in #heartchurch2 years ago


And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be grateful. (Colossians 3:15)

Have you been praying for the Lord to show if what you want to do is according to God's will? Let the peace of Christ guide you and help you find the solution.

If you start to carry out what you plan to do, but do not have peace about it, give up your plans, because you will not have peace in your life and you will be far from having a healthy life.

However, remember that you must be sensitive and pay attention to the inner counsel of the Holy Spirit and the restlessness or peace He puts in your heart. Don't expect the Lord to appear to you one morning and roll you out of bed and tell you what to do; He usually won't talk to you like that. The main way he will communicate things to you is through what the Bible calls internal testimony.

That is why it is necessary for you to be always attentive, you cannot afford to be always busy with the things of the world. You must make time for the Lord and to pay attention to Him.

Another aspect to watch out for is the dispute. If you are irritated and upset about life's issue, it will be very difficult for you to discern the counsel and still voice of the Holy Spirit.

So do what the verse quoted at the beginning of the text says at the end: Be thankful and full of gratitude, and it will be much easier for you to hear the "arbiter of peace" when He makes the call.


Never forget. In silence the voice of God is heard! And this is the one that brings the peace that passes all understanding, therefore, do not seek an explanation, just follow it and forget the anger.

GOD bless you greatly.