minutes.

  • Then I mix them together and let them cool

  • Then I add honey to increase the taste.

  • You can drink 1 cup in the morning and in the evening.

Thank you for this lecture, looking forward to more interesting and benefiting lectures in the more weeks to come

I invite @lovelystar , @newekemini5 and @okere-blessing to drop a very constructive comments on this post and also to participate in this contest.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


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