Quick Natural Remedies for Pimple Scars
Been annoyed by the scars left by your teenage pimples?
Try these out for a Quick Natural Remedy !
Mix lemon juice and honey and apply to your scars. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes then wash.
Cut raw potato and gently rub on your scars.
Apply tomato pulp/paste on your scars. Leave for 15 minutes and wash.
Grind fresh cucumber and make a mixture of the paste with yoghurt. Apply regularly for 15 minutes a day.
Apply extra virgin coconut oil before you go to bed.
Apply ripe papaya paste.
Treat them with ice once in a while.
Try steaming your face once or twice a week to help remove dead skin and encourage growth of new skin cells.
All the very best on your road to a clean and clear skin.