HELP!!!! I am lost in the Steemit instruction pages!!!!

in #help8 years ago

Zombie Doll Mommy (Deb) here. I know just enough about computers and the internet to get on Face Book check my bank balance and watch videos...... Well maybe a bit more. How ever, I have no clue on this earth how to find my own account add a picture or even let my friends know I have tried to get this started. whimper Will any one take pity on me and walk me through the steps? I only got this far by sheer luck and random typing. If you can't get through to me here (I have no idea how to find this after it is posted) please find me on Face Book at Zombie Doll Mommy in Omah Ne. I will be curled up on the couch watching cat videos and reading post from Rose Dutra Duncan at Wholesom Roots on You tube.............

HELP!!!!!!!!!!! SOB


Download the eSteem App. It gives you a much more advanced user interface.

Is the app for a smart phone? I use a laptop or a kindle. I am on the laptop now. I am not very computer savy so I need to be told in kindergarden language... LOL!

You can also click on the menu button in the upper right corner of the page and click "welcome". There are a ton of tutorials to read there. Lots of good advice.

In the upper right hand corner of the page, you'll see the box for "submit a story" a circle where you picture would be, and then 3 horozontal lines. Click on the circle, that will bring up a menu, the iten second from the bottom should be "settings". Click on that and you'll see the spaces to put your picture url and other stuff. I hope this helps.