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RE: Making my ORIGINAL RECIPE of Immune-Boosting FIRE CIDER 🔥🌶️

in #health5 years ago

This sounds awesome. Funny, while I read this, I thought the idea was to drink it as a shake, like a whole glass of it. Then, near the end, I found out that you only take a spoon or two when your resistance is low, haha! Which makes me wonder, why not take a spoon a day to keep the doctor away ;>)

Um abraco and thanks for sharing. I am probably gonna give this a try one day soon. Not sure if I have the patience to wait a month before I try it though. How important is that?


Hey @vincentnijman! Oghhh the idea of a shake sounds really...bad tasting!! so powerful I bet I wouldnt drink it.

Now that I'm readind your comment I realise I didnt insist much on writting to many references on how to take it or when because I focused mainly to recommend it as a preventive natural remedy in order to boost our immune system. But YOU ARE SOO RIGHT!! This medicine is to take it daily because it has all the amazing ingredients which are so powerful and make so good to our well-being. It's a health habit in my health routine and it's on top of the list when it comes to good health habits to make.
And yes, I hear you with the waiting. It sucks and I hate it too! I don't know, maybe you can start drinking the thing right away but for sure the health benefits wont be the same. Because it takes time for the food ingredients to release their powerful compounds in the liquid. STEEPING it's a process and depending on the used ingredients, the timing can differ.

Thank you for your support and I really hope you make it cause it's one of the best natural medicines ever!
P.S. Read @riverflows's coment to this post! She really said it all!