SLC23-W4 | Breakfasts

in #healthycooking-s23w47 days ago (edited)

Hello friends,


I decided to change my diet to improve my health this year by focusing on my wight which is gradually increasing monthly. We believe in eating healthy meals daily. But it is not really like that. So let's see some perfect breakfast ideas. Thanks to Teacher @nahela and @franyeligonzalez for sharing knowledge in this regard.

01.1st Breakfast: Prepare a breakfast with eggs as the main ingredient, identifying the macronutrients present in the dish. (Information in Course #1)

My first egg include breakfast was egg scrambled and boiled vegetables.



  • Egg 02
  • Carrot (small 2)
  • Potatoes (small 1)
  • Extra virgin coconut oil 1 tsp
  • Lettuce


  • First I cleaned carrot and potatoes and boiled them.


  • After that, take a little extra verging coconut oil in the pan and after it gets hot, add the mixed egg.

  • Then add some salt and pepper to it and make the egg scrambled.

  • I used lettuce for a green item.



scrambled Eggsvitamins A, D, B12, riboflavin (B2), folate (B9), and choline, as well as minerals like selenium, zinc, and iron
boiled carrotbeta-carotene (which the body converts to vitamin A), potassium, vitamin C, and biotin.
Boiled potatoescarbohydrates fiber, potassium,vitamin c and contains smaller amounts of other minerals like folate, niacin, and manganese.
Extra virgin coconut oilsaturated fat, including lauric acid, and contains no cholesterol or fiber. It also contains trace amounts of vitamins, minerals, and plant sterols
lettucelettuces contain a significant amount of vitamin A, along with small amounts of vitamin C and iron.

02.2nd Breakfast: Make a breakfast with egg as the main ingredient and add a bread substitute. (Information in Course #2)

I thought of making a nutritious egg omelet with bread for the 2nd breakfast idea.



  • Egg 02
  • Grated cheese 2g
  • Leeks
  • Carrot
  • Salt and paper
  • Tomatoes
  • Plums



  • I added egg to carrot, leeks and grated cheese.

  • After that, I added salt and papper to it and put it in a pan with a little butter and fried it

  • Then bread slice and fresh tomatoes and plums were used for it.


I think this will also be perfect.


cheese and vegetable omeletteprotein, calcium, vitamin D, iron and potassium.
breadcarbohydrates, providing energy, and also contains protein, fiber.
Dry plumsfiber, potassium, and vitamin K.
Extra virgin coconut oilsaturated fat, including lauric acid, and contains no cholesterol or fiber. It also contains trace amounts of vitamins, minerals, and plant sterols
fresh tomatoesVitamin A, Vitamin K , folate ,potassium ,fiber and lycopene.

03.3rd Breakfast: Prepare a breakfast with eggs as the main ingredient, analyzing the ingredients in your dish. (Information in Course #3)

I chose mash potatoes and boiled egg with vegetable salad as the 3rd breakfast idea.



  • Egg 02
  • Potatoes (medium 1)
  • Salt and paper
  • Extra virgin coconut oil 1tsp
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • tomatoes
  • Onions



  • I boiled potatoes and egg first.

  • Then mash the potatoes and add salt and pepper to it.

  • Then cut the vegetables for the vegetable salad and added a little extra virgin coconut oil, salt and paper and mixed it.

Now the breakfast is ready to go to the dining table.



boiled eggsource of lean protein,amino acids, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin),Vitamin B12 (cobalamin),Vitamin B5
Vegetable saladvitamin c, fiber, vitamin k, potassium ,vitamin A
mashed potatocarbohydrates, fiber and contains Vitamin B6, niacin, folate, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Extra virgin coconut oilsaturated fat, including lauric acid, and contains no cholesterol or fiber. It also contains trace amounts of vitamins, minerals, and plant sterols


I would also like to invite @kyrie1234 @sohanurrahman and @dirapa, to participate this contest.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.