Gymnastics That Keep Your Body Fit And Active Throughout The Day

in #healthsquared7 years ago (edited)

Exercise and physical activity are the key to a healthy, fit, and active body. For people who are lazy to move, when hearing the sport alone has become a scary thing for them. Yet to keep the body fit and active, we do not need to apply a professional athlete's sport style. If consistent, any light sport will surely have an impact on our body to become more fit and active.

Many people choose how to travel out of their homes to make their bodies fit and active, for example, people who ride mountain bike, go to gym, etc. Maybe for people who do not have a lot of money will be their obstacles in doing the sport so that their bodies stay fit and active. Actually, many ways we can do to maintain our precious body. The sport that I do this is a sport that is easy to do by everyone, ranging from children to adults and classified as a very cheap sport. Surely you can apply this sport at home and can also be done wherever you are.

Gymnastics floor is one form of exercise that is effective for the core muscles of the body, and does not require special equipment. You can do this exercise at home, without having to pay for membership in a fitness center that may be expensive. In addition, this exercise can also support your overall fitness.

The core muscles in the body consist of the abdominal muscles, the back muscles, and the pelvic muscles. It is important to have a strong core muscle because it is beneficial in supporting the body perform various physical activities. In addition, with strong core muscles, the body will have a good balance and stability.

Here is a gymnastics floor that I always do at home in the morning before I work.


Lay your body, then bend the knee to resemble a triangular shape. Then tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your hips up to be in a straight line with your knees and shoulders. Hold the position for three times, take a deep breath before returning to its original position. Repeat 12 times.

When performing this movement, keep your back position always in neutral position, not curved or too pressing the floor.
Benefits of bridge

Stretch the spine, the abdomen, hips, back, and chest. Strengthens the thighs and buttocks muscles. Can relieve lower back pain, support relaxation and relieve stress. Can improve the digestive system, improve posture and increase confidence.

Push Up

Position your body like the right Push up, but in this way your knee as a place of support. Stretch your hands on the floor straight with your face forward and your legs crossed. Lower your chest slowly to the floor and return to its original position.
Benefits of push ups

  • Tighten Muscles
    Doing a good and right push up will tighten your muscles, especially on the arms, chest, and abdomen.
  • Increase Confidence
    By doing regular push-ups it will increase your confidence, because the increased vitality will make you confident in every appearance you. In addition, by doing push ups of 50 to 100 times will certainly make you believe that if you are strong, then you will be confident.
  • Burn Calories
    Obviously by doing push-ups, your body will need a lot of energy, then the energy is taken from your fat reserves, for that push-up can be a good choice to burn calories in the body.


Another name of this movement is one-handedness. To do so, lie on the right side of your body. Then lift your body by resting on the right arm, ie on the elbow and forearm. Position the shoulders perpendicular above the elbow. Make sure your shoulders, hips, and knees are in a straight line. Hold the position for three times, inhale deeply. Do not forget to tighten your abdominal muscles. Repeat this movement on the left side of your body.

In addition to strengthening the side muscles of the abdomen and shoulder muscles, this movement also train the balance of the body.

Side plank
Standard Plank

Benefits of plank:

  • Flatten a distended stomach
    The benefit of the first plank is to flatten the distended stomach. To overcome a distended stomach try to do regular exercise plank every day for approximately five minutes. In a few weeks you can already see the result that the stomach looks more flat than before.
  • Train your abdominal muscles
    Abdominal muscles also need to be trained by using exercises that are in accordance with the procedures of the plank sports. Abdominal muscles are trained it will make the stomach to be flat and six pack.
  • Improve posture
    The habit of sitting and standing that is not true it will change the posture of the body to be wrong. Because the wrong posture when you are elderly can be a compilation illness like a pinched nerve. Therefore if you want to improve your posture to be better then do the plank sports.
  • Maintain digestive health
    Digestive health is closely related to the food that enters the body. Healthy digestion also has a positive impact on the health of the body in the long term. One of the sports that can be tried is a useful sport of plank to maintain digestive health.

Side Lunges

Spread both legs shoulder width apart. Straighten your back and arms against each other in front of the chest. Body should be relaxed and eyes looking forward. Step forward right leg, at the same time, your hips are moved down and your knees bent at 90% angle. Go back to the starting position and repeat the movement with your left foot forward.

In addition to step forward, lunge can also be done with another style that is by stepping back. This method is usually known as the backward method. Lunge is usually repeated 10 times. Although only performing easy and light movements, but this lunge has various benefits.
Benefits of lunges

  • Strengthens Thigh Muscles
    Holding your feet in a lunge-like position can help strengthen the thigh muscles, especially the quads. When the right foot moves forward, the stronger and stronger is the right thigh muscle, and vice versa. Performing lunge on a regular basis, can help the thigh muscles become strong.
  • Strengthen Calf muscles
    Calves are a tired part of the body when the feet are used for long walks or running. Strengthening the calf muscles with the lunge, unconsciously can help strengthen the calf muscles. So calf muscles are not easily tired when used to walk away or run.
  • Forming the buttocks and thighs
    Lunge that some women do very well to maintain body shape. By doing lunge, buttocks and thighs will be formed. This will cause a woman to look more sexy, because the thigh muscles and also the buttocks are formed. So it has a nice body shape.
  • Balancing the Body
    When performing the lunge, the body will become balanced. Lunge is done by strengthening one side of the body, and then alternating. This can help the body achieve balance when done regularly.
  • Strengthens Abdominal Muscles
    Although the stomach does not move, but unconsciously, while holding the body with the feet, the stomach will also get its effect. When the muscles of the lower body hold the weight of the body, the stomach also helps support the upper body and abdominal muscles are also formed.
  • Strengthens Back muscles
    Doing lunge usually must be balanced with a straight back. By straightening the back and holding the load with the leg muscles, it will affect the back to keep the back muscles maintained and stay healthy.
  • Restore Body Fitness
    Overall, any movement on the lunge can have a good effect on the whole body. Lunge done right, will help the body to stay bigar and stay healthy.

Sport is one of my hobbies. That's the sport I do every day to keep my body fit and active throughout the day. By doing this exercise on a regular basis will certainly keep us away from the pain. But keep in mind, do this exercise properly and correctly, because if we do it wrong then our bodies will be injured resulting in pain in the body. In addition, to get a fit and fit body we must consume healthy foods and drink enough.

This is the science I can share for steemians to keep your body fit and fit. Let's stay healthy for your better life.