
Vox is not a reliable source. There are also studies showing that vaccines cause autism, but we both know that that's untrue. In the Time piece it mentions how gender identity disorder is not a disorder, similarly to homosexuality. But homosexuality remains a mental disorder because science doesn't care about your feelings. Homosexuality was removed from the DSM for political reasons, not scientific ones.

If gender identity disorder is not a mental disorder, why does the suicide rate remain unchanged post-transition? Surely there would be some tangible result if the proposed solution was doing anything to remedy the issue.

How can a boy "feel" like he's a girl? He's never been a girl. He never can be a girl. Biology dictates that you remain the gender of your birth.

Taking a pro-transgender position is taking an anti-science and anti-truth position.

Biology dictates that you remain the gender of your birth.

Actually, this is incredibly incorrect. From birth and during life there are many disorders that can change someone's position on the traditional gender spectrum. Lactotrophic adenomas, Kleinfelters, Turners, Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia etc...

Not to mention that as women age they lose secondary female sexual characteristics and gain male ones due to a slow down of liver function.

Sex is not black and white, even in nature, so why pretend it's black and white in our brains.

There is no gender spectrum. There is biologically only male and female.

Sex is not black and white, even in nature, so why pretend it's black and white in our brains.

Yes, it is. You're using the words "sex" and "gender" interchangeably, meaning you don't care about consistency in your ideology. Sex is "supposed" to be the black and white one.

No I'm not actually. Look up the examples I gave. Their syndromes where sex is either indeterminate or not fully male or female. So I'll say it again. Sex is a spectrum, gender is a spectrum.

Also I'm not arguing this any more, I'm out.

There are male cells and there are female cells. There are only two possibilities. There are "intersex" people, which is a very rare exception which proves the rule.

You're disregarding truth to push an incredibly dangerous ideology that will result in harm and suicide.