Health Seemingly unhealthy 8 habits, the first one may cause cancer!

in #health7 years ago

Some habits in daily life, seemingly hygienic, but in fact harmful to the body. You probably have these habits before!

Food wrapped in tissue paper

For whitening, many manufacturers tend to use fluorescent whitening agents in the production of paper.

When the optical brightener and food (especially fatty foods) contact, the higher the temperature, will accelerate its migration to food.

Oral intake of optical brighteners, the body is not easily broken down, long-term intake will accumulate in the liver, resulting in potential carcinogenic factors.
Dry the tableware and fruit with a towel

Urban tap water in our country is purified and disinfected, and the utensils and fruits washed with running water are basically clean.

On the contrary, the towel attached to a large number of bacteria, rubbed with a towel, will cause secondary pollution.

Immediately after getting up stacked quilt

When sleeping, people will discharge a lot of sweat, get up after the quilt stack up, perspiration left in the quilt, will create a good living environment for pathogens.

Over time, not only the smell of sweat, affect the comfort of sleep, but also on the body is not good.

After getting up, the quilt should be turned over, stand 10 minutes and then stacked up, it is best to dry once a week.

Will be spoiled food and then eat after heating

Some housewives do not want to waste, they will be spoiled food again after high-temperature boiling cooked food, thinking that this will be able to completely eliminate bacteria.

Medical proof, bacteria toxin secretion is very high temperature, not easy to be destroyed decomposition.

Remove the rotten part of the fruit and eat it

Some people encounter a rotten part of the fruit, put rotten part 剜 get rid again, thinking that this will not be a problem.

In fact, even if the rotten parts are shaved off, the rest may have introduced harmful metabolites of bacteria and even microbes begin to multiply, such as carcinogenic molds.

Although the fruit only rotten part, or throw away as well.

Disinfected with wine tableware

Some people use liquor to wipe tableware to disinfect.

In fact, the degree of medical disinfection of alcohol is 75%, while the general liquor alcohol content ≤ 56%, simply can not achieve the purpose of disinfection.

Cover the food with a gauze cover

Although the gauze can prevent the flies from falling onto the food, the eggs staying on the gauze can easily fall from the gauze and contaminate the food.

The best food wrap a layer of plastic wrap, and then into the refrigerator.

Long-term use of the same drug toothpaste

Some toothpaste drugs have some inhibitory effect on bacteria. However, long-term use of the same drug toothpaste, oral bacteria will gradually adapt to and produce resistance.

Therefore, toothpaste to be replaced regularly.