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RE: Should Vaccinations Be Mandatory?

in #health7 years ago

Whether you wish to vaccinate or not is your decision and should be protected at all costs. If you do not read a lot of research please consider this simple formula to help make the decision.
If someone or group is trying to get you to buy something or take something even if it is for free please take a moment to step back and think about whether this individual, group or organization is making millions to billions of dollars off of your decision, then maybe they do not have your best interests in mind. We all know to well that money talks!
We all talk about how bad bullying in our society is and yet we allow it from the medical associations, governments both local and national, media by trying to brain wash ideas into your head. I know first hand that their are doctors and nurses out there who will vaccinate your kids but will not vaccinate their own. Why, because if they try to voice an opinion different to the associations they belong to they will be chastised very badly. The pharmaceutical companies bully the medical profession, the medical profession bully their doctors, and the doctors and nurses then bully their patients. What ever happened to free speech or opinions without fear of reprisal.
Lastly please try to keep well in formed and not just from your medical doctor or nurse.
Remember to ask who did the research article and who paid for it and did they get some financial benefit from it. This will tell a lot about how trustworthy the research is.