Jesus saves from destruction
Then Zacchaeus, standing up, said to the Lord: Behold, Lord, half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have disappointed someone in something, I return it quadrupled. 9 Jesus said to him: Today salvation has come to this house; because he also is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. Luke 19: 8-10 King James Version (KJV)

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Greetings, friends of the HeartChurch community. It is a pleasure to share a message of spiritual building and strengthening of faith.
Man's number one enemy is Satan. The ministry of this Machiavellian being is to steal, kill and destroy. This work began with Adam and Eve, and maintains their plan of destruction to this day. However, in Scripture we find that Jesus did not come to lose the souls of men, but to bring them salvation.
Salvation comes from God as a plan of liberation from the slavery of sin and condemnation to eternal life, through the sacrifice that God allowed in Christ Jesus so that man can enter the kingdom of heaven.
The biblical portion at the beginning of this message tells us: "10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
Zacchaeus and his family were under condemnation because of sin, and now in Christ they find salvation from the impending destruction that sin casts into perpetual condemnation.
The fundamental role of Christ remains the same today, which is salvation by faith.
Jesus not only saves us from our sins, but from every Machiavellian work of destruction that the enemy plans against us.
This is the time to keep our faith strong in Christ and be guaranteed eternal salvation, despite all the attempts Satan makes to divert us from the path of salvation.