SEC S20W2|| Hemoglobin - Module 2

in #hematology-s20w210 days ago (edited)


Death of Rafael Rangel

Rafael Rangel was a Venezuelan physician who died in 1927, because of complications from a self-experimentation with hookworm when he was studying on anemia.He was infected with hookworms intentionally when he was investigating effects at hemoglobin levels.

This experimentation purpose was to understand relationship among hookworm infestation and anemia. It was unfortunate that Rangel health destroyed quickly and he died from critical anemia and related complexities.

Describe hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is basically a protein in red blood cells which functions by carrying oxygen from lungs to body tissues. It contains four polypeptide chains called globins and four heme groups that consists iron. Hemoglobin structure permit it to show binding and then releasing oxygen which in turn facilitates oxygen transport.

Major functions

• Transportation of oxygen.
• Removal of carbon dioxide.
• Regulation of pH.


• Hemoglobin A (Hemoglobin of adult)
• Hemoglobin F (Hemoglobin of fetus)
• Hemoglobin S (Hemoglobin of sickle cell)

Abnormalities in Hemoglobin

• Anemia (When hemoglobin is low)
• Polycythemia (When hemoglobin is high)
• Thalassemia (When hemoglobin is low)

Normal ranges

• Adult hemoglobin ranges from 13.5-17.5 g/dL in male and 12-16 g/dL in female.

• Fetal hemoglobin ranges from 14-24 g/dL.

Automated hematocrit VS Manual hematocrit
Automated Hematocrit vs Manual Hematocrit
CharacteristicsAutomated HematocritManual Hematocrit
MethodologyUtilize electric impedance or optical sensorsUtilize centrifugal and visual measurement
AccuracyMore accuracyLess accuracy
SpeedHigher results (seconds to minutes)Time consumption (15-30 minutes)
Sample SizeNeed small sampleNeed large sample
Operator SkillMinimum training needNeed skilled technician
CostHigh initial investmentLess initial investment
MaintenanceContinuous need to maintainNo regular maintenance
Quality ControlAutomated control of qualityManual control of quality


Real life example of hematocrit
Hematocrit Example

You need Juice and Water

Suppose there is a glass which contains:

  • 40% cranberry juice (Suppose these are red blood cells)
  • 60% water ( Suppose it's Plasma)

This is a presentation of normal hematocrit level (40%). Now you can say that;

  • Addition of more water (It's dehydration) and Juice percentage decreases (It's anemia).
  • Addition of more cranberry juice (It's polycythemia)-Juice percentage increases.
Hematocrit measurement procedure
  • First you need to pour mixture in a centrifuge (You may use blender).
  • Then you may separate juice ( which we suppose as red blood cells) from water ( which we suppose as plasma).
  • Now it's time to measure juice percentage (This is now hematocrit).

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@sahar78 hola querida
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Es S20W2