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RE: It is time to remove all Chametz for Pesach. I am removing other things too.

in #hebrew7 years ago

Thank you! Yeah, I'm still working my way up. Haven't made it "big time" yet. It just means I get more experience learning to be humble.
Although I'm rather sarcastic on some people's posts about random things, I really believe that your message is important. I've had numerous things in life that have taken precedence or priority over God. They might be fun for a time, but even if they're not bad,they're still not His best for me... which is relationship with Him. It's a process, but I also get to experience His grace in the times when I fall short.

Yes, God never said that money was evil. He said that you can't serve Him and it. I look forward to you getting those photos. I'd like to read that article. You seem to have a very grounded and authentic view of God.

By teach rather than preach, I'm assuming that you mean something like "coming alongside people and helping them" rather than "speaking from a soapbox for anyone who will listen." Is that close?


Yes. That is exactly what I mean. There is an old saying, "If you are not walking with the Almighty as closely as you once were, guess who moved?"

He doesn't move in and out of our life. Our choices make, even small ones, sometimes are the start of a slow walk away from Abba.

The beautiful part of it is that even if we choose to walk away... even if it's for years, He still welcomes us back with open arms. It's not a system where He keeps score and adds up our points and demerits. He just wants relationship with each of us. Even if we keep walking away, He'll take us back.

And if we don't get things quite right, that's ok too as long as we're walking with Him. David is a great example of this. Every time he messed up, he went right back to God, and God always took him back. The same is true for us! :)