My Teen Daughter Beating MS

in #health8 years ago

September 10, 2015 my daughter was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

While sitting on the beach I noticed that my daughter's eyes were not moving in conjunction and it freaked me right out!  When she looked to the left her right eye would stay straight and she said she had double vision.  After going from an Optometrist to an Ophthalmologist to a Neurologist it was determined from two MRI's, LP, 23 vials of blood, and samples taken from every orifice of her being it was determined it was Relapsing Remitting MS.  As shattering as this was it made sense because her marks has always been in the mid 80's and low 90's and her last semester of grade 8 they fell to low 70's.  I hired a tutor over the summer and she stared at him like a deer in the headlights not getting the concepts....which I now understand to be MS brain fog.  The month previous to the eye incident she had numbing and tingling in her right arm and hand.  She has one lesion on the right side of her spine at C4.  Several lesion located in her brain.  The week in the hospital was her first week of grade 9 and the second week she also missed because the lumbar puncture caused debilitating headaches and vomiting if she sat up for longer than a few minutes

We were given 6 drugs to pick from, and sent home with a National MS Society Pamphlet and see you in a few weeks.  Of course after reading about all the 6 Disease Modifying Drugs, their success and their side effects we decided (yes my daughter had final say about her body) this was not the route for us.

Synchronicity would have it that 3 years prior to this I had the privileged of meeting Dr. Terry Wahls in Austin Texas at a Paleo Conference.  I was blown away by her story and talked to her several times throughout the week I was there.  

September 11, 2015 my daughter started the Wahls Protocol at a combination level of 2 & 3 (3 levels of eating).  She also was never a fan of breakfast so the intermittent fasting was right up her alley.   I had gone to the school to grab all her homework she had missed and when she could finally sit up she got right into her math and she did 2 weeks of homework in a short period of time.  I checked the book and she had all the answers right (!?)  I asked her..."why was this so easy when in the summer you couldn't even answer one right?"  Her response "I don't know mom, I feel like my brain just woke up"  So just after a couple of weeks on the Wahls Protocol her brain fog had cleared.  

We had to wait a couple of months to get into her Natropathic Doctor (ND) but in the meantime I altered our whole life.  We got rid of her bed and she has been sleeping in a hammock with a grounding half sheet for a year now (which she loves)  I removed the WiFi from the basement under her bed to another part of the house and put it on a timer so it turns off at night, I put a Faraday Cage over the smartmeter, she has Essential Oils going in her room for MS, a salt lamp, plants, and she wears an EMF pendant and has a EMF guard on her cell phone.  

After getting into see the ND and testing it was determined that she had several issues going on.  Her elimination organs were congested, she had no stomach acid, severe leaky gut, her blood was riddled with heavy metal toxicity, and her viral load was huge (tests from the hospital confirmed that as well.)  She was a mess at 14.  

Another aspect of MS that is being looked at is the vascular system.  I decided to take her to an Osteopath to get some work done and she determined there was a blockage on the right side of her neck around C3 or C4.  I then made an appointment with an Upper Cervical Chiropractor and after all his tests and Xrays it also showed that her disc at C4 was twisted and tilted and blocking blood flow to and from her brain.  He did some strength tests with her limbs and she had zero power.  After the adjustment all strength in her arms and legs returned instantly.  I was amazing to witness.  She has gone back several time but never needed to be adjusted again as the disc has held in place and continues to show great strength in her body.

With diet being key, and the homeopathic remedies  and Chinese herb etc...we were able to clear out her elimination organs, heal her leaky gut, lessen her viral load, and we just finished a 4 month heavy metal detox and are waiting for a month to do a hair analysis to see if there are any other imbalances.

After that the plan is to really clean up the viral load, regenerate her nervous system, start breaking down lesions, and turn off those switches that turned the MS on and eventually pull those switches out all together.  

This could take another year but the time is going to pass anyway, so lets get to work!

We are celebrating 1 years since her diagnoses and also 1 year since her last MS episode.  She is doing amazingly well.  Graduated grade 9 with all mid 80's and low 90's, part of the high school improv team (can't have brain fog to do that!) and just taking a real stand with her health.

My daughter with her favorite homemade ginger kombucha

Photo by Starkgrl (shannon stark)

Please follow to keep tabs on her continuing journey to beat MS naturally.


A lot of gut issues are caused by fluoride, chloramines and pesticides in the water. I was never diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome but I would have 'crap attacks' a few times a week. I bought a Propur water filtration system from that filters out all the bad stuff and within about a month I noticed a significant decrease in the number of crap attacks per week and after about three months they disappeared.

that is awesome! We are out in the country and have well water and had it tested and it is all good. But before all this of course the fluoride in bottle water, toothpaste, or if she drank town water at friend's houses etc...evil crap for sure!!! Glad your crap attacks disappeared. I had IBS about 4 years ago (couldn't leave my house) Changed my diet and worked with an it has since cleared up...worst thing!

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Thanks for Posting

no....Thank You! :)

thanks for the post, the more people hear this, the more get to live. magnificent.

You are welcome! And YES! The more people that realize we can undo the damage caused by imbalances in the body the more people will heal. I get is just easy to take a pill...sometimes we are exhausted by all the work involved in this course of treatment...but instead of taking the wrong easy road, we chose the right for us complex road. Thank you for reading and commenting <3

the exhaustion is something i understand. about 5-6 years ago i had cancer. i used alternative treatments to heal. it was a full time job. when i was well, i continued my health education. i learned about dr wahls on there, they have ideas for improving performance of everyone. since then i started using my own modified form of their bulletproof coffee and i've never had more energy and focus. with the information i found there, i've been, not only able to continue to be well, but to take things to a whole new level that i previously didn't know existed. i wish you all well. thank you.

Ahhh bulletproof!!! Yes! I started down the Paleo Road 4 years ago for my own health. I drink a BF tea every morning with butter, coconut oil and a scoop of either vital protein peptide or Great Lakes Gelatin.
So glad you went the alternative route for your cancer....I have the disc "the truth about cancer" and currently on episode 5 great stuff!

awesome, glad you found it. thanks.

interesting 2 years later now that I'm in SteemIt I get to see items such as this. Makes me wonder how mine even started as the is no one going many generations back even has MS... trust me it a disease that a human cannot hide.. I will be following you