I Offer You My Heart.
Once you strip the armor you'll find a build sheet, serialized and lubricants indicated. It is my Heart, comprised of 2 pieces.
Some say it's an old Heart to a young Soul, but age is relative. It's been on deep dives to come back alive. It's been taught to soar but not how to land, left to crash in an open field, or into a mountain's side.
Digging deep into the modern realm, diving beyond the OSes, be it a window, or Torvald's latest iteration, into the assembler and past Hexadecimal before reaching the binary, single layer, comprised of 1 and 0.
I offer you my Heart, and should you accidentally break it, worry not, I can make it. As you can see there's not much holding the pieces and once broken in 2, I can weld it back together. Better yet, I can forge it into Damascus Steel, of a thousand different layers, with hues of electric Cobalt, to contrast that yellow flower.
An addition for your Kitchen's tool drawer:
For Suki.
Brother, I'm sorry to see how you keep getting negative votes and your posts are hidden. This is very unfair.
However I see that you are still publishing.
Greetings my brother. Hugs!
This was my latest post. They want to drag me back into a flag war, their mistake, because I'm going to give away as much of "their" Steem as I can possibly get a hold of. Abrazos!
This was my latest post. They want to drag me back into a flag war, their mistake, because I'm going to give away as much of "their" Steem as I can possibly get a hold of. Abrazos!
This was my latest post. They want to drag me back into a flag war, their mistake, because I'm going to give away as much of "their" Steem as I can possibly get a hold of. Abrazos!
This was my latest post. They want to drag me back into a flag war, their mistake, because I'm going to give away as much of "their" Steem as I can possibly get a hold of. Abrazos!
Fuck! Not even your comments are published.
I could see them from steemd, in steemit you can't see them.
Sorry to know this is your last post.
I hope to find you on another platform. Do not stop looking for me please.
Let´s Write!
Ironic that this platform would actually run off some of the people that actually paid for Steem to be here. This latest attack again proves this point 100%. Reason given for flagging me? None!
Discord: onno#5732
I can send it to your wallet too, should you not find it here. Abrazo!
All the flags I can see flown on this post are from one person with a horde of bots: Bernisanders. He has a lot of stake, but he is not the community. Sadly, there seems to be some sort of alliance or cabal with Stinc and certain consensus witnesses he is in, which degrades Steem terribly.
I note much rhetoric from them about how valuable investors are, and then see actions such as this flagging of actual investors that reveals the truth about that rhetoric: it is empty words.
Do not lose heart. They can't flag that away, anyway.
I'm fully aware how it works here and who is what, but I'm walking away with the greatest gift I ever got. I was disappointed to see pages of flags again, but what I gained, they can't take from me. Your time and support, very much appreciated. Thank you!
Yeah hey wait a sec... we are the investors? WTF are they thinking trying to drive us investors and users away?(Instead of the real bad plagiarists and bad bid bot abuse posts?) Hopefully dumbbell realizes he has his priorities all in a wack!
i´ll see you at discord
Really beautiful post Onno, you are one of a kind my friend. <3 xo
Hi there Lynds' I knew you'd show up, you always do. Thank you!
Defended (100.00%)
Summoned by @flagveterans
Sneaky Ninja supports @youarehope and @tarc with a percentage of all bids.
Everything You Need To Know About Sneaky Ninja
He is back to downvoting you even though you stay off of his toes? Wow man. Just wow. And this is why it is worth it. People get too comfy just because they fall under the radar.. but loss of freedom for some.. leads to loss of freedom for all.. and that is why I fight.
Anyhow take care.
I've done enough thank you. It's their Karma not mine.