SLC23-W3 | Nutrition labels||
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Greetings and blessings to All my lovely steemins friend 😊
Assalam o alikum friends welcome to my blog I am @sualeha from Pakistan it's pleasure for me to participate in Healthy Cooking course after understand the lecture of this week about the healthy and unhealthy ingredients and labels of the product check before buying any food products just because of very informative lesson taught by our lovely teachers @nahela and @franyeligonzalez so guys let's start my task that given in course.....
Have you ever been interested in checking the labels or ingredients of the products you buy? Did you know their importance or did you know how to interpret them? Explain your answer.
Well the truth is that I never ever pay attention by Checked the labels and ingredients of the products when buying products honestly !!!!! but after read and understand the lecture content it's open my eyes how important the Labels and nutritional value of products that we purchased and consumed blindly may be unhealthy choices we picked for ume purchasing only happen when my family liked the taste of the product or fimilar that's it ,not wanted to checked any read details about the products written on the back 😞
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I just focused on the manufacturing date and expiry date of the products that's enough for me but after studied this course, I think I will have to see carefully a product to also check the labels and ingredients tables .
As I said above I did not know the importance of checking these details on products I saw the complicated names that were never fimilar so I will just ignore it and focus on only expiry date so far .In short I admit that do not always pay 100% attend to these details on products by me .
Share 2 images where we can see a processed product and an ultra-processed one and explain why you classify them that way.
Process food
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As a processed product I would like to take for example the Deen,s cheese that available in mozerrela and cheddar as well I discussing about the mozzarella with you, since its ingredients are few, and easy to understand to me there is good amount of protein less in carbohydrates,due to sodium and fat constant not purely recommended as a healthy , and yes adding preservatives made it more longer to used but not healthy that I realized that it is not among the recommended options either. This product is made from milk or dairy products so it's healthy and good source of protein and calcium as well , which was processed to change its preservation , but if we look at the label of the ingredients it contain fats so it's not completely healthy if you added in more enough in your daily menu.
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The label of the ingredients shown the sodium and fat conant but high in protein made it healthier as a processed food
An Ultra processed food
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For an ultra processed food I dare to share here the product had many children and teenagers crazy lovers it's Cheetose ,made from corn 🌽,the snacks having high amount of preservatives,sodium ,fat , carbohydrates, artificial food colour and saturated fats I classify it this way as a ultra processed food list because when I checked the ingredients I found several preservatives and additives that are not recommended.
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The ingredients label that shown on back of the products it's high in Sodium , saturated fats and carbohydrates with additional food colour which were orange in colours ,extra preservatives made it ultra processed food that not recommended as a healthy product,the Glucose syrup,flavouring and food colour (E129 ,E160b ) , cornstarch, anti cracking agent [E551,552 ] and long list of chemicals added in 18 GM of this pack .
Share images of a HEALTHY product where its "ingredients and nutritional table" are clearly visible. And make a small analysis or interpretation of that information (ingredients and table). High temperature and certain methods that used in large snacks industries made it even more harmful.
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For healthy product I like to share here the example of Ponum gram flour before I discussing about the healthy ingredients and nutritional information let me tell you about gram flour.
a type of flour made by grinding dried chickpeas, widely used in Indian , Pakistani cooking
In Pakistani cousins the frequently used for bread ,snacks and different recipes,it's really good in taste and loaded with many benefits for our good health when I ,this product contains no artificial food colours ,any kind of preservatives , cholesterol,low in sodium and trans fats , having dietary fibres ,potassium, calcium and iron .
Let's discuss in detail about the percentage I find out on nutritional table of the product
Nutritional table of the product |
Cholesterol 0% |
Sodium 2% |
Potassium 22% |
Dietary fibres 40% |
Total fats 10% |
Calcium 3.2% |
Iron 25 % |
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No preservatives and additional artificial colour added in product so I recommend as a super healthy product that used by me in my daily cooking .
Share images of an UNHEALTHY product where its "ingredients and nutritional table" are clearly visible. And make a small analysis or interpretation of that information (ingredients and table).
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Well I am sure we all consumed mayonnaise base spreads that we bought from market that cantained many unhealthy ingredients,for this time I share the Young,s chicken spread as a unhealthy ingredient product.After checked ingredients and nutritional table I got surprised when saw the total fats is 23% it's too higher..... Not recommended.....
Ingredients and nutritional table |
Total fats 23% |
Sodium 5% |
Vitamins 0 .9 |
Carbohydrates 0% |
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High amount of fats , artificial preservatives ,food colour and sodium made it unhealthy product ,well I read the ingredients list in detail then I explored that product having potassium sorbate (kind of preservatives), soyabean oil /vegetables oil and food starch E1450 all these are recommended as a unhealthy ingredient that product containing so I will avoid to buy again after saw the details reviewed of the product just because of this week lesson participation 💖,other wise I never paid attention on all of that matters seriously specially when I groceries (Food products).
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Make a "SNACK" with the "HEALTHY PRODUCT FROM TASK 3" and explain why it is a good option for you (SHOW INGREDIENTS, STEP BY STEP AND FINAL RESULT)
I share here the healthy recipe Golden balls in which I used nutritional ingredients Gram flour boiled potato and green veggies,the star ingredient as I discussed as a healthy product in task three ,well the mustard oil is easily available and cheaper option for me as compared to olives oil we used for frying balls so guys without ado let's move on our healthy snacks task I hope you may like it as my family loves to eat as a snacks .
Golden balls
Ingredients list
S:no | Ingredients | Quantity | Images |
1 | Potato | 1 large /boiled | ![]() |
2 | Gram flour | 1 cup | ![]() |
3 | Spring onions | 2 tbs fine chopped | ![]() |
4 | Mustard oil | 4 tbs | ![]() |
5 | Salt | as per taste | ![]() |
6 | Turmeric powder | 1tbs | ![]() |
Step by step procedure
Step :1
By first I washed the potato with water then boiled in a pen till it became soft then peeled off the skin and mashed it then added fine chopped row vegetables and powder spices in mashed potato and incorporated well all ingredients .
Step :2
Take a bowl added salt and turmeric powder in gram flour make runny batter with water for coating the potato bolls .
Step :3
Now made a round shaped bolls of all mixture .In a bowl 🥣 made runny batter from gram flour,dipped the balls one by one to thin coat of gram flour on potatoes bolls then fried in few amount of mustard oil on both sides . Mustard oil is cheaper and healthy option instead of soya bin or processed oil .
Final presentation of my healthy snacks
My yummy and healthy snacks ready to eat I served it with my homemade tomato 🍅 ketchup.The easy and pocket friendly Ideal for small portions on my recommendation please try out this healthy snacks recipe.
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Why it's good option for me
Well the best thing is that I always tried to made different healthy snacks for my children from gram flour infact it's available any time in our kitchen and good nutritional value as above I shared in detail in task 3 ,these golden bolls ideal for children school lunch boxes and also as a evening meal,easy and quick cooked,I usually made these balls accompanied with my strong tea ...
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At evening time add home made healthy snacks in daily meals because it's free from preservatives and other chemicals that used for processed food for made them unhealthy, but not good so enjoy the fresh, crispy and healthy snacks and keep you fit ....
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Well guys to finished i promise my self to follow the healthy product while purchasing and will see all ingredients table and label not just only expiry date of the the last I would like to invite my friends @drhira ,@suboohi ,@dasudi ,@lirvic and @chant to participate in learning challenge SLC post link share here.
So guys it's time to leave please remember me in your prays waiting for your valuable feedback see you soon with my new blog.