Benefits of cucumber

Cucumbers are edible fruits with green rind and crisp white flesh. Scientifically, cucumbers are known as cucumis sativas, they belong to the gourd family.
They are one of the oldest cultivated crops and is believed to have originated from Northern India. It is the most cultivated vegetable in the world and is readily available in local markets. Cucumbers are rich in vitamins and minerals, they are also known to be low in calories.
Health benefits of cucumber
Rehydrates and remineralized the body
Cucumbers helps to solve the problem of dehydration and this is as a result of the fact that it contains large amount of water. It might interest you to know that 90% of cucumber contains water.
Cucumbers are soothing
This is as a result of the presence of skin friendly minerals like magnesium and potassium in them. This explains why cucumbers are used in producing many skin care products.
It aids in weight loss
Cucumber just like other veggies helps in weight loss. Partly because it is fully packed with water and other nutrients and partly because it has no fats but a few calories. To achieve this, avoid fries, take cucumber instead.
It improves on the working condition of the brain
This is because cucumber contains fisetin, which is an anti-inflammatory agent that helps the brain to remember things easily.
It reduces the risk of developing cancer and helps the body to fight against cancer
Cucumbers is a natural agent that helps reduce the risk of developing cancer
it does this through the help of lignans, beta carotene and vit. C. Which is known for helping to reduce ones chances of developing cancer.
lignans is the polyphenol in cucumber that has the potential of even stopping the growth of tumors.
Cucumber keeps the heart healthy
It does this through the help of potassium which is present in cucumber and helps to lower blood sugar, thereby making the heart to beat steadily and keeps it healthy. Also, the potassium in cucumber helps in maintaining good muscle contraction, thereby making the nervous system to function effectively.
Cucumber aids digestion of food

This is due to the presence of Fibre and water, known to help food push faster through the intestine faster.
Cucumber improves or freshens our breath
It does this by eliminating the bacteria in the mouth that causes mouth odour. Therefore, if you desire a fresh breath, cut a slice of cucumber and hold it firmly at the roof of your mouth, using your tongue as support.
Cucumber nourishes the body
It nourish the body with the essential vitamins that the body needs and this helps to manage stress and boost the immunity system.
Cucumber helps to fight against heat, both internally and externally.
It fights against heartburn
Cucumber can be placed on the skin to reduce or eliminate skin itching and sunburn because it contains skin friendly minerals like potassium magnesium and silicon.

Cucumber is also known for relieving joint pains (arthritis), prevent or reduce headache, improve silky hair through its high silica content, control blood pressure, revives the eye, flushes toxins, keep the kidney in shape among others.
Haven gone through all these, you would agree with me that this fruit (cucumber) is often underestimated considering all the wonders it performs.
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