Red Banana

in #health8 years ago (edited)

English :

Hi Steemian
Today I want to share information for you that is red banana, here are some benefits

  1. Heart health
    Benefits of red banana is good to be a healthy food in improving the health of your liver or liver. This banana fruit has the right nutrient content to nourish the heart.

  2. Enhancer of energy
    Benefits of red bananas to increase energy in the body derived from carbohydrates contained in it. You can eat this fruit every morning with a routine before daily activities.

  3. Relieves asthma
    Benefits of red bananas for people with asthma is to relieve the symptoms. This fruit is not a medicine to remove asthma from within your body but relieve symptoms when relapse. Try to start eating these fruits regularly.

  4. Increased eye sharpness
    The benefits of red banana are also good for making your eyesight sharper. Banana fruit is beneficial to nourish the eyes because it contains vitamin A. You can also rely on it as an anti-myopic food.



Hai Steemian
Hari ini saya ingin berbagi informasi untuk anda yaitu pisang merah, berikut beberapa manfaatnya

  1. Kesehatan jantung
    Buah pisang ini memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang tepat untuk memberi nutrisi pada jantung.

  2. Penambah energi
    Anda bisa makan buah ini setiap pagi dengan rutinitas sebelum aktivitas sehari-hari.

  3. Meredakan asma
    Manfaat pisang merah untuk penderita asma adalah untuk meredakan gejalanya. Buah ini bukan obat untuk menghilangkan asma dari dalam tubuh Anda namun meringankan gejala saat kambuh. Cobalah untuk mulai makan buah ini secara teratur.

  4. Meningkatnya ketajaman mata
    Manfaat pisang merah juga bagus untuk membuat penglihatan Anda lebih tajam. Buah pisang bermanfaat untuk memberi makan mata karena vitamin A. Anda juga bisa mengandalkannya sebagai makanan anti-rabun.

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Exellent post @teukufarid
I've read about bananas in the book of fruit insiclopedi, banana is a tropical plant that is easy to grow in moist areas, the content of vitamins contained bananas 4 times many of the apples. Basically the color of the banana is red and green, but along with advancing agricultural technology the scientists managed to make a yellow banana as we know. Lots of fiber in bananas, so do not hesitate to consume bananas as the fruit you eat every day, besides he is very easy to find the price is very cheap.
Follow me as @hubbi,
Thank you n still waiting your writing

thanks, @hubbi, dont forget to upvote me too

Question is how does it taste and can you eat these instead of normal bananas? I've not ever seen red bananas, thanks for posting!

thanks for comment, this is like ordinary banana with typical flavor