How to wake up earlier and become a morning effetely person?

in #health7 years ago

How many times every morning, after you heart the alarm, you turn it off then continue sleeping? Haha, like me before, many.
After many times like this, today I am going to be giving you just some tips and little ways that you can become a morning person. Now typically I am somebody that has been a morning person for pretty much as long as I can remember even being a kid. I remember I get up super early and just going downstairs and making breakfast and watching kid shows but as you get older, you know you stay up later and there’s more stress in your life and it just become so much easier to hit the snooze button and sleep until noon. A study showed that over half of Americans said they were at their personal best between 5 am to noon. I am not telling you that you have to get up at 5 am but I am telling you that most people tend to be getting, the most done or the most efficient or just feeling the best between those hours. So if you get up earlier, you might get more done and it turn be happier person. You might even just feel more positive and happy successful. Another study showed that people that get up earlier in the morning tend to be more optimistic and proactive, meaning that they get more thing done than the average person that sleeps in. So if you are somebody that totally not a morning person and likes to sleeps in, then this is article for you, because just adding this little change onto your life might make you feel better, more positive, more optimistic and just get a lot more stuff done. I am challenging you that if you are the type that stays up all night and sleeps in all day to give it go, give it a try and see how it makes you feel.
Some tips and tricks to become a morning person:

  1. Keep your alarm away from your bed
    This is not only better for you to not sleep with your phone but also just keep it another side of the room forces you to get out of bed so that you have to go over to turn it off. And then once you’re already up and out of bed, it’s so much easier to just stay up versus roll over and go back to sleep
  2. Go right outside and get some fresh air
    That’s instantly going to wake you up. Getting the daylight on your face or sunlight on your face, it’s just make you know it’s morning and it just wake you up
  3. Making my bed
    This is a habit that might take you a while to get into if you’re not someone that normally makes your bed but making it right away keeps me from crawling back inside and going to sleep
  4. Go in 15-minutes intervals
    Just slowly ease yourself into getting up earlier so if you normally get up at 9, get up at 8:45 and then 8:30, and then 8:15 and then 8 o’clock and just keep going until you get to the hour that you really want to start getting up at and this is easier make and not so much of a shock to your system or shock to your body. Getting up so much earlier than normal doing it 15 minutes early each and every single day will make yourself ease into it
  5. Change your alarm to something that isn’t so annoying and won’t make you so grumpy when you wake up.
    I changed mine to some of my favorite songs and I like to change mine up a lot so that I’m not always waking up to the same thing every single day and it’s so important to skip this snooze button. Snooze button will cause you to fall back into a sleep and then make yourself come back out of sleep again and doing it over and over again. It is going to trick your body into thinking you’re going back to sleep when you’re not. So you’re just going to end up feeling more tired than you were before. So just get up when your alarm goes and try not to hit the snooze button or else
  6. Have a little morning routine
    That maybe something to look forward or someone that you love. Do whatever you feel like doing that day but it’s just something you always looking forward to, so it kind of helps you get out of bed in the morning
  7. Exercises
    I’m somebody who recently really loves running in the morning but if you don’t have time for that, even just 15 minutes of stretching is really going to wake up your body and stretch out your muscles and get yourself moving for the day.
  8. Don’t skip breakfast
    This is going to give you the boost of energy you need in the morning and just it’s going kickstart your metabolism and it’s going to make you feel a lot less groggy
  9. Try getting to bed at a more decent hour
    You will get enough sleep and create yourself a little sleep regimen and sleep cycle and try and stick to it

Those were all of my tips on how to be morning person or early riser. I really do challenge you to try it out and see if it makes you happier. It ends up being so much better for you.