
Just ask her :) start out with coffee or lunch not feed her cheezy or sleazy pick-up lines. Don't put so much into it ..she is just a person..that you would like to get to know..and be prepared thats she could say no..she might be in a relationship ..or just not into you ..AND THAT IS OKAY :) :) Who knows you guys could make great friends and maybe later it could change ...hard to say ..good luck :) :) Kayleigh

Depends on the girl. Do you know her? Does she know you? Is she a friend already? What signals of interest have you had?
The bottom line is that if she is interested she will say yes no matter how you ask her, provided you aren't a total jerk. Just be polite and suggest going out.
If she says no, don't worry about it, find another girl who says yes. It's always nicer to date someone that is as into you as you are into them, so don't sweat the no's. At the same time she might say yes, but you never know until you try.
Don't make such a big deal out of it and it will be fine either way. You don't need help. Just go for it.

Be Genuine and Romantic.. Maybe Surprise her with tickets to a Movie or ask Her out to Dinner. Don't worry about Rejection, it will only hold you back.

You walk up to her...
You watch her in the eyes, and ask if she want's to go out with you.

Check out rsd tyler or sasha daygame or james marshal on YouTube

You guys are lifesavers. You should have your own site where you give dating avice. Thanks a lot :D