Coffee Enemas for Pain control, Health and Detoxification

in #health7 years ago

Enemas since time immemorial have been a powerful cleansing and detoxification method available to humans since ages

Coffee enemas have a history of over 50 years.

Used Rightly, Coffee Enemas can be a life saver.

you might have tried so many fads, trends be it vegan, paleo, organic, vitamins, supplements, meditation , yoga, running, and might have found varying results from it:

Coffee Enemas have been practiced and researched a lot: a simple google search throws up interesting bits of information any time you choose

how Coffee Enema works:

The Coffee enema should be taken first thing in the morning upto 15 mins preferably while lying on the right side to enable the internal veins to absorb the same

The caffeine in the coffee is absorbed through the hemorrhoid veins and carried onwards to the organs like liver where it acts like a catalyst speeding up the toxin removal process by inducing the blood to expel toxins faster in 15 minutes while the blood passes a couple of times through the liver, gall bladder expelling excess secretions and toxins from the organs thus acting as a natural blood purifier.

it also helps in cleaning out the colon, small intestines, boosting the livers functionality.

A properly done Coffee enema is helpful in mitigating

stress, digestion, brain fog, mental clarity, constipation, increased energy, heals illnesses, liver detoxification, Increases bile secretion, cleanses the colon, gives relief from pain, relieves headaches, migraines, removes harmful bacteria which produce toxins in the body.

overall to conclude,

Try it, its cheap and safe for most people, please do consult a doctor, most holistic doctors recommend it as a part of their treatment plan and can be done at home

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Thank you.