SLC23-W1 | Let's learn about macronutrients.


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It is my pleasure to take part in this week class and I learn a lot from the class.

I so much appreciate this statement in the lecture course and in fact it motivated me as I find out that I need to sit up when it comes to dieting.

we want you to make the effort to change limiting beliefs like: "eating healthy is expensive", "eating healthy is unpleasant", "eating healthy leaves me hungry"... We are going to work for 6 weeks to change habits and support each other in the process. Are you ready?

Yes I'm ready, I'm going to challenge myself to learn and practice this one so as to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

I'm a victim of this most especially when it comes to carbohydrate, I don't really pay attention to it.

Based on what you have learned in this class, do you think you have been eating a healthy diet? Explain your answer.

I don't think so.

For the sake of availability, I've been failing a victim of eating processed diet although I understand the benefits of eating healthy food. But die to some circumstances beyond my control, in most cases I do eat some foods that are not really healthy once in a while.

Another reason why I eat processed food is because I am not actually living alone and so when preparing food for my family they may choose some processed food for a particular meal time or either cooked it or buy it for launch or dinner. In some cases when there is no other option for me I am always tempted to join them in the meal, I'm trying hard to make everyone in the family to eat healthy and I hope there will be improvement soon.

From the lecture I have been reminded and I also see the need of avoiding this unhealthy diet so as to live healthy to rule out some certain chronic disease that may either occur now or in the future.

Share 1 image showing a recommended protein versus a non-recommended protein and what cooking method you typically use for each.

Beans and fried chicken

Recommended proteinNon-recommended protein a
1000205511.jpgLegumes: beans1000179706.jpgProteins fried in industrial oils.

Cooking method used

For beans; I have different cooking method I used in cooking beans. I enjoyed it best porridge with ripe plantain with veggies as seen in the image above. Basically, I do make akara cake, moi moi or beans flour for any other meal.

Then for the Proteins fried in industrial oils; it is basically frying,I don't use the oil in cooking. But I used it in frying chicken, egg, fish or any other protein that needs frying.

Share 1 image in which we can see a recommended fat versus a non-recommended fat and explain how you normally consume it.

1000340771.jpg Vegetable oil1000340420.jpgmargarine

Cooking method used

For the vegetable oil - refined from palm; I used it in both frying, baking and cooking. If I'm cooking porridge plantain I used it as my oil, when frying any protein or making tomato stew, cooking rice, yam or even sauce I used it.

For margarine; I used it for baking, and in most cases for frying as well.

Share in images dishes (at least 3) that you normally prepare at home, identify the macronutrient groups explained in class, evaluate them according to what you understood in this class and explain whether or not you would change the way you have prepared them. (STEP-BY-STEP PREPARATION IS NOT NECESSARY)

I love learning anything that has to do with diet or will I say food? It is because I enjoyed it when I pay attention to my diet so as to live healthy and I enjoyed it when others are doing so as well. With this reason, I don't joke with learning more tips about the food I consume always.

Therefore with regards to this task I selected some meals that I usually prepare at home to identify the macro nutrients and evaluate them.

1Vegetable sauce with boiled eggs and boiled yam


CarbohydratesBoiled yam
ProteinBoiled eggs
FatVegetable oil

This meal is a total package of healthy diet, the green veggies in it blend with the nutrients. There is no non recommended ingredients in the meal, just as explained on the lecture. Such a meal is what is highly recommended to consume as healthy diet.

2Jollof rice with fried chicken


Proteinfried chicken with industrial oil
Fatindustrial oil

As seen above, this meal looks appetizing right? Yea but it is not really healthy.

Anyways this is African jollof rice it is prepared with vegetables such as tomato, chili pepper, red bell pepper, onion, and carrots and any other veggies of your choice.

I think it would have been better if I used vegetable oil to fry my chicken and then add enough veggies to the rice to give minerals and any other thing that the body needs in order to stay healthy.

Therefore the recommended oil would have been olive oil for the frying and for the rice.

3Pepper soup chicken


Proteincooked chicken
Fatchicken oil

This is called pepper soup chicken. It is always prepared well and I could say it is one of the healthy meal. The reason is because of its ingredients, it is prepared with much healthy spices and fresh scent or curry leaf. Spices such as curry thyme or rose Mary, cloves, ginger, garlic, onion etc.

It can either be eaten this way or with rice, yam, or any carbohydrates.

Well, the knowledge gained in this lecture really worth the time.

I will like to invite @dequeen @adylinah @lovinah to take part in this contest.



I love your presentation of how we should maintain eating healthy food also trying to Cross check our daily meals to make sure we dont mistake an unhealthy food to healthy food and also try to be self disciplined because most of the unhealthy food looks so appetizing just that the protein you added above.

Thank you for the invite.

Oh I appreciate your comment and observations, looking forward to see your post

You are welcome.

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@tipu curate

It’s great to see your enthusiasm for learning about macronutrients and making healthier choices! Your meal evaluations are insightful, and it's nice to see your commitment to improving your diet. Keep up the good work, and best of luck with the contest! 😊💪

Thank you I appreciate your commendation

You’ve explained in details how you understood the course outline and it was interesting/ educative reading through. Sometimes, we follow our cravings and ignore the fact that some foods are unhealthy 😀

I wish you success in the challenge. Thank you for the invitation, I will share my entry soon.

Lols thank you for your best wishes, I appreciate.

We need to work on that cravings a d do the right thing now hahaha

Looking forward to see your entry

Amiga estuvo buena tu presentacion tus fotos quedaron geniales y se el esfuerzo que hiciste al prepararlas y todo el gasto que te conllevo.

Pero algo que a mi me enseñaron los cursos pasados fue haber leído bien las reglas para no cometer ningun error, todos cada día tenemos algo que apreder sé que te va a ir mejor en las clases que vienen 😉