SLC S21 Week 2 - Basic Herbal Remedies for Daily Health
AssalamuAlaikum & Greetings Everyone!
AssalamuAlaikum & Greetings Everyone!
I am glade to participate in the engagement challenge of @afzalqamar herbal teacher's course, here is my homework.

Q.1 - Herbal Tea Preparation: Prepare a herbal tea for digestion or stress/anxiety. Documenting the steps, proportions, and effects felt after drinking them.
Herbal tea for Digestive System and for Depression |
Herbal tea is made from natural herbs that can impact our body and minds in a way that is positive. Specific examples of herbal teas are that for digestion and then those effective in treating depression or anxiety. Now let’s see how these teas can be useful and how we can apply them.
Herbal Tea for Digestion |
Herbal tea is very effective for enhancing digestion issues such as indigestion, gas build-up and stomach acidity. Grass is a family of plants that is rather beneficial in helping with digestion; the two plants cultivated most abundantly are in and ginger. Peppermint controls stomach irritation, while ginger enhances the smooth muscle contraction of the stomach in an attempt to bring about quicker digestion. This tea is best taken after meals to handle stomach issues or indigestion problems and ease them.
Herbal Tea for Depression |
It’s important that people who are depressed and anxious should take mint and ginger tea. Mint has good aroma that calm the mind and does away with stress while the ginger has qualities that reduces stress and anxiety. This tea effectively forumulates the mind and increases sleep during the night. It prevents stress and relieves the mind if taken on a daily basis.
The Uses of Herbal Tea to Ease Digestion and Bring Relaxation to the Mind |
Today I planned to make a good herbal tea for digestion problems and to relieve stress or anxiety. For this I used some of quite basic and home-made ingredients.
Ingredients: |
- 1/4 teaspoon green tea (or tea leaves)
- 10 to 12 fresh mint leaves
- 1 inch fresh ginger – (cut into small pieces).
- 1 cups of water
- 1 tsp of sugar (optional)
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How To Make Tea |
- First of all, I took a cup of water in a pan and placed the pan on medium heat.
- I put chopped ginger in hot and let the water for 3 to 4 minutes more boiled.
- Thirdly, I put tea and fresh mint leaves in the boiled water.
- Wait for more 5 minutes in order to ensure the tea, mint, and ginger extracts blends very well with water.
- Then remove tea and filter and pour in a cup.
- Depending on your preferred taste, you can include one teaspoon of sugar at the last stages.
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Effect: |
Judging from experience right after taking this tea it made me feel good. The warm hue of ginger and the freshness of mint made the heart and mouth feel refreshed. Green tea increases digestion, cuts stress, antioxidants accumulated in green tea.
Benefits: |
For Digestion: This tea had lowered the level of acidity in my stomach and helped me during the days when I really felt sick from indigestion. Ginger stimulates secretion of the gastric enzymes and mint can soothe the gas and bloating.
For depression: Mint reduces stress and mint is calming for the mind while ginger reduces stress and has a warming effect, making it good for the mind.
After make this tea15 minutes later I felt that my stomach is lighter, and the mind is also calm down. Eco-Friendly tips on how to deal with the feeling of density after a meal or the tiredness of the day .
This is a very easy and fast recipe tea, which assists in digestion and fights stress. In case you ever decide that your stomach is unhappy, or you just need to relax, use this tea.
Q.2 - Herbal Storage: Research the best ways to store herbs at home; take pictures of your storage method and explain why it works.
Best Ways to Store Herbs at Home |
Well, there are many ways to store herbs at home, but I have stored them at home in a special way. This is because I have taken into consideration that their aroma, taste and efficacy remain intact and there is no loss of efficacy.
- First I got fresh herbs. After that I cleaned them thoroughly so that there was no dirt or any kind of dust in them. I also washed them with water so that they are completely clean and any chemicals are removed.
- Now we come to the drying process, I spread these herbs on a clean cloth in the sun to dry them naturally. The advantage of drying them in the sun is that the efficacy and aroma of the herbs remain the same and their nutrients are also preserved. During this process I turned them upside down so it would dry thoroughly.
When these herbs were thoroughly dried, I stored them in glass jars that I had at home.
These herbs are: |
- cloves
- Black pepper
- Fennel
- Cardamom
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![]() | Store in Home Kitchen |
These herbs are usually stored in most homes and are used on a daily basis.
Explanation Why It Works: |
As I mentioned above, there are countless benefits to storing it.
- Store herbs maintain freshness and effectiveness.
- Retains nutritional properties and aroma.
- These are easy to use and effective.
- Their taste does not matter.
- Stored herbs can be used throughout the year.
- In winter, when herbs are not available, the herbs stored in the house are found in the kitchen.
- Their use is beneficial for health.
Q.3 - Home Remedy Creation: Create your own herbal remedy for a common cold documenting the ingredients, preparation steps, and your experience.
Natural Remedies for Colds |
Cold is a common disease that can be treated with natural methods. In which runny nose cough and sore throat. This often happens in winters or due to change of season.
Ingredients: |
- A cup of water
- Cloves two to three
- One to two small pieces of cinnamon
- Honey or sugar optional to taste
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Method of Preparation: |
- Add cinnamon and cloves to a cup of water and let it boil.
- When the water boils to half, remove it from the stove.
- After draining, strain the water.
- Add honey or sugar (as per taste).
- Your drink is ready, drink it hot.
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My Experiences : |
This is a home remedy for cold and cough. The smell of cinnamon cloves was good and the warming feelings helped my body in some way. Drinking it gave me a different feeling of freshness. And I decided to use it on a daily basis in winters. Because it is a simple and natural method of treatment that can be used to reduce the effects of colds and flu.
Q.4 - Herbal Infusion Experiment: Infuse two different herbs (one for digestion and one for stress/anxiety) in water. Document the process, duration, and your thoughts on the end result.
I learned how to make these fuses in this section of the homework task which I found very simple. I am going to tell you in my own words how to prepare ashwagandha and mint infusion tha. So the first thing we will do is prepare the infusion.
Ashwagandha Infusion |
As you all know I am a villager. On the way to my village, there are Ashwagandha Plants. So I plucked some Ashwagandha leaves and took them home with me.
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First I washed and cleaned them because they had a lot of dust and dirt on them due to dust.
After that, I took a cup of hot water put some leaves of Ashwagandha in it, and set it aside for his nfusion to be prepared.
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After about five to six hours, I saw that its ingredients had been added to the water and the water had also changed its color.
After the color changes and its ingredients are added to the water, its infusion is ready. Which is drinkable. If you want, you can add sugar or honey to it.

Mint Infusion: |
Now we are going to make mint infusion step by step I will tell you how to make it.
- First, we need mint which I bought from the greengrocer cleaned after washing.
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I need a hot cup of water to prepare this infusion. I have after boiling the water in a cup. I put fresh mint in it and kept it for a few hours to prepare the infusion.
After five to six hours I saw, that our infusion was ready. Now we will strain it and pour it back into the cup. Its fragrance is very sweet. And now it is ready to drink.
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My Thoughts: |
I have prepared this fusion of Esho Ganda Pudina. Ashwagandha is a herb which serves to revive the energy and decrease stress in the body. Nonetheless, mint is extremely good for the stomach and the smell and taste of the mint is actually quite pleasant.
Ashwagandha has various medicinal values for the body. In which mental stress improves the lack of sleep. It is also good for heart health and the digestive system.
Mint is a fragrant herb. Which removes gas and bloating in the stomach. Drinking mint improves mental and physical strength, relieves fatigue, reduces headaches, eliminates bad breath, and is also good for cleaning the breath. Mint leaves are antioxidants. Its use can improve skin health and soothe all skin irritations.
My invitations
Thank You

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Herbal remedies are a beautiful way to keep our body healthy naturally. Many people can learn from this post. Good luck for the contest.
I personally used these remedies that result excellent.