ADVICE FROM PAPA VIDEO SERIES - VIDEO 6 - Tips For Newer Users on Steemit

in #help7 years ago

Here’s another video containing some more helpful thoughts for newer users on steemit.

In this video, @papa-pepper shares some thoughts about the importance of using proper tags when making posts on steemit. One important resource that is often overlooked by newer users is the trending topics page. Many popular tags are displayed on this page and are available for use. Also, it is worth remembering that up to 5 tags can be used per post.


I hoped this one helped. The video ended abruptly when I ran out of storage space, but I was wrapping it up anyway and had already shared what I wanted to.

If there are any questions that you have or any topics that you would like to see me cover, please let me know in the comment section below. I try to help when I can, so I’ll give you an answer if I know it or can find out.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with




VIDEO 1 – Intro Posts and Commenting

VIDEO 2 – Quality and Quantity

VIDEO 3 – Comparisons and Discouragement

VIDEO 4 - Realistic Expectations and Off-Site Resources

VIDEO 5 – Consistency and Series

Thank you papa. How is your boy David ?

every single one of these videos are extremely helpful, i have learned SO much in just minutes, i do not know where to begin or how to begin thanking you besides this comment right here sir, you the best, you the man! God bless you and your family.

I just love the steem chain you have absolutely fantastic. good to hear on the new addition , i caught the post and huge blessing to you and your family. Your are such a staple here on steemit, I see great rewards for you and your family in the future. good luck in all things on this journey of life you are full of adventure

Thank you for that incredible comment. May you be blessed as you continue as well.

Is there a risk that your post will get buried quickly if you use only very popular tags? Should you use moderately popular tags instead? (less viewers, but stays up longer.)

I have thought about this aswell. I think you're very right. I try to use one or two very popular tags, and then try to find the last three 3 within the best 50-100 tags. Seems to work out fine.

I am trying to get a tag for paragliding. Not sure how to make that happen.

Nice! It worked! Thanks!

Very good idea. Smart move.

In the tags, there are four ways to look through them.

  • HOT
  • NEW

In the TRENDING and HOT tags posts from newer users woukd likely get buried, and the PROMOTED tag is where you have to spend SBDto show up, so the NEW section woukd be the most kikely place that people could find posts from newer users in popular tags.

I definitely see you point and appreciate the thought that you put into it. Whatever tags you use, I woukd still recommend 5 for newer users.

You have found purpose in your life.

Congrads with the new little pepper...

Thank you papa. How is your boy David ?

Papa, love this video series it has help me in so many ways. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks for me here at steemit. It is already very noticeable the difference in two weeks. When I first started it was very difficult to get any type of feedback or up votes on my posts. Today i am at 98 followers and reputation is at 44. I have not had big post yet. But i am going to wait on the ones that I plan on publishing for a few more weeks. Because of your video series I am one step closer to not being a newbie. Thanks for all your time. Very glad to hear that moma pepper and new pepper are doing good.

Glad to hear it, and thank you very much.

Thank you very much @papa-pepper for all the efforts you made to share these tips to us new comers. God bless you and your family.

NAMASTE @papa-pepper , how's the little pepper doing today this sunny Sunday?