Steemian @Churdtzu Detained in Mexico by Immigration.

One of Our Fellow Steemit Users @Churdtzu and Friend to Many of Us Has Been Detained in Mexico.
Whatever SBD is Raised on This Post Will Go to Help Kurt in His Defense or Return to Central America.
Below is What Happened According to Geliqua Amini Who Was Traveling with Kurt.
Kurt David Robinson was just detained by the police in the middle of the night (1:10am). He was refused the right to contact the embassy, which as we know is a global human right; was told he has to spend the night in immigration "jail" before being sent back to Australia; they even refused to let me go with him to immigration; he was denied the right to a phone calls, etc.
We were on the night bus going to Guadalajara, when the immigration police jumped on & asked for our papers. Since his visa had expired, the aforementioned occurred. They stopped the bus on the highway of Kazeta de Atlacomulco, Guadalajara in Mexico.
2 officers came on the bus, then brought on the larger & more aggressive enforcer, who started yelling at me, thinking it was my passport he was holding. I led him on for a while, trying to diffuse the situation, asking what options there were, and if we could find some kind of solution.
It took him over 5-10 minutes to realize that he was holding MY visa, with KURT's passport, telling me that I've overstayed my visa.. We're not really dealing with intelligent beings..
Like I mentioned above, they refused to let him contact his embassy, denying him his human rights. By law, even if the person in question doesn't have a phone to call their embassy, it is the DUTY of the officers to contact the embassy on their behalf. All of these rights were denied Kurt. They also threatened with physical removal if he didn't "abide by what they said". I asked several times for them to calm down and listen to what we had to say, until even the other passengers got involved in defending him. But the cops wouldn't even listen, loudly repeating the word "NO" over and over again, much like the way children argue..
I even lied and said he was my boyfriend for them to let me go with, but they made me stay on the bus to Guadalajara, and took Kurt back to Mexico City.
These are the moments we need to take action.
To speak up and out for what is right. Especially when one of our friends is being targeted.
Personally, I've been on the bus with no WiFi or phone card, which is why I'm posting this now 😕 but please contact the immigration offices of Mexico City about the laws they just broke; call the Australian embassy on Kurt's behalf; spread this post; if you're in the country and can help him with information about Mexican laws and procedures.. or anything you can think of that may help his situation.
I keep wondering how any of us would feel to know we weren't alone, if we found ourselves in a similar solution. Silence condones and enables injustice.
Geliqua Amini and Kurt David Robinson.

Tweeted please Retweet if you can.
Done... Hope he gets out fast. I have heard some horror stories from friends in similar situations there...
Thank you!
Thank you for taking the initiative!
I made retweet on my twitter.
I really appreciate it!
Retweeted !! Lets hope for the best for him! poor dude -.-
ALso upvoted and resteemed this post!
Thanks for sharing
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Well, that sucks. Mexico has the most army stops I have ever seen in a country. Not really a place you dont want to have your papers together. Any good anarchist knows you play their fucking paper game if you want to win. So sadly, I cant have that much sympathy for him. Its his own fault! even though he wasnt treated properly. He is not in his country and he is breaking their laws and rules. Its not like he was unlawfually targeted, they had every reason to kick his ass out! Just my cents, I have travelled the globe, don't fuck around if you wanna keep playing. Your only wrong when you get caught, and now he is in the wrong. If you wanna run around enjoying the world. PLay by their rules, just because you dont believe in them doesn't mean they dont. and legally I dont think they have to give you shit, they can take him straight to Mexico city for deportation. Its the law maybe he got a call there? hard to say. Either way, he made his own bed. Now he gets to lay with it.
Coooold blooded. Sounds like youre blaming the victim
Nah. Im saying there is no victim. I know what happens if i overstay my visa in the country i visit. So I DONT do it. Thats just facts. I dont consider my self a victim if i break their rules..just unlucky for getting caught.. knowingly especially! No need to play a victim card if your playing with fire and you get burned. What im gonna look at the fire like it fucked up?
Fire is an impersonal force. People have responsibility for their actions. Of course that means I could have had my papers in order, but it also means the people who did this to me are culpable.
Also, they are literally locking people up who have their papers perfectly in order. An arbitrarily rule can be arbitrarily enforced.
Consider this: which do you think is more important - a person, or a rule?
Haha you missed my point. You could have!!!?? And you should have. I have been travelling the world for many years and this is the current operating system. If you want to do it semi freely you do it by playing their games. I always have entry and exit tickets booked before i arrive and carry cash,always. I stated that it was mostly your fault. Dont bitch and complain if you get caught breaking their rules... jeesus. We were not talking about anyone elese. Just you. And. I dont have sympathy for that. ....although In the future. Probably wont be this way. We will likely see each other as a global human race. Not as forigners to the planet...But we arent their yet .So make sure your paper work is in order! Haha dont see me.complaing when i was deported from the USA for breaking their rules. Take responsibility for your lack of care.
Okay. You think I'm missing your point. I think you're missing all of my points. So we'll leave it at that.
Great, your point, was? Governments are mean! They enforce their laws and regulations. haha. Sorry mate! Your inability to follow their rules no matter waht hapened afterwards, was all your fault. Untill we all move away from that, which will take a life time, you better get used to it. In fact, I am not sure how the hell you have gotten this far thinking you can just not have your paper work in order! haha Maybe we will see you in Mexico in Anarchupulco, i mean that is of course if they didn't ban you for breaking their rules too. I just think about how much paper work and lawyer crap I have to do for a business and corporation, yet here you could have just ripped down to guatemala to get a stamp, like had you been there too long? haha common man, your point became invalid when you broke their rules, regardless. SUck it up, work harder, and make sure you have your stamps and papers next time. Than you will be fine!!
I already told you, they are literally locking up people who have their papers in order. If you think the situation is as simple as, follow the rules and everything will be fine... Well, you're just wrong, very wrong in fact. Bye
Yes, you are right I made the same mistake overstaying my Visa once and I paid for it. I just can't believe they took him to Mexico City. That seems a little rough.
If he had had enough Dienero on him, maybe a diff story. Travel with cash. In costa rica it depends which cops catch you with your papers like that, If its the Gao your fucked, if its the traffic police its like 5$ haha If he was on the wrong side of a higher police force, those guys look for baby faced white boys breaking their laws hahah
A guy in the centre told me he attempted to bribe the officials $200. Didn't matter... I'm sure a lot of people in Mexico are in a similar boat thinking they can bribe or talk their way out of it, but these immigration officers seem to be different for some reason.
Same here in Costa Rica, the more they get paid, like the GAO here, you cant afford those bribes, they usually have more training, weather its military or governmental, they are trained to enforce the laws with less likely to be bale to be bought out.... any normal day cop easy, but the higher the ranking the more difficult to buy the pride
Life hey! I hope he likes pineapples 🍍
Did you know, it takes a minimum of 18 months for a pineapple to fully mature, thats longer than a damn baby! Nature, your weird
@churdtzu life's a risk carnal
Haha. No burrito in ass action for me fortunately
Thank you for your supportive to kurt
@hilarski: My voting power is not that great. I wish i could help with this one.
@Churdtzu everything will be alright soon, don't worry!
Thanks @inviter. I'm back in Aus now, no problems
We will help as much we can ..just hang in there friend
100% Upvote and resteemed.
Upvoted and resteemed!
Kurt hang in there buddy; help is on its way.
Sounds like bad news. I was in Mexico with the YMCA in the 70's. Officers wanted to look at our luggage on top of our old YMCA bus. They said we might have TV sets up there. Of course we didn't. They wanted to be paid off. One of the leaders handed over a $5 bill and they walked away. Now days that might be $50 to $500.