SLC23-W1 | Let's learn about macronutrients.


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Learning is a process and am happy I was part of the knowledge acquiring process. Wow am so thrilled by the teacher's explicit explanation in class, though its my first time in class. Which means I do miss alot.

I heard the teacher said:

"Eating healthy is expensive", "Eating healthy is unpleasant", "Eating healthy leaves me hungry"...

This was my perception and also some Africans when it comes to eating healthy. Thanks to my teacher for helping me change such a mindset.

Based on what you have learned in this class, do you think you have been eating a healthy diet? Explain your answer.

I would say No because I was raised to know that eating healthy is luxury and doesn't matter, but what matters is eating to stop your rumbling stomach and holding down the warms so that they won't finish your intestine. That's funny right but that it.

I grow up with such mindset couple with the economy situation which made me pay little or no attention to healthy eating.

Share 1 image showing a recommended protein versus a non-recommended protein and what cooking method you typically use for each.


Recommended ProteinNon Recommended Protein
Boild eggFried egg sauce

Method of Cooking

For the boild egg, I cook it in water for some minutes till it comes to a boil.

My Egg sauce: I fry eggs, with some vegetables like onions in a saturated fat.

Share 1 image in which we can appreciate a recommended fat versus a non-recommended fat and explain how you normally consume it.

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Recommended fatsNon Recommended fats
Mackerel FishIndustrial oil

I like my Mackerel fish steam, roast or fried. Any method of cooking is okay by, so far it is tasty.

I fry anything i want to fry with my Industrial oil.

Share in images dishes (at least 3) that you normally prepare at home, identify the macronutrient groups explained in class, evaluate them according to what you understood in this class and explain whether or not you would change the way you have prepared them. (STEP-BY-STEP PREPARATION IS NOT NECESSARY)

I do prepare this at home more often:

*Jollof rice with boild egg


This is one of the food we mostly eat at home. Its easy to make and also taste good. That's why me and most people in my household love it.

My teacher taught me that Industrial oil is not good for my health. So instead of me continuing in this unhealthy eating, I will rather go for the healthy ones. Which stop eating fried foods with much processed spices.

MacronutrientIts identity
ProteinBoild egg
FatIndustrial oil: groundnut oil

*Yam and egg sauce


This is another appetising and mouth-watering food, it's mostly for breakfast in my home.

Concerning what I have learnt in class, the above is not a healthy diet because it stores some calories in the body, thereby making one sick.

MacronutrientIt's identity
  • Fish soup


As delicious and nice as it looks, it is not healthy because of the fried method used. Which has decrease or dried up the essential nutrients in it.

I will try not to fry this meal when next i cook so that the essential nutrients there will be intact

MacronutrientIt identity
FatRed palm oil

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