What are the effects of EMF (electromagnetic radiation) on biological life? Part 2

in #health8 years ago (edited)


No one cares how much you know until they know you care. The people who have laughed at me need to hear this more than they can imagine. Moreover, these “paleo kids” are the people using modern man made EMF’s to get the paleo message out. They are clueless about what they do not know about evolution. It is my job in the tribe to get that message to them. What they do after that becomes their issue. They might be able to help some of those people who I can’t reach.

The people using EMF’s in industry are printing money, so do not expect them to stop doing what they are doing. Only the few, who get this message loud and clear will understand precisely what it means. This is not an easy pill to swallow for any of us. You must do all that you can to protect you and your family. What we have done to our ionosphere is unprecedented in human evolution. We have altered our magnetic field and it is causing massive quantum effects (de-coherence) on our cells and DNA to sense proper molecular time.

EMF impacts at any frequency is related to its power density. The biologic effects are measured in microwatts per square centimeter. There is no dose response curve like we see in drug toxicity studies. It appears any dose can cause some biologic effect. EMF’s that have low power density do some strange things to biology. Because of how the Schumann resonance and our ionosphere work in unison these waves never end or disperse in our atmosphere. They continue to propagate and cause damage to us as time elapses. This is why J.S. Stanton and Seth Roberts are asking good questions after J.S. AHS 2012 talk. The answer is in this blog.

It gets worse. Doctors can not tell how much energy is absorbed by the cells or by what part of the body gets the most EMF. This holds true for both electric and magnetic fields. Different species of animals also distort these fields differently too. Fur feathers, fat content, skin thickness, inflammation status, body type and shape complicate the quantification of EMF’s biologic effects. This implies what we find in one species is not what will happen in others, and this will allow them to confuse non geeks and the media easily. For humans, this means we must study the EMF effect on us directly to get the answers we need. Little humans are at greater risks than adults. Think about that when you buy your next iPad or iPhone for you children or when you give someone a baby monitor for a shower gift. Since 1990, the entire population of the globe is the subject of this giant experiment. So far in 22 years, the results should be scaring the bejesus out of us, but ironically that is not the case.

We love when our phone company comes out with a new generation of EMF power (3G to 4G and now to 5G). Without consciously realizing we just put more bullets in a gun that is killing us. Few people regularly engage in Russian roulette daily with a 45 caliber gun, but in today’s world most people do it 20-40 times a day to their own head with their cell phone.

Howard Friedman, Robert Becker, and Charlie Bachman all great U.S. scientists, found in the middle of the 2oth century that “abnormal natural” electromagnetic fields were affecting the human mind and causing a direct increase in psychiatric hospital admissions. They went a step further. They took human volunteers and exposed their brains to magnetic fields placed so that the lines of force passed through their brain ear to ear, cutting across the brain stem- frontal electric current that is present in the human brain normally. This is very similar to what one does every time they talk on a cell phone today. The fields they used were from 5-11 gauss in strength. This was 10-20 times the Earth’s background magnetic field and well above the strength of most of the solar or lunar storms humans normally faced in the last 4 million years. They found that steady fields produced no biologic affect, but when they modulated the field ever 5 seconds (pulsed it) or so people’s cognition and reaction times slowed dramatically. This is very similar to what happens to a salamander when it is induced for general anesthesia and made unconscious using EMF alone as a general anesthetic. It seems humans are very sensitive to a pulsed EMF over steady state EMF quickly. Today most of the man made EMF’s we face are pulsed in our world. They were not in 1976. This explains a lot.

Then Yuri Kholodov decided to hit rabbits with 100-200 gauss in their heads and it caused direct cell death in their brains at autopsy. This report stopped most US scientists from doing further testing on humans once they read it. Friedman repeated the Russians work and did detailed anatomic assessments and found that the rabbits had a protozoal infection that was additive in killing them with the EMF. He found that the the resistance of the brain’s immune system was radically altered in half the rabbits, while the other half had control of the infection. When EMF’s are highly pulsed immune alterations and infection result. Do you think is related at all to autoimmunity in humans? Care to guess why an ICU might really be the last place you want to be?

Friedman later work found that the rabbits all had large amounts of cortisol in their blood and in their brain caused by these pulsed magnetic fields. This was like a prolonged chronic stressor found in a life long disease. The elevated cortisol would alter glucose metabolism in these animals.

Geeks: A pulsed magnetic field re creates an electromagnetic field environment that things have to adapt to. Life is coherent in the Schumann resonance when this is the only magnetic field on Earth. This electromagnetic field sets the standard that all biology has to reacts too and it dictates how biochemical reactions, fluxes, and kinetics really occur and our explained in textbooks. Not one biology book currently in print realizes that the rules of biochemistry reaction times has changed as our electromagnetic field has also changed. I did 8 years ago. It explained every last thing about medicine that confused me. It explained why our literature is close to worthless and why science today is a shell game. Classical physics can not explain the current biochemical fluxes, because it does not. This is a real problem for an organic chemist in our modern world is his current beliefs. A person of scientist who understands quantum field theory dynamics will never make this error. The problem is no doctor, organic chemist, or biologist ever learns these things. If you change the electromagnetic field you change the coherence of the system of life.

If you think this is bullshit, this is precisely how an MRI works today in hospitals. Its magnet creates a new stronger artificial field and all our protons and electrons are force to oscillate at a new electric phase of this field. We measure that phase and then we stop the magnetic field and measure the changes when they go back to the one that is normally present on Earth. The difference in relaxation states tells a neurosurgeon what is happens in the molecular framework of the body. This is how I knew everyone in my clinic had inflammation and positive charges when I looked for them. When everyone has medical issues it is not a diet causing it, then you should remain curious. I realized the Earth’s magnetic field has also been shifted by technology and our cells were reacting to it very quickly to lose electrons, with the result being a signal showing molecular chaos. We call that a stress response or inflammation in terms non geeks would understand. In physics, we call that a total loss of coherence and energy efficiency. From EMF 2 we learned life is energy and energy is life. If you are constantly losing electrons to the environment because your electromagnetic field has changed you are speeding to death. These are Einstein’s laws.

This experiment I mentioned above, was just replicated in humans using cell phones that I linked to earlier in the EMF series. Cell phones increase permeability of the gut barrier and the brain blood barrier to alter physiologic function directly.

Dr. Frey then showed the blood brain barrier in humans gets more permeable to glucose and glucose metabolism is up regulated by the non thermal EMF effects. This causes massive decreases in ATP production and causes mitochondrial inefficiency to develop quickly. Think about what you just learned in EMF -4 about why you have never personally seen the PPP now. You don’t see it because your timing is so off you can access it. This is why it is in paleo’s blind spot. Here is the new correlate I will make for you soon: Loss of ATP correlates with quantum de-coherence in the cells cytoarchitecture by altering one thing.

Friedman repeated his work in primates to see the effects. He found the effect occurred in 6 days in them using a 200 gauss magnet. He also found the primates were able to adapt to the field after a period of time. This seemed to parallel what Hans Selye had found on chronic stress responses in humans. Selye had shown in humans if a chronic stressor remained in place, it would cause stress decompensation and this would make the person more susceptible to other stressors, like infectious disease and cancers. This is how neolithic diseases are generated in humans today. Our life is lived in the stress zone 100% of the time. Think about why PTSD is so common in young soldiers in war. They walk into war already stressed by the EMF and they get hammered there. I find it ironic, that the military was behind the use of EMF and yet this is precisely what will take them out eventually. Soon there will be no troops to train because they wont be able to find anyone fit for duty because of their EMF exposure. The parallels are nothing short of remarkable when you examine them for yourself and erase you beliefs of the static world of physics, biology, and chemistry. None of them can explain these effects, because they are all electromagnetic effects, and those effects are only adequately examined by quantum field theory. This is where Heisenberg, Einstein and Max Born all live. There are no biologist there in that group until now.

In the 1970’s two Russian groups found stress hormones released in rats exposed to microwaves, even when they were briefly irradiated. Polish work revealed the same reaction to 50 Hz electric fields used in home wiring. In fact they pushed their experiments and found clinic syndromes that resembled what we would call adrenal fatigue today with ASI testing. They also reported brain hemorrhage with a ONE MONTH EXPOSURE to a 50 HZ, 130 gauss magnetic field. Dr. Udintsev, a Russian biophysicist, used ELF fields to show activation of a flight or flight response in rats in one day. The unusual part of the experiment was that the rats showed the flight or flight response clinically, but the humans and rabbits did not. This ambiguity was explained by JJ Noval at NAMRL in Pensacola, when he showed that magnetic fields that vibrated in the ELF range would increase the levels of acetylcholine in the rat brainstem directly. We now know this happens routinely in modern humans because of MEG and fMRI data in all life forms. The thing that caught my attention was that the fields that Noval used in his work was one’s that we would find in any office in 1976. This shocked me when I thought about an office in the 21 st century.

It is clear that EMF is not going away in our life time because both industry, DOD, the State Dept., along with you, because modern humans clearly desire it in large quantities for their productivity and modern lifestyles. I no longer feel that way, I abhor technology. Most people who know me realize it quickly. Maybe now they are beginning to understand why I do. If you have been a forum member long enough you have heard my commentary on technology many times. People laugh when they hear it, I doubt they will any longer. It pains me to blog this. I have a 19 year old and a 12 year old and they world they inherent is on a collision course with death. I think it could happen in their life time or their children’s life time considering what the data for modern disease is telling us since 1900. When I hear all these reports of soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan with PTSD I know what the cause is implicitly. I told Randy Brummit this over a year ago at Paleo Fx and it was why I changed my opening remarks there to address my concerns. After the speech, I think it also fell on deaf paleo ears. There was no way they were going to listen to a doctor to tell them to put their ipad down. That was their weapon of choice in changing the world. Little did they know it would be the thing that is taking them down regardless of their paleo solution.

ELF signals are low frequency but they penetrate seawater well. This allowed the Navy in 1969 to begin to use them to track nuclear subs in 120 feet of water so they would not have to surface. There are numerous reports now that these waves destroy the navigation systems of whales and dolphins when they are used. Read some NOAA reports and you will get sick to your stomach what really really have known and for how long. We learned about the seawater experiment in Wisconsin because in 1973 the newly passed EPA act covered this military use. The act was used first to stop the Navy in Wisconsin. Once the military saw what the act could do they began a new method to keep this information away from us. They used an antenna that made a weak EMF, 1 million times weaker than a 765 kilovolt power line. They broadcast at 45-70 Hz. These waves were very close to the Schumann resonance frequency. Similar frequencies had already been shown to increase triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and alter brain waves in Russian experimental animals. We see all these effects daily in our clinic as physicians. Your doctor still has no idea why when you take your meds and eat like they tell you it makes little difference. Now you do. The EPA also wanted to know about the effects on surrounding life from the antenna in Wisconsin and in the ocean because of the Russian data and observations they made.

The scientists mentioned above, knew that these ELF EMF waves would last forever because they could not escape the ionosphere of Earth. This effect needed to be studied in human before it was used. The scientists on the committee wanted the project scrapped because of the serious health issues it raised, based upon the Russian data. In fact, these scientist were the first ever U.S. scientists to say in public testimony that EMF had many dangerous biologic effects that we were unaware of. This happened on Dec 6 and 7th of 1973. The Navy classified their recommendations at the end of the hearing so no one else could view the reports publicly. Soon thereafter, electric companies became aware of the risks of 765 kilowatt power lines in animals and were shocked at the experiments when they were made aware of them. Most asked the Navy for copies of this report and never got them. The Russians were generating more data on EMF’s than any other scientific community at the time and still do, but you do not know this. Now you do. This was in the pre internet days so information sharing was slow and required translation. They found that lower fields that blocked the natural Schumann resonance and as a result, would cause mice to gain weight. Here was the linkage to leptin resistance for my own obesity. They saw massive evidence of the stress response I mention in the Hormone 101 blog. They showed evidence of brain and bone tumors, early onset heart disease, and atherosclerosis in young animals after very small exposures to EMF. The period of cell life became an important variable in considering non thermal EMF effects. This is still not accepted by ‘our’ highly compensated US scientists who rarely publish. Ironic , no how they can make lots of cash but not yet publish a thing. I need to get a job like that.

This data was remarkable and not being made available to the world. Sadly, it is still not. Most people still believe it is not a problem because of Schwan’s guidelines and the lack of protection from Washington D.C. Most people in the government and in industry who are paid scientists today say we need more study of the topic. In my view, if we waste anymore time doing that more people will first get sick, and then eventually die faster. That proof can be found on any epidemiologic charts you care to muster off the internet. People will cry correlation, not causation. They say it because they do not understand quantum field theory. I did not then, but I learned it. So if I am wrong, I have some good company.

In the late 1970’s the Dept. of Energy replicated some of the Russian experiments and found similar results. Work in Ohio showed growth retardation in 3 generations, then it was repeated and then found three generations of obesity in the animals. The exact same fields produced a different disease in animals from the same litter. It appeared males were more affected than females in these experiments. This gave me insight about how epigenetic information maybe passed in men to their offspring. The animals all had enlarged adrenal glands and pituitary glands when studied. Most of the animals developed glaucoma early. This was considered a disease of aging in 1975, today, we see it in all age groups. When all this was coming to light, power companies went out and hired scientists to criticize this science on methodologic grounds to buy themselves time. This is where they got the idea to fight the truth using other well paid scientist to obfiscate and confuse the data and observations. This would buy them time to ask for further studies that they in turn agreed to fund. By controlling the experiments they deigned experiments that would never show the real non thermal effects of EMF’s on biologic systems. The government also has little interest in finding out these inconvenient truths either, they would rather shift the meme to carbon emissions instead (Al Gore alert). This is where we are today.

This has continued to be how they skirt the issue, even until today. Knowledge can help you when you understand the timeline and the things we do know now. This was a play out of the tobacco companies who also went through the same issue with cigarettes for 50 years. They were quite successful and so the EMF industry followed suit. While this went on, NHANES charts have shifted in medicine.

Neolithic disease in humans is now explosive by anyone’s standards and no one seems to know why. I think Einstein’s science is a good starting point in this discussion. Everything we have originally observed in lab animals is now present in our species today on Earth. Yet, you all remain in the dark over it because you have not read the Russian, Polish, and American reports of their real scientific observations they made in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. We have human evidence from the Moscow embassy experiment that is nothing short of amazing. The linkage was not made in the 1970’s because the commercialization of EMF was not yet begun in our country. Have you ever wondered why Russia has not developed their own tech revolution since they too were privy to all the physics of quantum semi computing that corporations in California were? Do you still think Steve Jobs is a great guy or did he live and die by his own sword? The biology linkage to physics is being done today in labs around the world for you to examine. You do not know this well either yet, but I am going to show you this info too. Scientists who are physics based (not biologist or chemists) know it is all tied to quantum field effects and they are betting that its quirkiness, will keep you blinded for more time as the cash rolls in and your addiction to technology grows. For every 10 percent rise in what a country spends on information and communications technology, there’s a 1 percent increase in obesity rates. This is what made me obese.

This is precisely how big tobacco kept the money train working for a long time before science caught up. How does the smoking risk differ from the EMF risk? The smoking kill radius is your body and the environment directly around you. Technology kill radius is the entire planet because the low frequency ELF EMF never ends when they are created according to Einstein. They can not escape the ionosphere so they live on disrupting your SCN forever. Whether you are scientist or not, don’t you think this is a good enough reason to study it? Do you really think this is good for any living cells? After I describe the new paradigm of cellular biology and truly how it works you will be better able to answer that question for you and your family. It is time you educate yourself if you want to be a survivor.

The communications industry and the Department of Defense began to ask for committees all over our nation to study the effects of ELF EMF in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. When they did act, they put “their” scientists on these committees. You can draw your own conclusions. This is why today you live in a world swimming in massive EMF.

This is why your molecular clock is ruined today and your brain can not tell time well.

The EPA has not surveyed the USA since 1979 for EMF levels. Wonder why? I think it is because they already know the answer.

Biologic effects shown hundreds of times over from ELF EMF’s

Altered chronobiology leading to stress response
CNS direct effects showing slowing of molecular actions and reaction speeds.
Poor short term memory, headaches, and altered sleep
Poor exploration of the local environment, motivation waning
Altered EEG readings consistent with a general anesthesia pattern
Permeable BBB and gut, with increased glucose metabolism
Increase in tumorgenesis due to fragility of RNA and DNA directly
Russians repeated showed low dose microwaves directly caused hypothalamic damage.
Increase excitability at neuronal synapses
Microwaves disrupt electron chain transport in mitochondria of rat brain. (Duke University)
Pulsed EMF’s at lower frequencies directly inhibit firing rates of neurons (UCLA)
Depression and suicide rate correlating with EMF power lines above and below ground (magnetic fields avg 22% higher suicide rates)
Raised RBC’s WBC’s, Platelets, Hemoglobin, and HCT
Leptin resistance and altered hormone panels. Sex steroids, Vitamin D, melatonin, IGF and PRL levels altered.
Immune disruption leading to over active, under active, and autoimmune conditions.


The Zapping of America, by Paul Brodeur
Disconnect by Devra Davis
The Electric Body, by Robert Becker
K. R. Foster, Electrochemical treatment of tumors. Michaelson Research Conference, West Yellowstone MT, August 2003
K. R. Foster, Precautionary Principle and Electromagnetic Fields. Michaelson Research Conference, West Yellowstone MT, August 2003
K. R. Foster, J. A. D’Andrea, S. Chalfin, D. J. Hatcher, Thermal Modeling of Millimeter Wave Absorption In the Nonhuman Primate Eye At 35 and 94 GHz, Bioelectromagnetics Society Annual Meeting, Quebec Canada June 2002.
K. R. Foster, Can electromagnetic fields trigger application of the precautionary principle? WHO/European Commission Meeting, Luxembourg 1/03
Biophysical limits on athermal effects of RF fields. FGF forum on genetic and cytogenetic effects of radiofrequency energy, Löwenstein, Germany, Nov. 2002
Thermal modeling of human subjects exposed to microwave energy. Ninth Annual Michaelson Conference, Portland ME August 2002
K. R. Foster, J. A. D’Andrea, S. Chalfin, D. J. Hatcher, Thermal Modeling of Millimeter Wave Absorption In the Nonhuman Primate Eye At 35 and 94 GHz, Bioelectromagnetics Society Annual Meeting, Quebec Canada June 2002.
The Precautionary Principle: Commonsense or the Devil’s Handywork? Sigma Xi, Newark NJ February 2002.
Mobile phones and cancer. Portugese Electrical Engineering Association, Lisbon, Dec. 2001
Limits on microthermal heating from microwave energy. FGF forum on mechanisms of interaction of nonionizing radiation and biological systems, Dresden, Dec. 2001
What makes medical technology work? University of Waterloo (Waterloo Ontario) Oct. 2001.
Powerline Fields are Possible Carcinogens: Two Recent Repors by Health Agencies. Eighth Annual Michaelson Conference, Kalispell MN August 2001.
Bioimpedance – Where to Next? XI International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance, Oslo, Norway June 2001.
Addressing the Risks of Wireless Communications. High Tech Forum on Communications Engineering, Zhuhai, China June 2001.
The Precautionary Principle. WHO Conference on the Precautionary Principle, Rome, June 2001.
Precautionary approaches to regulation of electromagnetic field exposure. WHO EMF Standards Harmonization Meeting, Varna, Bulgaria, 28 April – 3 May 2001
What science does not know about environmental risk. National Association of Environmental Law Societies, Houston TX, March 2001.
Precautionary approaches to regulation of electromagnetic field exposure. Americas regional seminar on Bioeffects and WHO EMF Standards Harmonization Lima, Peru 7-9 March 2001.
K. R. Foster, Do ELF Bioeffects Studies Have Relevance To RF Bioeffects? FGF/COST Workshop, Bad Muenstereifel, Germany, December 2000.
Precautionary Approaches to EMF Regulation. International Symposium on Social Implications of Technology (ISTAS), Rome, September 2000.
Electromagnetic Field Exposure Standards: Unresolved Issues. 15 International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, Poland June 2000.
Health effects of cellular telephones: recent scientific developments. K. R. Foster and J. E. Moulder, Polish GSM Conference, Warsaw, May 2000.
Biological effects and hazards of RF fields. International School of Plasma Physics, Varenna Italy May 2000.
Mechanisms of interaction of RF fields with biological systems, K. R. Foster and J. W. Baish, COST 244-bis workshop, Munich 10 June 2000.
Precautionary approaches to EMF regulation. Air Force symposium on electromagnetic field exposure guidelines. Munich 11 June 2000.
Health issues related to electromagnetic field exposure. Bluetooth conference, Monte Carlo 14 June 2000.
Electromagnetic Field Exposure Standards: Unresolved Issues. 15 International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wroclaw, Poland, June 2000.
Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. University of Girona, Girona Spain, July 2000.
K. R. Foster and J. E. Moulder, Health Effects of Mobile Phones: Recent Scientific and Policy Developments, COST259 workshop, Bergen Norway May 2000.
K. R. Foster, E. R. Adair, and K. S. Mylacraine , Thermal modeling of extended (45 minute) exposure of human subject to 2.45 GHz microwave energy. Bioelectromagnetic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach CA, June 1999.
K. R. Foster, The mechanism paradox: constraints on interactions between RF fields and biological systems, Eleventh International Conference on Radiation Research, Dublin, Ireland July 1999. (Paper to appear in Radiation Research).
K. R. Foster and E. R. Adair Heat Transport in Tissues and Thermal and Spatial Averaging of Laser and Microwave Exposures, Second Workshop on Infrared Lasers and Millimeter Waves, Cloudcroft NM, Aug. 1999.
D. W. Blick, K. R. Foster, T. J. Walters, and E. R. Adair, Millimeter waves, sensation, and thermal models: implications for safety standards. Sixth Michaelson Research Conference, Cloudcroft NM, Aug. 1999.
K. R. Foster, L’Affaire Liburdy. Sixth Michaelson Research Conference, Cloudcroft NM, Aug. 1999.
K. R. Foster, Thermal Models for Assessing Microwave Hazards,Sixth Michaelson Research Conference, Cloudcroft NM, Aug. 1999.
K. R. Foster, Mechanisms of Interaction of ELF Fields and Biological Systems, Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 106(4), pp 301-310 (2003)
Laurence JA, McKenzie DR, Foster KR. Application of the heat equation to the calculation of temperature rises from pulsed microwave exposure.J Theor Biol. 222(3):403-5 (2003).
K. R. Foster, J. A. D’Andrea, S Chalfin, DJ Hatcher. Thermal modeling of millimeter wave damage to the primate cornea at 35 GHz and 94 GHz. Health Physics 84 (6): 764-769 (2003)
K. R. Foster, Herman Schwan und die Expositionsgrenzwerte für Mikrowellenstrahlung. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 55:638-645 (Dec. 2002)
K. R. Foster, Herman P. Schwan: A Scientist and Pioneer in Biomedical Engineering. Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering 4:1-27 (2002).
Litvak E, Foster KR, Repacholi MH, Health and safety implications of exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 300 Hz – 10 MHz. Bioelectromagnetics 23:68-82 (2002).
Vibration of Microtubules, K. R. Foster J. W. Baish, . J. Biological Physics 26 (4):255-260, 2000.
Thermal and nonthermal mechanisms of interaction of radiofrequency energy with biological systems, K. R. Foster. IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 28: 17- 23 (2000).
Foster KR: The mechanism paradox: Constraints on interactions between radiofrequency fields and biological systems; in Moriarty M, Mothersill C, Seymour C, et al (eds): Eleventh International Congress of Radiation Research. Lawrence, KS, Allen Press, Inc. pp 222-226, 2000.
K. R. Foster, Comment: Microwave irradiation influences on the state of human cell nuclei. Bioelectromagnetics 21 325, 2000.
Heating and Pain Sensation Produced in Human Skin by Millimeter Waves: Validation of a Simple Thermal Model, T. J. Walters, D. W. Blick, L. R. Johnson, E. R. Adair, and K. R. Foster Health Physics 78: (3) 259-267,2000
Heating of cardiovascular stents in intense radiofrequency magnetic fields K. R. Foster, R. Goldberg, C. Bonsignore. Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 20, pp. 112-116 (1999).
Is there a link between exposure to power-frequency electric fields and cancer? J. E. Moulder and K. R. Foster, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 18(2):109-117 (1999).
Thermal models for microwave hazards, K. R. Foster and L. S. Erdreich. Bioelectromagnetics Volume 20 Supplement 4, 52-63 (1999).
Heating of Tissue Models By Near-Field Exposure to a Dipole, P. Riu and K. R. Foster, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering 46:911-917 (1999).
Electrical impedance properties of normal and chronically infarcted left ventricular myocardium, D. Schwartzman, I. Chang, J. J. Michele, M. S. Mirotznik, and K. R. Foster. Journal Of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 3: (3) 213-224 Oct 1999.
Is there a link between exposure to power-frequency electric fields and cancer? J. E. Moulder and K. R. Foster, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 18(2):109-117 (1999).
Thermal models for microwave hazards, K. R. Foster and L. S. Erdreich. Bioelectromagnetics Volume 20 Supplement 4, 52-63 (1999).
Math on the Internet. K. R. Foster IEEE Spectrum Volume 36 (4) 36-41 (1999).(Reviewed Article)
Risk and Reason (book review) Science 299:348-9 (January 17, 2003).
K. R. Foster, The precautionary principle – common sense or environmental extremism? IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 21:8-13 (2002).
P. Vecchia and K. R. Foster, Precaution and controversies-Regulating radiofrequency fields in Italy. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 21:23-27 (2002).
K. R. Foster, C.-K. Chou, P. Riu, Use of “protective devices” for cellular telephones – A COMAR technical information statement, IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. May/June 2002, 105-106.
Ziskin MC, Adair ER, Bassen HI, Chou CK, Cohen J, D’Andrea JA, Doyle RL, Erdreich LS, Foster KR, Gandhi OP, Heynick LN, Klauenberg BJ, Leonowich JA, Lin JC, Meltz ML, Merritt JH, Miller RD, Murphy MR, Osepchuk JM, Petersen RC, Sena DT, Sutton CH, Tell RA, Varanelli AG, Walleczek J, Medical aspects of radiofrequency radiation overexposure, HEALTH PHYSICS,82(3):387-391 MAR 2002
K. R. Foster et al. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity – – A COMAR technical information statement, IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Sept/Oct 173-175, 2002.
Adair E, Balzano Q, Bassen H, et al., Safety issues associated with base stations used for personal wireless communications – A COMAR technical information statement, IEEE ENG MED BIOL 20 (2): 110-114 MAR-APR 2001
Science on trial (Review Article) K. R. Foster, Minerva, Vol. XXV, 73-81 (1997).
Electromagnetic fields controversy continues (IEEE Institute, February 1997)
Health effects of electromagnetic fields: defusing the controversy. Microwave Journal, Vol. 40 (5) 336-340 (May 1997).
Possible health hazards from exposure to power-frequency electric and magnetic fields – A COMAR technical information statement Miller RD, Anderson L, Beers J, Bergeron J, Blanchard J, Erdreich L, Feero WE, Foster KR, Male J, Reilly JP, Reiter R, Polk C, Sutton C, Walleczek J, Adair E, Adair R, Bassen H, Chou CK, Hansson-Mild K, Moulder J, Osepchuk J, Repacholi M, Swicord M IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY MAGAZINE 19: (1) 131-137 JAN-FEB 2000
K. R. Foster, P. Vecchia, M. H. Repacholi, Du bon usage du principe de précaution, Le Figaro (Paris) p. 17, May 12, 2000.
Science and the precautionary principle. K. R. Foster, P. Vecchia, M. H. Repacholi. Science 288: 979-980 (2000).
Foster KR and Moulder JE. Health Effect of Cell Phones. IEEE Spectrum, August 2000 (cover article)
K. R. Foster, P. R. Wolpe, A. R. Caplan, Ethics and the Brain. IEEE Spectrum (June 2003)
Foster KR and Moulder JE. Health Effect of Cell Phones. IEEE Spectrum, August 2000 (cover article)
Foster KR and Moulder JE, Mobiles et cancer, un vrai casse-tête. La Recherche Dec. 2000 (cover article)(French translation of Spectrum article)
Foster KR and Moulder JE, Teléfonos móviles y cáncer cerebral. Mundo Cientifico Dec, 2000 (cover article) (Spanish translation of Spectrum article)
Risk Benefit Analysis. (Radiation Research: Vol. 158, No. 4, pp. 543-544, 2002)
Putting Work in Its Place. (IEEE Spectrum, June 2002)
Oversold and Underused (IEEE Spectrum, February 2002)
White Collar Sweatshop, IEEE Spectrum (May 2001)
Undue Risk. IEEE Spectrum (January 2000)
Voodoo Science. Science (June 2, 2000).
The Golem at Large: What You Should Know about Technology (book review) IEEE Spectrum (April 1999).
Electrical Bioimpedance Methods, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Nov. 1999.
Applied Bioelectricity, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Nov. 1999
Judging Science, K. R. Foster and P. W. Huber (MIT Press, May 1997) (paperback edition 1999) (republished in Simplified Chinese, 2001).
Phantom Risk K. R. Foster, D. E. Bernstein, P.W. Huber (MIT Press 1993, paperback edition 1999)
K. R. Foster, Limiting Technology: Issues in Setting Exposure Guidelines For Radiofrequency Energy. In Ma Jian-Guo, Ed. 3rd Generation Mobile Communication Systems: Future Developments and Advanced Topics, Springer
K. R. Foster, Herman P. Schwan: A Scientist and Pioneer in Biomedical Engineering. Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering 4:1-27 (2002).
K. R. Foster, Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Energy As Related to Health and Safety, Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering, Wiley, to appear 2003
Biological effects of electromagnetic fields with emphasis on health and safety, K. R. Foster, in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, J. G. Webster, ed. John Wiley and Sons Vo.l. 2, pp. 357-368, 1999.
Improving the reliability of scientific testimony in court David E. Bernstein , Peter W. Huber, and Kenneth R. Foster, in R. L. Stroup and R. E. Meiners, Eds. Cutting Green Tape: Toxic Pollutants, Environmental Regulation and the Law, Transaction Publ. Co., 2000.
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Special Issue on The Precautionary Principle (Dec. 2002)
Oversold and Underused (book review). IEEE Spectrum February 2002.
The Golem at Large: What You Should Know about Technology (book review) IEEE Spectrum April 1999.
Electrical Bioimpedance Methods, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Nov. 1999.
Applied Bioelectricity, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Nov. 1999.
Mightier Math IEEE Spectrum (Feb. 2003)
Maple 7. IEEE Spectrum (Dec. 2001)
MathType IEEE Spectrum (Dec. 2001)
CalculationCenter IEEE Spectrum (May 2001)
Matlab 12 IEEE Spectrum (February 2001)
Maple IEEE Spectrum (June 2000)
Math on the Internet. K. R. Foster IEEE Spectrum Volume 36 (4) 36-41 (1999).(Reviewed Article)
Mathematica Ver 4 IEEE Spectrum (April 1999)
Mathcad 8 IEEE Spectrum (April 1999)
Maple for Palmtop IEEE Spectrum (Oct. 1999)


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Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.

- Mahatma Gandhi

well said :o

Great post i think you will like this one about emf as well https://steemit.com/dtube/@anwarcraven/gnlfobu4

I just stumbled across this post, and it's interesting but a bit too long to read. I couldn't finish it. Maybe someone can share just some pain points?

It's a bit scary to think about, but I think it's important to be informed. Basically, the article talks about how EMF impacts biology and how it's related to power density. Even low power density EMF can have strange effects on biology, and the impact can be different in different species of animals. Humans are particularly vulnerable, especially little ones. The article also talks about how EMF can cause stress responses, alter glucose metabolism, and even cause mitochondrial inefficiency. It's crazy to think about how technology has changed our electromagnetic field and how that affects our biology. Anyway, the reason I'm bringing this up is that I found an EMF beanieEMF beanie that supposedly helps protect against electromagnetic radiation. I'm curious to hear if anyone has tried it and if they've noticed a difference. I'm new to this forum and still learning about EMF, so any feedback would be much appreciated.