#7thSeptember 1974 – The Day #Qadyanis Declared Infidels… BUT WHY?

in #hello6 years ago

#7thSeptember 1974 – The Day #Qadyanis Declared Infidels… BUT WHY?

Jon Elia says, “Bohat se logon ko parhna chahiye, mager wo likh rahe hain. (Alot of people should be reading, but they are writing instead)” Sometimes I wonder, he must have said it about the facebook jihadis and comrades. On my timeline only, everybody has an opinion about everything, especially when it comes to politics and religion.

Like most of the people I grew up to the fact that Constitution of Pakistan declares Qadyanis non Muslims and like most of the people I had 4 questions:

  1. Who is a Qadyani and why are they called kafir if they claim to be Muslims and even recite Kalima?

  2. How come a leftist and socialist / communist Bhutto did that? How come whole parliament was convinced to not only pass the bill but made it the part of constitution?

  3. If we have considered them a minority then why are they looked down upon, unlike any other non-Muslim in our country, Christians, Hindus, Paris, etc.

  4. Lastly, what are we supposed to do about it?

First question led me to pages of history:

“Mirza Qadyani emerged as an Islamic scholar, preacher, debater in 1870s. 1880s was the period of his fame due to religious debates with Hindus and Christians. His shot to fame was offering Queen to accept Islam in one of his gatherings in Lahore. He was highly regarded after his challenge to blasphemer Abdulah Atham in 1893.

Mirza Qadyani was a remarkable debater and speaker. He used to regularly participate in religious gatherings and impress the crowd with his communication skills. During 1880s he started calling himself 'Sahib ul Ilham' (The one who receives revelations) in his first book ‘Braheen-e-Ahmedia’. It was a self proclaimed designation and was enough to pave way for his ultimate mission. Gradually he started calling himself 'Mujad'id' then 'Muhadis', then 'Misl-e-Masih' (like Hazrat Isa), then 'Masih Ibne Maryam' himself, then 'Mehdi' then 'Imam-e-Akhri-uz-Zaman' (Imam of last times) and then in 1901 he finally declares himself the Prophet.

After criticism from religious community he came up with logic of 'Bazor Nabi' or 'Zilli Nabi' (follower / deputy Prophet). Being shrewd and capable of amazing speaking skills he continued participating in gatherings and debates, bringing new logic to support his claims and even denouncing what is written in his own books. He was even seen erasing excerpts of his own books during a debate and asking scholars 'Hor kuch mere laiq' (anything else for me?). Still he never let go of his revelations title because that was the base of his false world.
Mirza had ‘Fuqaha’ / Scholars and ‘Sufis’ both as rivals. Until and unless he claimed to be Mehdi and Hazrat Isa, scholars didn’t come out against him aggressively. Mirza had debates with Molana Sana Ullah Amartasri, Molana M. Hussain Batalvi, Molana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi and Molana Ghulam Dastagir Qusoori etc. Mirza had two strengths, his debating skills and use of media (at that time printing press). As soon as any debate finished books and banners started coming out claiming his false success stories. Unfortunately Ulamas were against printing press at that time. That trend continued today. After inception of Television they had their channels.

Mirza knew that most of the common people are associated with Sufis as compared to scholars / ulamas. He decided to influence them and use them. There were two main Sufi institutions at that time, Hazrat Ghulam fareed of Chachran Shareef and Pir Mahar Ali Shah of Golran Shareef. Mirza started writing letters to Hazrat Ghulam Fareed. He used to praise his poetry. He claimed to be a servant of Islam. Hazrat Ghulam Fareed was a kind hearted man and used to reply with love. He used those letters for publicity and endorsement.
In 1897 a delegation headed by Molana M. Hussain Batalvi met Hazrat Ghualam Fareed and gave evidences against Mirza. Unfortunately Hazrat Ghulam Fareed passed away in 1900 and much couldn’t be done.

Scholars eyed Pir Mahar Ali Shah as last ray of hope. Scholars from all school of thought Sunni, Shia and Ahl-e-Hadees went to meet him and asked for his help to counter this Fitna.

Pir Mahar Ali Shah wrote ‘Shams-ul-Hidaya’ to expose Mirza Qadyani. It explained the arrival of Hazrat Isa in the light of Quran and ahadees and categorically termed the claims of Mirza as wrong and based on falsehood.

Mirza wasn’t able to answer. Instead he challenged Pir Sahab with a ‘Mubahalah’ (A debate challenge. In Islamic tradition it refers to the ancient ceremony of mutually and formally calling God's curse down upon whichever of the two parties was not speaking truthfully).

Qadyanis started a promotional campaign ‘Chalo Chalo Lahore Chalo’ to watch the debate between Mirza and Pir Mahar ali Shah at Badshahi Masjid Lahore.

On 25th of August 1900 Mir Sahab with leading scholars of subcontinent reached Lahore. Thousands of people gathered at Badshahi Masjid including Qadyanis. They waited on 25th and 26th but Mirza didn’t show up. On 27th of August huge gathering was arranged at Badshahi Masjid and speeches were delivered against Fitna of Mirza Qadyani. 60 scholars from every school of thought signed a petition / fatwa on ‘Khatm-e-Nubuwat’ stating Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) is the last prophet and anyone who does not believe in it is a ‘Kafir’ / non muslim. Many Qadyanis presented at that time repented and converted to Islam.

In 1907 Molana Sana Ullah went to Qadyan and challenged Mirza for debate but he didn’t show up. It was the last nail in his coffin. This defeat made him angry and he became offensive. He started calling Molana Amartasri and Molana Batalvi, Abu Lahab and Abu Jahal.

In the return of Molana Amartasri’s challenge he published an ad with a prayer, asking Allah that whoever is wrong may die of diarrhea or plague in the life of opponent. Ad was followed by a prophecy that ‘India’s Abu Jahal’ (Molana Sana Ullah Amartasri) will die in 1908. This Prophecy was also published and widespread. Posters were also published forecasting the death of Pir Mahar Ali Shah in the same year. When Pir Mahar Ali Shah was told about Mirza’s prophecy about his death he, he said that ‘Zindagi aur maut to Allah ke hath men hai mager yad rakhna Mirza apni hi gandagi men gir ker marey ga’ (he will die in his own shit).

Allah’s decision came in May 1908. Diarrhea was chosen for Malo’on Mirza Qadyani. He was was in Lahore on 25th of May 1908 and after dinner he fell ill complaining loose stools and vomiting. His medic Hakeem Noor uddin was called and diarrhea was pronounced. Following to this Dr. Muhammd Husain Shah Lahori was called and injection was given. On 26th May 1908 he died of diarrhea.

His body was taken to Qadyan for funeral and ultimately biggest fitna of sub continent presented before his creator. Ironically Pir Mahar Ali shah sahab lived for next 29 years and Molana Amartasri lived for next 40 years serving deen and spreading the light of Islam.

After Mirza’s death his followers were divided into two groups, ‘Lahori Group’ and ‘Jamat-e-Ahmadia’.”

Above mentioned facts blew my mind as I was aware of none. It pretty much answered my second question too but I was curious to know how a Bhutto and his socialist government agreed upon this law?!

After Pakistan’s creation Ahmedis / Qadyanis left Qadyan and moved to Pakistan. They considered it an opportunity. They developed Chinab Nagar / Rabwa and made it headquarter. Since then they have made it to key public positions and becoming part of multiple conspiracies against Pakistan. By 1955 they were on their peak. Books, Job offers, social work, educational institutions were some of the tools to move forward. Even Quaid appointer Sir Zafarullah Khan as Foreign Minister who was notoriously involved in Gordaspur conspiracy (must be shocking for desi liberals but Gordaspur is the only area with an access into Kashmir from India. Being close to Qadyan, it had a Qadyani majority. Zafarullah Khan, instead of presenting it a Muslim Majority area, presented it separately and said it was as per the direction of the head of his Jamat which he could not deny. Gordaspur went to India, so does Kashmir and rest is history. He didn’t even offer Namaz-e-Janaza of Quaid, stating his golden words, “You can consider me a Muslim minister of an infidel state or infidel minister of a Muslim state,” and that too in 1948, 26 years before the law was passed.) Cutting it short, they made it to key positions and like any other cult, found conspiring against state and Islam and preaching their religion freely.

In Pakistan 1953 was considered as a key period for campaign against Qadyanis. Molana Ata Ullah Shah bukhari, Molana Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi and Molana Modoodvi made a lot of contributions to counter this Fitna. They were even sentenced death penalty by Military courts which were taken back on Islamic countries’ pressure.

On May 29 1974 Muslim students were tortured by Qadyanis in ‘Rabwa’ Incident created wave of concerns among masses. On June 30 1974, Molana Shah Ahmed Norani submitted a resolution in National Assembly to declare Lahori group and Qadyanis Non Muslims.

Mirza Nasir Ahmad, then head of Qadyanis, called to parliament. After his speeches, Mufti Mahmood was assigned to hold the question answer session. The debate went on 13 days, logically ending on exposing beliefs of Qadyanis, terming them non Muslims and making it part of constitution.
Recalling Mufti Mahmood Sb says, “It was a tough task for me. Mirza Nasir entered the assembly wearing white suit, turban, holding Quran, reciting Durood and verses.

Mufti Sb drafted a questionnaire and following discussion took place between both on first day of question answer session:
Mufti Mahmood: What is your faith regarding Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani?

Mirza Nasir: He was an “Ummati (Follower) Prophet”. Ummati Prophet is the person within followers of Prophet Muhammad who reaches to the place of prophet-hood due to complete submission.

Mufti Mahmood: Had revelations (Wahi) been sent down to him?

Mirza Nasir: Yes.

Mufti Mahmood: He has written that whoever doesn’t believe in me, weather he has heard my name or not, is an infidel and out of the circle of Islam. Considering this, 700 million Muslims are infidels?!

Mirza Nasir: Yes they are infidels but minor infidels. There is a reference about minor infidels in Bukhari too.

Mufti Mahmood: But Mirza has written “Pakka Kafir” (firm infidel)?

Mirza Nasir: It means firmness in their infidelity.

Mufti Mahmood: Going forward, he writes out of circle of Islam, but a minor infidel doesn’t get out of circle of Islam?

Mirza Nasir: He’s out from few things but not all.

Mufti Mahmood: It also says they are bound to go to hell (here parliamentarians were shocked). Has anybody, before Mirza Qadyani, become “Ummati Nabi” (follower prophet).

Mirza Nasir: No.

Mufti Mahmood: That means for us Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) is the last prophet and for you Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani is last prophet.

Mirza Nasir: He was devotee to Prophet Mohammad and it was his abilities that he became “Ain Mohammad” (just like him). (Astaghfirullah! Could it be more blasphemous?!)

Mufti Mahmood : Mirza Qadyani has written about his books that every Muslim can see them with an eye of love, accept them and get benefits from them, except the children of “Baghaya” (prostitutes) ((ذزیتہ البغایا ) whose hearts have been sealed by Allah, they do not accept me.

Mirza Nasir: “Baghaya” means disobedient.

Mufti Mahmood: “Baghaya” is in Quran in Sura-e-Maryam.

Mirza Nasir: That’s “Bagh”

Mufti Mahmood: That’s only a difference of plural and singular. The term has also appeared in Tarmizi. I bet you cannot use the word in any other meaning (On this Mirza Nasir was speechless).

The debate continued for 13 days, 11 days with Rabwa group and 2 days with Lahori group. Every member was convinced that Qadyanis consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani a Prophet and do not believe in “Khatm-e-Nubuwat”.

A committee was formed on 22 August 1974 to draft the law and categorically make the infidelity of Qadyanis, part of constitution.

Finally on 7th September 1974, Pakistan settled this issue once for all!

This leads to my third and fourth questions that if we consider them a minority why do we look down upon them unlike any other minority in the country and what are we supposed to do about it?

Answer is that Qadyanis are not just a simple case of non Muslim community. They are “Murtid” and “Zindeeq” (the one who turns his back from Islam after accepting it or projects his infidel faith as Islam). Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani was lucky enough to appear in British Rule as if had been a Muslim country; he would have been awarded death penalty. (You can Google what Islam has done with false prophets even since the time of Prophet himself).

For a “Murtid”, he is given 3 days to seek answers and revert to Islam and if not then death penalty is awarded. Our state has declared them Non Muslims only and given them all the rights as non Muslims except they cannot preach and call their worship places; Mosques.

Being a Muslim we are supposed to take care of their rights but scholars from all schools of thought categorically order the social boycott of Qadyanis. It includes no social and financial relationship with them.

To sum it up, it is all about faith and ones love for our Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H). As a single heart cannot have love for Yazeed and Hazrat Hussain (R.A) both, a Muslim cannot claim to love his Prophet with love for Qadyanis.

For world, faith has been and always will; be an illogical theory. Atif Mian is a small thing, you’ll be mocked for not accepting interest, homosexuality, alcohol and list goes on. Question is what price are you ready to pay for the so called success in this world?!

People ask me if Atif Mian should be in EAC or not? I say there are two approaches to its answer, religious and logical. Religiously, would you hire your father’s enemy just because of his credentials? Qadyanis are enemy of my prophet!
Enough said, logically, Atif Mian has a conflict of interest with Pakistan, a person who does not accept the constitution of Pakistan, he is an advisor to Mirza Masroor, he is part of think thanks with anti Pakistan sentiments and policies, he is on record about rolling back our nuclear program and foregoing Kashmir, he is an advocate of IMF programs which are already bearing fruits not only in Pakistan.

Bat ye hai ke bhai gunahgar log hain, qabar aur jahanum samne nazar arahi hai, aik akhri sahara Allah ki rehmat aur Ap Sallalaho Alaihi Wa Alehi Wasallam ki shafaat ki ummed hai. Ager wo bhi hath se chali gai sirf is bunyad per ke hum khatm-e-nubuwat per hamla kerne walon ke sath khare the to barbad hojayenge.

May Allah forgive us all and help us find the righteous path leading to success in this world and hereafter! Ameen.#7thSeptember 1974 – The Day #Qadyanis Declared Infidels… BUT WHY_.png


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