SLC23-W4 | Breakfasts

Healthy cooking and eating are both important part of healthy living. The pass three weeks has been an interesting and exciting weeks of learning about macronutrient groups, diets, habits and substitutes and also nutritional labels of processed / ultra processed products.

SLC23-W4.pngDesigned on Canva

I will proceed to the tasks of the week;

1st breakfast: Prepare a breakfast with egg as the main ingredient in which you identify the macronutrients present in the dish

Ingredients for 2 people's portion

IMG_0290.jpegRaw ingredients

Sweet potatoes5
Fresh tomatoes4
Olive oil2 tbsp
Maggi2 cubes
Onionsmedium size
Fresh pepperdesired quantity
Curry½ tsp
Thyme½ tsp
Preparation Procedures

Step 1: peel, wash and cook potatoes using moist heat method (only salt was added to the potatoes). While the potato is boiling, prepare other ingredients.

IMG_0291.jpegCooking process

Step 2: Using the combined method for preparation of egg sauce; heat up the pan, add olive oil, sliced onions, fresh tomatoes and fresh pepper then cover to boil.

IMG_0294.jpegAdded onionsIMG_0295.jpegAdded fresh tomato and pepper

Step 3: add maggi, salt, curry powder and thyme then allow the ingredients to boil in.

IMG_0297.jpegAdding maggiIMG_0301.jpegCooking

Add a little dried pepper and maggi to the egg and mix properly ( optional to add maggi and pepper). Pour the mixture to the pan and cover for the egg to cook well.

IMG_0303.jpegAdding eggIMG_0304.jpegReady

Below is the final result;


Identification of Macronutrients present in the dish;

Egg: Recommended protein
Potato: Recommended carbohydrate
Olive oil: Recommended fat

2nd breakfast: Make a breakfast with egg as the main ingredient in which you add a bread substitute

I will use oat as a bread substitute while egg will be my main ingredient for just one person's portion;

IMG_0273.jpegRaw ingredients

Avocado pear2 tbsp
Oat2½ tbsp
Coconut oilSmall quantity for greasing of pan
Preparation Procedures

Step 1: pour the oat into a bowl, add avocado pear into it and mash together. Pour whisk egg and mix properly.

IMG_0276.jpegMashing avocado and oatIMG_0278.jpegAdding eggIMG_0280.jpegMixing

Step 2: add a little coconut oil to the pan, heat it up then pour the mixture inside, wait for at least 45 seconds before flipping it. Make sure the gas flame is on low heat.

IMG_0282.jpegGreasing the pan with coconut oilIMG_0284.jpegAdded mixtureIMG_0285.jpeg Flipped to dry

Below is the final result; slices of fresh tomato and lettuce were used for garnishing.


The ingredients used for this recipe are all healthy and well recommended; good protein (egg), carbohydrate (oat) and healthy fat (avocado pear). After having this as breakfast, water can be used to complement this healthy meal.

3rd breakfast: Prepare a breakfast with egg as the main ingredient in which you perform an analysis of the ingredients present in your dish

From the last course, I have understood the importance of nutrition label, portion, how to interpret the information table and how to differentiate between good and bad ingredients which includes preservatives/ additives.

I will share the recipe of pan cake using the following ingredients;
Egg, potato, onions, lettuce, butter, dried powdered pepper and salt

IMG_0309.jpegRaw ingredients

Preparation Procedures

Step 1: mash boiled potatoes, add all the ingredients (onions, lettuce, pepper, and salt) together except butter. Mix egg and pour into the mashed potatoes and ingredients then give it a good mix.

IMG_0312.jpegAdded ingredientsIMG_0313.jpegAbout to whisk eggsIMG_0316.jpegAdding egg

Step 2: after mixing, set the pan to heat up and add butter then pour the mixture and allow it to dry up.

IMG_0320.jpegMixture is readyIMG_0321.jpeg Grease the pan with butterIMG_0324.jpegFrying

For this tasks, I made my recipe with the healthy ingredients I'm familiar with and can easily interpret the content.


This breakfast was just for one person's portion and it contain the following;

Protein: egg
Carbohydrate: potato
Fat: butter
Vegetable: lettuce

Serving size
Sugar: 0 grams
Salt: ½ tsp
Trans fat: 0 grams

The saturated fat in this meal is butter and there was no preservative added because it was a-one time meal.

However, it was served with a processed product which is home made ketchup ( crushed tomato in form of sauce).

I have come to an end of this week's tasks, it was amazing to reflect on the previous courses. Thank you dearest teachers, see you both next week!

I will invite @dequeen @chant and @mvchacin to join the class.
