SLC23-W3 | Nutritional Labels

It's another week of interesting course in healthy cooking class. Learning about nutritional labels will not just help us to shop smartly but to eat healthy. This particular course outline is an eye opener for us all because there are more to just checking the products' names and paying for consumption.

SLC23-W3 | Nutrition labels.pngDesigned with Canva

Now, I will proceed to the tasks given;

Question 1: Was it ever of interest to you to check the labels or ingredients of the purchased products? Did you know their importance or did you know how to interpret them?

Checking the labels and ingredients of the products I'm purchasing only happen when it is a new product. Once I'm familiar with a particular product, I don't bother checking it except when a new product tastes nice that's when I will be interested to scan through the ingredients for trial. Too bad of me!

IMG_0084.jpegAn example of healthy product (just few ingredients)

After getting to study this course, I think I will have to use the same energy used in checking manufactured and expiring date of a product to also check the labels and ingredients.

Honestly, I did not know the importance of checking these details on products especially on the nutritional information. I did not also know how to interpret them. Once the information looks complicated, I will just ignore it and focus on whether it is approved for consumption or not.

Therefore, I will say that; I do not always pay 100% attend to these details on products.

Question 2: Share 2 images where we can observe a processed product and an ultra-processed one and explain why you classify them that way

Processed and ultra processed products are same in terms of being altered from their natural form but what really differentiate them from one another is the fact that; more ingredients ( both natural and artificial) and preservatives are usually added to ultra processed products during manufacturing process. Processed products are simple and it is more healthier.

IMG_0094.jpegProcessed product: Plain yoghurtIMG_0101.jpegIts ingredients

Plain yogurt is an example of processed product. Using Habib yoghurt for example, this product is made with just three natural ingredients ( treated water, whole milk and sugar syrup). No preservative or artificial color is added.

IMG_0097.jpegUltra-processed product: cream crackers

I will use CREAM CRACKERS snack as the ultra processed food. Cream crackers are made with different ingredients and it goes through further processing during the manufacturing process.

Question 3: Share images of a HEALTHY product where "its ingredients and nutritional table" are legibly evident. And make a small analysis or interpretation of that information (ingredients and table)

Healthy products are simple and easy to detect from my understanding in the class. Example of healthy product is corn flakes.

IMG_0091.jpegCorn flakes

This is made with just corn, no flavors or artificial colours were added during the manufacturing process. When the ingredients are few and familiar, then the product is considered healthy.

IMG_0090.jpegNutrition information of corn flakes

Nutrition information: from the table , you can see the typical value per 100g and the consumption portion which is 30g to be served with 125 ml of milk.

Going down to the energy content which includes; protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, sodium, vitamin and minerals.
For a portion of this product to be consumed, the protein is 6.5g. For the total amount of carbohydrate per serving , I will subtract the amount of fiber to get the accurate carbohydrate.

Under per serving, I have 25g of carbohydrate and 1g of fiber.

Therefore, 25-1= 24 grams of total carbohydrate.
The sugar content is just 5g which is considered okay for the health.

From the table, I noticed that this product contain a good fat which is saturated fats.

Sodium is not in excess too (0.7g) suitable for 100g product.

The vitamins and minerals listed are beneficial to the health.

Question 4: Share images of an UNHEALTHY product where "its ingredients and nutritional table" are legibly evidenced. And make a small analysis or interpretation of that information (ingredients and table)

I will be sharing peanut butter as my unhealthy product. The actual reason I consider this as an unhealthy product is because of the ingredients used. Fully hydrogenated vegetable oil was added to the product and it is said in class to avoid such products completely.

IMG_0085.jpegPeanut butter

The serving quantity under the nutrition facts is 2 tbsp which is (32g). Peanut butter is used for sandwich, bread spread, combined with cucumber or garden egg.

IMG_0086.jpegNutrition information of peanut butter

  • The calories content is 190
  • Total fat 16g
  • Carbohydrate 6g
  • Fiber 2g
  • Sugar 3g
  • Protein 7g
  • Sodium 125mg

Question 5: Make a "SNACK" with the "HEALTHY PRODUCT OF TASK 3" and explain why it is a good option for you (SHOW INGREDIENTS, STEP BY STEP AND FINAL RESULT)

Using the healthy product ( corn flakes) in question 3, I will share a recipe for delicious snacks;

IMG_0105.jpegRaw ingredients

Ingredients Used
  • Corn flakes
  • Egg
  • Coconut oil
  • Lettuce vegetable
Preparation Procedures

Step 1: wash and slice lettuce into smaller pieces.

IMG_0107.jpegSlicing vegetable

Step 2: crush the corn flakes into tiny pieces but not completely powdered form. Add egg and mix.

IMG_0109.jpegCrushed corn flakesIMG_0110.jpegAdded egg

Step 3: Add 1 tsp of water, mix and add sliced lettuce vegetable.

IMG_0113.jpegAdding waterIMG_0115.jpegAdded lettuce

Step 4: Give it a thorough mixing, heat up the pan, grease with a little coconut oil. This is not deep frying so I made sure the oil was very little.

IMG_0118.jpegAfter mixing thoroughlyIMG_0119.jpegHeating up coconut oil

Step 5: add the mixture into the pan, fry on low heat flame and flip for the other side to dry as well.

IMG_0120.jpegAdded the mixture into the greased panIMG_0123.jpegFlipped

In less than 30 minutes, my yummy snack was ready.

IMG_0129.jpegFinal result

Thank you dear teacher for the detailed lecture on nutritional labels. See you next week!

I will invite @mvchain, @chefdanie and @eliany to join the class.


A very healthy meal you have prepared, the step by step preparation is detailed and well understood for others to prepare.

You really take time to explain the labels of food you captured.

Wishing you success in your entry

Thank you for your positive comment 😊

You are welcome 🤗