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RE: Fad Diet Facts (Ketogenic Diet)

in #health8 years ago

Great article one little thing to consider
As long there is glucose in your blood your body can't burn fat
The insulin stops all the fatburning
So if you eat carbohydrates your body will take the carbohydrates first and then start the fatburning
All the carbohydrates you don't need at the time will be stored as fat in your body and in your liver


Id be curious to see your research supporting insulin shutting down fat loss

Dr Lustig

This guy is great -maybe nr1 in us

He also explains what happens when you stop dieting - jojo effect
In the second video he explanes why one calorie protein is better then one calorie glucose

Insulin signals your body to anabolic processes; building and storing. Fat does not cause insulin to be released.

This is one reason why intermittent fasting is awesome. With each fast you use up your glucose that comes from the food.

Fasting helps -I think