Doctors Show Common Vaccine Likely Worse than Getting the Disease It's Suppose to Stop
The Physicians for Informed Consent is a group of doctors dedicated educate their patients and the public on infectious disease, the immune system, and informed consent. The group was founded in response to mandatory vaccination laws across the country which remove the rights of parents to informed consent. The group is not anti-vaccine, they are pro-freedom.
It is no question that the subject of vaccines is profoundly controversial. On both sides of the argument exists truth and lies that can hinder the ability of some to make rational decisions.
While we have everyone from attorneys to biologists, to political scientists who write for the Free Thought Project, none of us are doctors, so we do not make recommendations about what you and your family should do in regards to vaccination. It is important to note, however, that everyone deserves the right to make informed decisions on their own personal health and the health of their children.
Recently, the Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) reported in the British Medical Journal that every year, approximately 5,700 U.S. children suffer from seizures as a direct result of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
According to PIC, this finding is derived from results of the most statistically powered safety study ever to measure the association between MMR vaccination and febrile seizures. More than half a million children were evaluated, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, from a Danish population that is relied upon globally to examine vaccine safety. The results showed that seizures from the MMR vaccine occur in about 1 in 640 children up to two weeks following MMR vaccination. Applying this risk of seizures to the 3.64 million U.S. children vaccinated with a first dose of MMR every year results in about 5,700 annual MMR-vaccine seizures.
“To make accurate and ethical public health decisions, the risks of a vaccine must be compared to the risks of the disease one is trying to prevent,” said Dr. Shira Miller, PIC president and founder. “When considering the MMR vaccine to prevent measles, the risks of the MMR vaccine need to be compared to the risks of measles.”
While there is a risk of seizure from contracting measles, according to the data, the risk of developing seizures from the vaccine to combat measles is five times higher.
What's more, the seizures from the MMR vaccine are far worse, according to the study and can cause permanent harm.
"For example, 5% of febrile seizures result in epilepsy, a chronic brain disorder that leads to recurring seizures. Annually, about 300 MMR-vaccine seizures (5% of 5,700) will lead to epilepsy," PIC points out.
PIC notes that the government reporting system for vaccine injuries, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), receives only fraction of the those reported seizures from the MMR vaccination. According to PIC, this could mean that there is an underreporting of other serious vaccine adverse events from MMR, including permanent neurological harm and death.
“In the United States, measles is generally a benign, short-term viral infection; 99.99% of measles cases fully recover,” said Dr. Miller. “As it has not been proven that the MMR vaccine is safer than measles, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that mandatory measles mass vaccination results in a net public health benefit in the United States.”
According to the report, the measles vaccine was introduced in the U.S. in 1963 and is now only available as a component of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. It has significantly reduced the incidence of measles; however, the vaccine is not capable of preventing all cases of measles, as failures have been reported. The manufacturer’s package insert contains information about vaccine ingredients, adverse reactions, and vaccine evaluations. For example, “M-M-R II vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.” Furthermore, the risk of permanent injury and death from the MMR vaccine has not been proven to be less than that of measles.
In regard to the question of whether or not the MMR vaccine is safer than measles, the group of physicians has this to say, "Because permanent sequalae (aftereffects) from measles, especially in individuals with normal levels of vitamin A, are so rare, the level of accuracy of the research studies available is insufficient to prove that the vaccine causes less death or permanent injury than measles."
True.I think every one should have freedom but bitter truth is that in this growing world viral infections and diseases also growing rapidly.Like influenza virus become more advanced day after day.We need to work on it.Good info. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the article and here's another study if you guys are interested. A study in Hong Kong did a double blind placebo study and found that people who vaccinated were 5.5 times to get sick (people were monitored for about 270 days)
This is a good study because unlike gov- funded studies, it uses a genuine placebo (a saline solution).
Keep up the good work!
good atrial. I have never had a flu vaccine, i hardly ever get sick and if i do, body is just saying it needs more rest and good food. living a healthy life style of real fruit and veg lots of water and ways to keep down stress is going to bet the best way to over come a sickness. :-) thanks for the article :-)
Exactly !
We have nutritional deficiencies from nature not drug deficiencies from science!
Inject diseases get diseases!
I don't think any truth exists on the pro-vaccine side - just 100% lies and propaganda...
definitely a lot of industry funded "research," that is for sure.
After all, why go through all the trouble of building gas chambers and rounding up people for mass extermination when you can achieve the same result without any resistance at all if you simply label the chemicals "Vaccines"
And "Chemotherapy"
Poison !
If bigpharma is killing us with chemicals whom will sell they their products?
everyone can complain about pharma industries. but can you propose a system that is better?
There are blind people getting healed with gene therapies for a price of 425.000 Dollars for each eye (Lucturna). Of course it is extremly lucrative for pharma company and their main incentive is money. But prices will eventually drop and I think it is the fastest way to develop pharmaceuticals that would be considered miracles 30 years ago.
Healing people for profit would be fine but most of the pharma industry is eugenics for profit...
A system that would be better would be to get jacob rotchild, behead him on tv, and make bill gates publicly eat his heart. For starters...
Jesus healed the blind with spit and clay at no cost
Questions really need to start being asked about what exactly these vaccines contain, whilst it may be the case the certain vaccines may prevent or deal with serious illness, this cannot mean by any stretch of the imagination that they are all in the human interest.
We as a people need to start questioning the motivations of big pharma, as all too often their core motivation is money not health.
At the same time, lets also remember that there do exist pharmaceutical options that do on a daily basis save peoples lives, even if these are in the tiny minority they are worth great value.
This however does not give pharma the excuse to poison us with things that make us ill. It is time as a people we educated ourselves and started thinking for ourselves so that we can make intelligent choices.
If you look on a shelf and 10 products are poison and 1 product is a remedy, we need to know which is which, with blind faith and trust in the pharma industry, we are expecting them all to be valuable, and that is a huge mistake.
Did you mention Atypical measles only in the vaccinated?
Atypical measles occurs only in the vaccinated and can be fatal.
Atypical measles was initially thought to occur only in those who received the killed measles vaccine, but several investigators have reported this illness in children who had been vaccinated only with the live measles vaccine.
Nichols EM. Atypical measles: a continuing problem. Am J Public Health. 1979;69(2):160-162.
Atypical measles
Atypical measles has been known about for almost as long as the measles vaccine has been around and it is ONLY found in the vaccinated. It is typified by a milder than usual rash which is probably where the ugly rumour has originated that vaccinated people get milder cases of measles than the unvaccinated. Though the rash may be less, the symptoms can be much worse and the chances of lung involvement are higher than with wild measles (20% +) and liver involvement 3% +) The earliest medical journal study I have about this is "Altered Reactivity to Measles Virus" Atypical Measles in Children Previously Immunized with Inactivated Measles Virus Vaccines. Fulginiti, V.A. et al; JAMA 18/12/67, Vol. 202, No. 12. Viera Scheibner has said that the chances of dying from wild measles are 0.03% while the chances of dying from atypical measles are between 12-15%. It was thought at one time that it was only the early inactivated vaccine that could cause atypical measles, but it is no known that any measles vaccine can. It seems that the vaccine perverts the immune process which may explain the reason why those who are vaccinated can get measles over and over without developing any natural immunity and may not be able to pass immunity onto their unborn child through the placenta.
Not sure why so many people are scared of a fever and a rash .
Can contracting the measles be deadly? Yes – if you are malnourished and live in an underdeveloped country with poor access to nutritious food, clean water, and medical care. How children have died from the measles in the US in over ten years? 2 ?
How many injuries and deaths from the vaccine ? Bioaccumulation of unwanted crap ? Seizures ? Ischemic Stroke ? Contamination (mycoplasma)
Some kind of life long disability , dysfunction or disease !
I will take my chance with a fever and a rash with life long immunity
Herd immunity ? You mean a measles party ?
Thanks I did not know this. Will write it down into my usual vaccine investigation folder.
For anyone who still thinks vaccines eradicated diseases.

Please look at the data. Disease declined prior to vaccination.
And what happend to Scarlet fever---Same trend no vaccine!
Typhoid fever---also same trend.
These vaccines are almost nothing but trouble. Not to say that the idea of a vaccine can't ever have an overall positive impact on health in certain contexts, but generally what they do is damage a young immune system that is still developing.
I'd also like to add, since it relates to the immune system, that breast feeding is extremely important to the lifelong health of the individual. It's unfortunate that many today don't think it even matters whether or not they breast feed, too many people are uninformed.
Everyone needs to become an expert in homeopathy so they can take care of themselves and their loved ones without resorting to going to the state for answers, a habit too many people have.
Anyway, to avoid rambling on further, I'll end it here. Remember, ultimately the key to health is mindfulness.
Health does not come from laboratories;)
Nah, that could never happen here...this is just a conspiracy. ;)
Nice write up, tft!
You can't say that while wearing the wrong hat.
You probably can't say that with a big steel cable in your mouth ;)
Thanks, word needs to spread about vaccines.