Steemit: I Really Need Your Help, I am Facing Some Dire Situations
Greetings to all my Steemit friends and family.
I currently find myself in an emergent situation requiring ASAP relocation from St Cloud Minnesota to Columbus, Georgia which is where I spent a large chunk of time and it is basically my home town.
The reason is because of my own physical and mental health needs & because I need to be closer to family for emergency medical reasons.
On October 8th, I suffered a fainting episode, cause still unknown. It happened at work of which caused me to hit my head on the heating register and I sustained a concussion, short term memory loss, loss of consciousness and also had a seizure while unconscious.
I was transferred to the ER immediately. I vomited bile in the ambulance. Upon arrival to ER, I sustained ANOTHER fainting/ loss of consciousness episode with another seizure occurring during my loss of consciousness, more vomiting, as well as another concussion that required 5 staples.
I still have no memory of the fainting or seizing. Scary stuff!!
I was put on a 24 hour heart monitor as I do have a known heart condition that is a prolonged QT rhythm which is the "break" your heart takes between beats. My doctor is unsure if this is a normal variance for me because I am a runner and since running strengthens your heart, it can give you a slower heart rate and QT rhythm because the heart doesn't have to work as hard and is more efficient.
I see the doc again on oct 29th to find out if there's something wrong with my heart causing these seizures. I'm only 30 so I sure hope not!
I used ALL vacation time and was on workman comp until the 12th to cover medical. All medical bills following the 12th have to be covered by me/ my medical insurance, but mostly me.
Since I've moved to minnesota I've acquired some larger items that will not fit in my car. It is an 18+ hour drive to my destination in Columbus, Georgia.
So I need a small uhaul for my car to tow so my two fur babies can have a comfortable drive.
As some of you know, I work in physical therapy and face reinstatement fees to get my license reinstated down in Georgia, as it expired, otherwise I can't work.
I have a house lined up to rent but we all know that means upfront rent and security deposits.
I don't come from money, any and all help anyone can do I'd greatly appreciate more than you'd ever know. And one day I would love to repay the favor.
I've never done a go fund me or essentially asked publicly for assistance, but I'm humble enough to know I need help. A wonderful friend suggested it and I decided to take the advice given.
Thanks in advance to all people who are willing to help me.
Here's the go fund me link:
There's more details to the situation that cause my being here to be undesirable. Feel free to message me on discord (chelsea88 #4758) or on fb (chelsea marie) if you would like additional detail.
I have NEVER started a fundraiser for myself but as I said I am humble enough at this point to know I need others' help. I hope to repay the the favor in some form or fashion at some point in time as I appreciate each and every one of you.
I take crypto too via steem/sbd OR:
BTC: 38d8C74VdamF8JnVgJ9M8P8YfTmPfJ5tmB
Or PayPal of which you may contact me for my email. :)
I don't typically ask for resteems but if you could share the love on this one, I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it.
Thanks so much for your time and reading this.
first image courtesy of open source pixabay
Good luck with the move. I really hope everything is okay when you get the test results. 18 hours is a bloody long drive! Make sure Mousey (and your other kittens!) Have nothing but comfort on the way over.
Ive 100% upvoted, resteemed, and put $20USD towards your Go Fund Me.
As someone was in a similar situation; I know how scary this uncertainty can be with regards to heart rhythms. Please, don't let that anxiety overwhelm you.
We were painting the house when I had the almost identical issues (minus the vomiting and concussion!) And it was such an incredibly stressful time.
Be sure to take time for you. Give Mousey and your other kittens some love so that they can ignore you in return. It works with me and my cat when Im stressed.
Let me know on discord if there's anything you need. Happy to chat through some of this stuff with you.
You can find me as holoz0r#7605
GREAT idea on the cats. Lol.
I'll def have to hit you up on dcord.
Tysm for the support, you have no idea how much it means to me!!
@holoz0r sent the Adelaide Steemians or #mallsballers over here to help. I have upvoted this post.
I will see what more I can do later today.
Thx @holozor & the #mallsballers
Allright everyone, let's get this ball rolling!
This community has pulled off awesome feats of help and compassion before, so time to step up and help out here!
Chelsea is a long-time active community member and engaging publisher... and she needs our help.
Upvote and re-steem!
And remember this!!
You can also upvote all of Chelsea's comments on this post to help add value to the overall payout of this post. It's NOT going to kill your Steemit career to toss a half-dozen 100% upvotes at some of her comments!
Direct donations are great too! Like the eternal Craigslist appeals... "If everyone who reads this gave just $5.00, this would all be handled in an hour!"
Chelsea, I'm so sorry...
This really sucks, but hopefully everyone can pull together and help you out enough to make a difference! Sending lots of positive vibes your way!
(Upvoting my own comment PURELY to knock it to the top of the list for visbility)
Edited to add: Additional fundraising post here:
Thanks so much @denmarkguy
There's more to this story that I can't publically say involving another mistreating me. That's all I can say.
It has been a major shit storn for sure. Tomorrow i go find out what's possibly causing my health maladies
I did an internal transfer in my company, the manager hired me over the phone. Though my last day of work here is the 28th,i get my keys to my new cute house on the 9th after i put down the deposit.
I am actually utterly aghast at what the community here is and has done for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your thoughtful remarks and encouraging comments!!
AND MAKING A FUNDRAISER FOR ME. im in tears. I've been dealt many a rough hand in life but to be a part of a community willing to help like this, i'm simply so thankful
You're welcome sweetie... wish I weren't quite so financially precarious, myself or I could help out more!
I figured there was probably something "beneath the surface," but not mine to poke around in. I hope your move and travel (with the furbabies!) goes smoothly.
I'm being gaslighted and enduring abuse. I'm about to blog about it. Thank you again SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME
Team Good Alpaca loves this post! Nomnomnomnom!

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gave you a 100% upvote, sent over by Battleaxe and I’m
in steemusa. many prayers sent your way to assist in guiding your situation with peaceful intentions.
eagle spirit
<3 thank you, Chelsea is top notch,,, I hope all goes as smoothly as possible for her
Thanks @battleaxe AND @eaglespirit
One day I'd love to repay this kindness in due time as able. You both ROCK!
Resteemed. Asking for help can be super hard. Glad I saw this on Teamgood. Sending love, courage and abundance to help you on your journey. 💞
Thanks so much! Yes and it's always been extra hard for me, but humility is a good trait and i'm working on improving if it!
I resteemed this article. Do you know @fundition?
Posted using Partiko iOS
No i wasn't aware of it.... let me look into. I am posting an update soon things have gotten worse. Thanks so much btw!
After this, Have you seen it? @fundition
i really do like the warm support you are getting from steemians!
Yes i'm BLOWN AWAY. I can't even begin to explain it. ... no words
I love you steemians
So sorry to hear all this I have resteemed to help and will also give a tip! since upvotes are so weak
I REALLY appreciate your kindness and generosity perhaps more than you will ever know!!!!!❤
Just helping in my own little way :)
And it means the world. :)
I don't know who you are, but I feel for you, as I know how not being well is.
I've been studying health for a while now, as allopathic health is a scam IMO.
I'm just throwing things out there to see if we can rule out some things.
I upvoted you & hope to be able to give you something later on. I know how it is. Don't be ashamed to ask for help.
We should ALL help one another.
Be well.
There's no official diagnosis yet, i will learn more monday when i see my pcp.
Right now it's getting labeled as vasovagal but that is NOT official
Yep plenty of blood tests run, no abnormalities.
Probably no 5g towers as this is a small college town.
I have asthma, if there were mold i believe my asthma would've akready "told me"
Been here for a bit over 6 months.
Thanks for concern and helpful things to consider!
Such a scary situation to be in so young, I hope the medical side gets dealt with quickly that's something you really do not need hanging over you at such a young age. I hope my upvote and resteem helps get you the support you need.
#thealliance #witness
Thank you very much for the support and encouragement, means the world!