Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 5 – Yes, Virginia, The Earth is Hell

in #hell6 years ago (edited)

Until now I have felt as though my letters have contained some very simple information on what it takes for you to live a happy life. It really is that simple; embrace love and truth with those you deal with regularly; release positive energy into the universe and it will return to you ten-fold. Now I’m afraid I have to rip off the band aid and be as completely honest with you as I can. Knowing what you’re up against is the only way to have a completely happy life. Where it becomes complicated is when you try to understand exactly how evil this world is, and how they extract your value from you, and all of us. Once you do understand how the world really works you will understand the evil that is continually trying to manipulate your thoughts.

Please don’t get me wrong. Ninety nine percent of the people on this planet are good humans and have absolutely zero desire to cause harm to anyone. It’s the one percent of the population that feels like they have a divine right rule over us and confiscate whatever assets we accumulate. It’s a sickness that we must recognize. We cannot be lazy, and trust what we are told by the powers that be. People who ascend to the level of power are nothing more than highly-functioning sociopaths. As you know, I believe very strongly in the forces within the universe, and that we are subject (or benefit) from them. There are very few people on this planet who relentlessly try to soak up as much of the world’s wealth as they can; much like a black hole that swallows all energy and matter that strays within its reach. When you realize that these same people are the most prolific pedophiles, rapist, and murderers on the planet, it’s clear that their hearts are as dark as their wealth hoarding souls.

There is enough wealth on this planet to feed and house everyone here; ten times over. I’m not referring to the trillions of printed fiat currency. I’m referring to true wealth of resources. Fiat currency is merely the vehicle by which the powers that be move control over those resources into their possession/control. They print it at will, and purchase those resources because they don’t want to keep paper dollars/euros/yen/yuan/rubles, etc. They also control the population by continually devaluing fiat so that we who must live by it are forever on the treadmill of life trying to catch up to an ever-devaluing wealth we work so hard to secure during our lifetimes.

All you must do is step back from the everyday life we’ve been forced to participate in, and made to feel a sense of pride, and ask yourself some simple questions about the things you witness day-to-day. Allow your mind to operate on a universal level; pushing away the thoughts caused by the distractions of everyday life fueled by the fiat system. Connect your mind to the universe and the infinite possibilities contained therein.

Let’s begin with the most basic element of our existence. We are merely one of a thousand species of animal that populates this planet. Survival is the most basic instinct of any of those animals, and no one would blame any of those animals for hunting and killing for survival. I’ve watched as alligators allow prey to move past them without attacking. This is because it is not feeding time. They take only what they need. Step back and look at what the human animal does to each other on a daily basis. Realize that the entities that build weapons utilizing the precious resources of this planet have but one purpose, sell those weapons to both sides of all conflicts; for profit! It doesn’t matter that millions of people are murdered each year by these weapons. Enriching themselves is their only goal. War is for profit, period.

It’s been well documented that several United States entities were prosecuted after World War II for aiding and abetting the Nazis, but that was never taught in any history class I took while in government operated schools. Although World War II ended seventy-three years ago, it is the same families that are still raping the planet for personal gain. They traffic and sell drugs to our children 1) for profit, and 2) to weaken the resolve of the population as a whole. It was done to the Chinese during the opium wars by US interests, and now it is being done to our own population. All of this can be traced across generations.

Every politician has been bought off in order to give multi-national corporations the right to extract as much money from us a possible. We are crop-dusted so that we get sick and are forced to buy their expensive and often ineffective healthcare. It makes you realize why the Nazis did all those medical experiments on the Jews in concentration camps. US pharmaceutical companies have leveraged that knowledge into billions in annual revenue. Understand who controls the healthcare industry and you can put a name and face on evil.

When you are in a relationship, as in we all are with the government, and one party is constantly lying it creates an imbalance that is palpable. This frustration grows over time and people reach the point whereby they react to mundane situations with anger on the scale of a tragedy. That is the dark energy that consumes the global elite seeping through the system they’ve created for their benefit into the lives of the good people on the planet. We must shake it off and move through life and the universe embracing positive energy.

The powers that be know that we the people out-number them. That is why they actively pit us against each other. i.e. black versus white; men versus women; Muslim versus Christian/Jew. Imagine what we could accomplish if we united to take back our planet, and did so with hearts filled with love?

What we as humans need to realize is that ultimately the earth is like Schrödinger’s principal; the earth is simultaneously hell and heaven. Once we take control from the evil that controls the world, we can enjoy heaven on earth.

It only took me five decades to realize what evil truly controls this planet, and that came from a constant questioning of my circumstances; which I had no control over.

If you are going to be a beta personality, there will be an alpha that fills the void you leave, and as we have seen it will be evil. Any person to whom you cede your power to make decisions on your behalf will embrace a delusional perception of themselves as deserving of riches beyond that of those they represent. All we need to do is look at royal families and understand how much wealth they control; wealth that could be used to solve a lot of the problems of those they “rule” over. All while the media conglomerates they own spew propaganda about how these families go through such difficult times in order to humanize them. Bullshit! These people aren’t human and definitely are not deserving of our energy. Along with welcoming infinite love into your life, you must be prepared to fight for your mere survival on this planet because that is all the black-hearts know. Embrace the joy you will experience once your availed of the miracles in this universe. Therein lies the paradox of our existence here on earth.

Until we meet!

Love, Papa