A place for my brothers and sisters to recover

in #health8 years ago

I am still new to STEEM. This is only my second day on here. It is very easy for me to see the potential that it has though. My interests are cryptocurrency, silver gold and coins , prepping, hiking/camping/ backpacking and so on. There are plenty of categories on steem to satisfy my main interests. However, id like to see a new category that I think would be very popular but more than that would have the potential to really help people and connect people that can help each other. I am a combat veteran. I served four years in the United States Marine Corps as a rockets and demolitions specialist in the infantry. I did two combat tours in Iraq. My first tour was pretty tame and not that long. My second tour was very brutal. Upon return from deployment I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, like most others combat vets.

I wrote a story yesterday about some other traumatic events that happened to me after the military and I found it very therapeutic. It got me to thinking of the possibilities. Suffering combat veterans can anonymously discuss their symptoms and issues with other veterans suffering in silence from the same issues. Other Veterans that are recovering and dealing with their symptoms successfully can offer support and advice. Not to mention that people that have been so badly effected to where they cant work could at least earn a little extra cash while at the same time giving them a new sense of purpose now that their military mission is over.

In short I want to start a Veterans Support section or a Combat Veterans sections or something of that nature. I don't want to alienate or devalue service members that didn't see combat but the plain truth is that combat is an experience like no other. Nothing compares or equates to it and unless someone has experienced it , there is no way to relate. As a former Marine infantryman , I value everyone that supported our efforts. Our job couldn't be done without good logistics getting supplies from home to the front line. The medical personnel that keeps us healthy to get there and nurses us back to health when we get hurt. The administrative crews that keep the pay correct and flowing while we are thousands of miles away but still able to at least financially support our loved ones . The list goes on. They are all respected and appreciated , they just didn't have the same experiences.

What I'm really writing this for is to seek any and all advice about how to best accomplish this and do it successfully. I am also looking for as much support for this as I can get. I'm not sure if I just start writing and tagging it with the new section id like to get off the ground. I don't know how it would get any exposure by doing it this way. thEQCRPWDG.jpgthM85XSRW7.jpg

Marines and soldiers fight to keep each other alive and safe during combat. This should not change just because we came home. The fight is often harder after returning because then we are fighting alone. It doesn't have to be that way. The suicide rate among US combat veterans is unbelievable. Our country should be embarrassed by how young men and women that risked everything are tossed away and forgotten about once their purpose has been served. We should at least always have each other to lean on. The hardest part of that is finding other vets. I am a member of the American Legion and VFW but these are not therapy groups. they are great organizations but, men and women suffering from PTSD, and the depression anxiety and all other behavioral disorders that come with it , probably shouldn't be surrounded by cheap alcohol when trying to cope with these issues. I cant stress enough that we need to look out for each other.

Anyone that would like to get involved with this idea or can give me solid advice on how to make this happen please reply with your thoughts or ideas on how to get this off the ground

Semper fi and semper steem


@stay-in-the-gray welcome to steemit, am sure that you will be a big success here. Feel free to see my posts on how to be successful on steemit and follow me for more tips . Steemit is a platform that rewards hard work, authenticity and great contents. Wish you success.

I cant thank you enough for your vote of confidence on my success here on steemit. I have followed you and will definitely check out you posts. I need all the advice I can get. not only do I have the hard work , authenticity (and I hope at least good content) but I have a vision and a mission to help my brothers and sisters that served. I feel it is a calling and I wont rest without succeeding. I am so very grateful for your support charls1. God bless and keep on steemin on

you are welcome an I wish you success in your good work. See this my link for tips https://steemit.com/steemit/@charles1/stop-whining-here-are-way-to-improve-your-earnings-on-steemit , also read my recent and olders posts...success to you

Great stuff! Greetings from Spain! :)

Hola Albertoyago. Thanks for checking out my post and supporting it.

Hey dude. USMC corpsman here for ya. OEF also PTSD/TBI. I love your idea. Following you and got your six if you want to start a combat vet channel. There's a certain type of support guys like us need that is sometimes hard to get outside of the fellowship of guys who are going through the same thing. Semper fi

Start posting articles with a primary tag that you both can agree upon. @vetsconnect seems good. The point is, generate content under the new category and watch it grow.

Thanks for the support and the info alexlimo. I think you are right about @vetsconnect. that's the category name id like to stick with. I follow all who reply too. keep steemin

Hey greenside. I dig the name too. Thanks for the support. I cant stress enough how much it means. I have been rolling an idea like this around in my head for a long time. I just didn't have the platform to do it on. Facebook and twitter are not for me. Steemit is perfect. You are right about sometimes only being able to talk to each other about certain things. Vetsconnect I think is what the category should be called specifically for that reason. A place for veterans to connect with each other and support each other and lift each other up. semper fi and semper steem , thanks corpsvalues. I followed too

Here's what you do to create a new topic of steemit articles. Just keep writing articles like the one above and make 'vetsconnect', your first tag. Invite veterans you know in real life to join Steemit and have them create posts under the same topic; being sure that you all agree to use the same primary tagline of 'vetsconnect' or whatever -- just be sure to finalize the name choice early on. Before long you will have a whole new category for veterans to share their stories with one another and the world.

Keep up the good work and get other veterans involved and the Steemit community will give you the support you need. You already have my support and I will do what I can to get you rolling even though I just started myself.

Thanks again alexlimo. your support means the world to me. I don't want my brothers and sisters to suffer in silence anymore. Your time and your advice are more valuable than you know. And again, I agree with you on the category name. you convinced me. vetsconnect it is. I appreciate your support in my mission. keep steemin

@stay-in-the-gray I think that is an awesome idea. You wrote that writing your story down had a therapeutic effect on you. I think not only does Steem allow you and other veterans to share their stories in an anonymous way, but actually receive appreciation for what you sacrificed in form of monetary rewards. I imagine it can be very hard to actually get enough income after you are diagnosed with PTSD and I think it is a shame to let all these people down after they fought and risked their lives,so that others can retain their standard of living. I think if you spread the word about Steem with your fellow veterans and keep on posting, that you will create a very valuable community. Best wishes!

I thank you with all sincerity for your support on my mission. you get it. By reading your reply I can tell you understand the vision I have and what I want to do for my brothers and sisters who never left another behind but , when they got home, they were left behind and forgotten about. Well ive never forgotten about any of them and they are why I'm doing this. Comartica , I appreciate you more than I can express. thank you and God bless. Keep on Steemin on.

Welcome! Upvoting and resteeming. If I can be of assistance, please let me know. I'm still a minnow too, but willing to help if you have questions. If you use these tags, you will get more support:

minnowsupport minnowsunite

Thank you so much threehugs. upvotes are great, resteeming is awesome. I cant thank you enough for taking the time to read my post and support it. I'm trying to do something big and need all the help I can get. I followed you and if I can return the favor let me know

Just Pay it Forward my friend!!

And keep steeming :)

welcome here :) i wish you come over your stresses and start your new life . keep us posted with your combat experiences .:)

Thank you so much abduls. I appreciate your support and please support the category I am starting, vetsconnect

that's motivation awellrunlife. thank you for taking time to read my post and reply. please support vetsconnect too


You speak the truth bukkots.com. I will succeed. I don't know how to give up. Your support means the world

Thank you for your service! Thank you for sharing your story! This sounds like a very noble cause and I have started following you to keep up with your progress. I'm brand new so don't have any advice personally but I wish you much luck!

I sincerely appreciate you beerme. I am honored that you are on board with me and vetsconnect. At this time of infancy for the category, any support is huge and means the world to me. I'm glad that you see the vision I see and are interested in it. FYI, I shared the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my story , so if you are really interested , there will be a lot more to come as I open up to show other vets how it can be therapeutic to get the weight of the devil off your chest. I am also following you and will upvote and support you also. God bless you beerme. Keep on Steemin on

Can't wait to hear more from you about this! I'll be paying close attention to your posts.