Keeping your heart healthy is the ones to avoid fast food and extreme stretch Chow. You
can pump your heart's health by reducing cholesterol, reducing blood pressure, and
choosing foods that help reduce inflammation.
Which food groups have the highest science behind the healthy demands of their heart?

The oats and barrels cell walls contain a special type of soluble fiber called beta-glucano,
which provides a lot of flexibility for human health. Research shows that it boosts the
body's insulin reaction and boosts immunity, and it can be defensive during radiation and
chemotherapy. But its role in reducing cholesterol is important for heart health.
"Beta-glucense grows acids and cholesterol in the intestine and prevents their absorption in
the body.
Other grains, such as rye, wheat and sorghum, contain beta-glucane, but in small quantities
of beet-glucers compared to oats and barley are found in sirad, baker's yeast and various
species of mushrooms such as rishi, shite, and mite are found.
Research shows that eating 3 grams of beta-glucano daily reduce cholesterol by 10%.
According to Heart UK, a British charity institution dedicated to helping with high
cholesterol, you can complete by eating a bowl of oatmeal every day; Add 2 tablespoons of
figs cucumber to sleep in your smooth, soup or luncheon; And having an oatmeal cookie for
a snake.
Heart UK said that 150 grams (⅔ cup) cooking pearl barley can replace one with those who
serve Oat.
- Salmon and other fatty fish
Fish oil, especially omega-3 fatty acids, is important for maintaining a healthy heart. This
means that fatty fish such as salmon, alkohor tuna, macular, herring, lake trout and sardine
and crustaceans such as lobster, west, and squid are a heart-healthy protein protein staple.
They contain all the health-protected Omega-3s, especially the long-chain properties known
as LC Omega-3, which contain echosapenatean acid (EPA), dococontinental acid (DPA) and
dococycocinic acid (DAEA).
The long circle omega-3 shows cardiovascular disease in its clinical trials to help prevent
heart disease. Studies show that they have blood clots, low blood pressure, low blood
pressure, healthy and consistent, triglyceride and low inflammation. In the room!
The short chains of Omega 3, known as alpha-lionic acid (ALA), are found in abundance of
oil, plant, nut and seeds, but the evidence of its benefits is not strong.
"Plant-based Omega-23DHA like Flexsid, Walnut and Canola Oil, and not including the EPA,"
says the drawer. "And when there are more benefits of plants, you can not count on them
as a source for their long chain kinda brothers, because they are not necessarily converted
into them once in the body."
Fatty fish like salmon have the most long chains Omega 3s, and the American Heart
Association recommends a 3½-ounce recommendation to serve your food at least twice a
week. Children and pregnant women should be careful to eat fish with lower levels of
mercury, the association says, such as fresh and water-packed canned salmon
However, Dreyer said, be careful how you prepare your catch.
Healthy foods can make you unstable depending on how you cook them, "said Drayer." For
example, if you are deep fried fish, all unpleasant fatty or trans fat heart can basically
exceed health benefits, you want to fool the fool, bacon, grill or - but not the water, the oil.
Oil will contribute lots of extra calories. If a menu is not specific, then ask how fish are
absorbed. "
If fatty fish is not just your thing?
"If you do not eat fish, then you can consider oily fish -3 due to all research for heart
disease and brain in the brain," Dre said.
"There are some foods with EPA and DHA Omega-3," said Dr Reef Al Bouchi, a spokesman
for the Nutrition and Dietetics Academy. "Some of their eggs, milk, juices, peanut butter
and margarine spread."
"So instead of having regular spreads in your stomach, you can add some of your diet to
the benefits of additional food," Diaryter said. "Why do not you have an added holder?"
Be aware that the safest foods have a fraction of the fatty fish of Omega-3 and it can be
small-chain diversity.
Salad contains antioxidants which contain green leafy vegetables, chillies, blacks, Swiss
dermal, pulses and mustard green vitamins A, C, and those who are rich in poisonous toxins
from the body. But they put calcium, magnesium and potassium on the top 10 list of
cardiovascular diseases.
"Potassium, known to play role in the control of magnesium and calcium blood pressure," is
an expert in Al Bouchey, who has type 2 diabetes, who take high risk of heart disease.
"Potassium has helped limit the effects of sodium in blood pressure," he explains, "and it
helps the blood inside the blood with magnesium and calcium, which helps in increasing
blood flow and helps reduce blood pressure."
Green vegetables contain fewer calories: a cup dish or a Swiss chart just 7 calories and 33
times a day. Nutritionists say that it is best to get calcium, magnesium and potassium
instead of nutritious food.
Plus, green leafy vegetables - like most vegetables - are full of fiber, which help reduce the
level of cholesterol, prevent constipation (and therefore hemorrhoids) and help you, help
control weight. And of course, maintaining a healthy weight is a key to good heart health.
Potassium, magnesium and other nutrients known to reduce blood pressure in frozen seeds
and frozen seeds.
For example, a pistachy study may show that the nut may reduce incense drop (in the
name of resistance to peripheral vascular), reduce heart rate, blood pressure and
cholesterol. According to one researcher, one day better than helping two handling,
reducing blood pressure.
Wallets, packing, nuts, flaxed, macadamia nuts and hazelnuts are also a good choice. The
walnut omega 3 is especially high but small-chain different. Still, it's good for the heart.
"Although there is less discipline than Omega-3," Dyer said, "High blood pressure and
cardiovascular diseases related to alpha-liloinic acid (ALA) - protection against vaginal and
Flexaceide and canola oils in sugar chain Omega-23."
But keep in mind that all the nuts are high in calories. So an American Heart Association is
offering small proposals: about 1½ ounces or nuts flour, add 2 tablespoons of salt,
chocolate or chocolate, which is nut in the nut so it is not good for cardiovascular disease.
An amazing choice? Bit is filled with nitric oxide chalk, which can help with the help of a
purple screen, and can reduce your blood pressure. In fact, a small study of Australian men
and women found that 500 grams (about 2 cups of beans) mixed with systolic blood
pressure (number of blood pressure) mixed with juice reduced to six hours.
That's not all. Beat and betalain the only source of their juice, that can be used to treat
strong antioxidants with high antibiotic properties, which can be used to extend long-term
inflammation, diseases such as cow's juice, cancer and heart failure.
Already eat a healthy diet? Make sure to add avocado once every day. A study published in
the Journal of the American Heart Association found that reducing fat by reducing fat with a
nutrition-based avocado every day can decrease to 13.5 milligram-per-deciliter in blood
pressure. It may be enough to keep some people due to the pressure of blood pressure,
researchers say.
Avocados is a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce your total
cholesterol and your "bad" cholesterol (LDL) while maintaining your "cholesterol" (HDL)
Monounsaturated fatty acids are a mainstream of Mediterranean food, which has been
shown to improve the health and brain health of the heart, increasing risk and longevity for
breast cancer
A major component of Mediterranean diet is for cooking and dressing in salads and
vegetables such as saturated fat, such as olive oil for butter.
Olive oil is shown to increase monounsaturated fatty acids and reduce good cholesterol
while reducing blood pressure and both bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
HDL is often called "friendly scazer" because it spray blood for bad cholesterol and it gets
rid of it before it closes in the arteries. That is why HDL's high levels are considered good
for the heart.
At a high risk of cardiovascular events, a recent study of 300 Spanish men and women
showed some light on how olive oil's superior HDL could work. Researchers compared
people who eat Mediterranean food based on nuts and a group based on olive oil. The
group that had eaten more olive oil was effective in HDL; In other words, they were more
efficient in finding and removing HDL LDL and sending liver waste as waste.
However, how it works, olive oil is extremely high in calories. It should be used regularly
and instead of feeding more unhealthy fats.
The list of any heart will be complete without legumes, which include all kinds of beans,
peas, chicken and black-covered peas.
Resolution: One hour a day meatless
The purple helps the heart due to their high level soluble fiber, which is known to be low inthe levels of both blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
"Soluble fiber binds extra LDL cholesterol in the body and disposes it in waste form," said Al
Bochi. "You can think of it as a sponge type."
Studies have shown that eating less than a cup of cultivation improves blood pressure, and
a randomized controlled trial has found that the storage items that fertilize one day eat two
rows and reduce the waist circumference, weight, triglyceride and blood pressure in four
parts of the whole grain. .
Lezus does not contain any cholesterol and only 3% fat (unless they are prepared with dry
or other unhappy fats). They are full of iron, manganese, copper, B vitamins, magnesium,
jing and phosphorus, and they are very low in glycemic index, which means they have low
impact on your blood sugar. They are extremely high in protein; For example, some of the
half-cup lizus have 8 g of protein.
One caution: Most people eat canned versions of beans and other legumes, which will be
packed with salt as a preservative. Salt, of course, can increase blood pressure.
"Be sure to take extra salt and water before you feed," said Al Bochi. "And it is not only
beans and peas, it is important to remove the crushed corn, canned beekeepers, carrots,
any type of canned food and salt."
It may seem strange to include dairy in the list of top heart disease foods, but it seems that
milk, cheese and yogurt can help reduce blood pressure.
In a study of Boston University, researchers followed up to 75,000 people for 30 years of
diet and showed that at least 5 times a week women consuming yogurt reduced their risk
of high blood pressure by 20%. Milk and cheese also had an impact on reducing blood
pressure, but it was nothing like yogurt, researchers said.
In the study, eating less yogurt compared to men; The effects on their blood pressure were
"Dairy products contain calcium, potassium and magnesium, which are important minerals
to help control blood pressure," said Al Bouchi.
It has been found in the study that most of the beneficiaries have been following the diet of
the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, which suppress the dietary suppressor of
hypertension. The simplicity of the diet is: Extra veggies, fruits and low fat dairy foods eat
when the greasy fat is high, cutting back any food, and salt reduces your consumer.
The DASH diet plan contains three Surfaces of vegetables every day, four to six vegetables,
four to six parts of fruit, two to four cremation items from dairy products and some harmful
meats and each part of the nut / seeds / nuts.
"You're getting a combination of benefits by eating these foods because they give more
than a heart healthy nutrition," said Dyer.
In Boston Studies, men and women had higher DASH scores and those who had five or
more times per week, less likely to develop high blood pressure than 31% of their
participants who had fewer doses and had little yogurt.
Although there is no research on diarrhea in the study, experts feel stressed compared to
low-fat versions.
"Dairy products can contain high amounts of moderate fat, so do not forget to choose low-
fat products," said Al Bouchi. "Increased fat fat LDL cholesterol, known to be bad
cholesterol which can cause heart disease."
- A low-sodium, balanced diet
No. 10 healthy list of heart may seem unknown, but it is important. Experts say that instead
of concentrating on just one or two cardiovascular diseases, you will be better served to eat
an aromatic food which focuses on healthy food of all types and colors.
it will help people to get sound health