Save Our Pineal Gland!

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Are You Sure You Want To Drink That Glyphosate?

The pineal gland is a tiny little gland located outside of our blood brain barrier, which is susceptible to environmental toxins. Many neurological diseases are linked to a dysfunctional pineal gland. One of the reasons many people have sleeping disorders can be directly connected to the pineal gland. Also, a dysfunctional pineal gland can cause neurological diseases, including depression, dementia, anxiety disorder, Parkinson’s disease, and autism.

Two of the most common chemicals in our environment, aluminum in vaccines, and glyphosate an ingredient in Roundup a herbicide have an increased presence in our vaccines and environment.

Glyphosates disrupt gut bacteria leading to an uptick in Clostridium difficile. Clostridium produces p-Cresol, linked to both human and mouse models. P-cresol enhances the absorption of aluminum through transferrin. Anemia is the result of aluminum disruption of heme and impaired heme synthesis from glyphosate, which leads to hypoxia. This disruption increases the stress and dysfunction to pineal gland transferrin synthesis.

Premature birth is linked to hypoxic stress, which also increases the chance of autism. Glyphosate chelates aluminum, which is one of the glyphosate characteristics, it chelates all minerals. The chelating of aluminum allows ingested aluminum to go around the gut barrier. This is one of the causes of anemia-induced hypoxia, which leads to neurotoxicity and damage to the pineal gland. Glyphosate and aluminum interfere with cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in the system that produces melatonin metabolism. Melatonin helps us sleep.

Melatonin is produced from tryptophan, which glyphosate blocks the synthesis in plants and microbes. Vitamin D3 symbiosis becomes dysfunctional in the gut function and serotonin synthesis. Sulfate supply to the brain regulates the damage induced by aluminum and glyphosate on the pineal gland and midbrain nuclei.

Sleep disorders are running rampant through our population and is associated with neurological diseases such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease. A study from Hong Kong found that psychiatric conditions were an indicator of insomnia in both genders. Extensive research based on data from physicians with independent practices found that 69% of patients manifested secondary insomnia, many times related to depression and other mental diseases.

There has been a documented increase, and here in autism not related to better diagnoses in the last 20 years. CDC released state in 2014 that one in 68 of 12-year-old children suffering from autism. Two papers have shown that better diagnoses of autism are the reason for the increase is wrong. Two economists came to the same conclusion that the increase in autism through an analysis through market theory. The data analyzed spans 20 years, and they conclude that 80% of the rise of environmental chemicals use in our agricultural systems and vaccines. Nevison found three chemicals connected to autism, glyphosate, aluminum vaccine adjuvant and polybrominated diphenyl ether used in flame retardants, which are applied to our clothes and other household materials.

Melatoninis released by our pineal gland at night and is located in the middle of the brain behind the optic chiasma. The pineal gland is susceptible to damage from chemicals because it is outside of the blood-brain barrier. The lack of protection from the blood-brain barrier may be why the pineal gland is easily damaged; it accumulates aluminum. Neurotoxicity from Aluminum is well documented, progressive encephalopathy develops in correlation with high levels of aluminum. In dialysis fluid, high levels of aluminum have been shown to cause microcytic anemia along with encephalopathy and dementia. Premature infants given intravenous therapy may be exposed to aluminum have been correlated with developing neurological damage and mental impairment. Jobs that expose workers to aluminum have shown sleep disturbance as a common Occupational hazard. The pineal gland is not the only reason for sleep disorders, but it is one of the most delicate glands that experience damage following aluminum exposure and is associated with most neurological diseases.

Independent studies researching the damaged caused by glyphosate are challenging to find and is one of the most used herbicides in our world.

Agricultural weeds have built up a resistance to glyphosate, which is the reason why we have genetically modified plants that can withstand more and more glyphosate applications to kill glyphosate resistant weeds. Corn, soy, and canola have been engineered “Roundup Ready,” and through market studies the correlation between glyphosate sales and neurological disorders relationship is overwhelming.

Studies of early in vivo toxicological allege that glyphosate is nontoxic to mammals. There are questions I have regarding the studies. They are too short lasting around three months, and glyphosate was used in its pure form rather than in its retail form with surfactants and adjuvants, much like vaccines. There is astudy that exposed rats to Round-ready corn and soy over the course of the lifespan. The rats showed dramatic damage to mammary glands that developed tumors in female rats along with liver and kidney damage in male rats.

The surfactants in Roundup-ready, polyethoxylated alkylamines are toxic and increase glyphosate toxicity by 125-fold. Roundup-ready is safe enough to drink stated by Monsanto's lobbyist Dr. Patrick Moore. However, despite this statement, Roundup-ready has been shown to be the most toxic of all herbicides.

Overwhelming correlative data are showing the use of glyphosate and many diseases and conditions that are increasing through the introduction of glyphosate into our global food system.

This is a counter argument to glyphosate and aluminum work synergistically to disrupt our pineal gland function by disrupting our digestive system, causing hypoxia and anemia.

Aluminum and glyphosate play a part in anemia and disrupt the CYP class of enzymes leading to a depleted supply of melatonin homeostasis. Also, there is a disruption of sulfate supplies to the gut and brain and impair our health. The pineal gland damage is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

I will be investigating in detail what I touched on in this paper with subsequent posts.

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Graphs Taken from Stephanie Seneff, Nancy Swanson, Chen Li Research

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I used to work in a metal fab shop where Aluminum shavings in the air were common place. After reading your article it makes perfect sense why I had depression bouts and trouble sleeping.

Yeah, I read about Aluminum toxicity long ago and stopped using aluminum when cooking. Also dentist are one of the professions that suffer high suicide rates...when you get rid of mercury and you get...

I became curious about the composition of porcelain crowns and called one of the manufacturers. I was told their porcelain was pure ceramic. Thanks. I called another and asked what their ceramic was made out of. Porcelain I was told. I called another and asked what their porcelain ceramic was made out of. Natural products. Knowing that mercury was “natural” I went to scientists other than manufacturers. Natural porcelain ceramic is made from clay B kaolin specifically B which is 45 percent aluminum oxide. Oh! So porcelain crowns are really aluminum. The aluminum does come out of the crown and I have personally seen some tragic cases of poisoning from dental porcelain ceramic aluminum crowns. Obviously not everyone has violent reactions, but when they occur, it is not a happy site [sic].

I don't know if this type of aluminum is toxic, I have a crown....sigh

I have alot of fillings :(. I was a kid, didnt know "safe" mercury was in them. Also have 2 metal plates in my ankle and one in wrist. Oh boy

It's incredible, yet pretty obvious. Food is health, but now the same people that is selling "health" in a pill, are poisoning our food. It's all about the business. Is discussting.

There is a lot of profit in disease managment...

More profit in suffering than there is in health and happiness

Absolutely right. Health shouldn't be a private corporation, driven by absurd gain. But we live in a world where war is the best business and is done by the people we "choose" to represent us. So many things are so incredibly wrong! I just don't comprehend...

I am a firm believer in the fact that our immunization policy needs to revamped if not removed. I also understand the fact that medical science like all sciences at it's heart is partly a trial and error approach, at least in terms of implementation.
A lot of the modern data coming through will show things to be one way when in truth, 20 years later that picture is going to be proven wrong by a more advanced research.
I remember hearing about a 1960's research that indicated that breast milk is bad for the baby.............I will leave it at that.
It is as if the modern medicine has no place in it for what the human heart feels about the body itself. Something that doesn't take in into account what's within cannot be trusted (completely) with what is outside.

I am a farm girl and I know what happens to livestock when fed formula, they develop diarriah and all of them had stunted growth. That's why I breast fed my 3 children, who are now grown and very healthy. I did vaccinate my children but I put off vaccines until they were in second or third grade. They were neverr sick until they started taking vaccines. My boy started developing chronic ear and lung infections. I knew vaccines were bad for infants and pregnant women but at that time back in the 1980s I thought healthy children could handle the toxin load. Now I have changed my mind. My grown children avoid adult vaccines and try and limit the amount of vaccines given to their children at one time. They feel obliged to vaccinate because of school and daycare policies.

I know what is in human formulas and as a farmer I would never feed that crap to my livestock! I mean all that sugar and chemicals...OMG!

It's bad enough what the animals have to suffer but surprisingly we will find that it would be more difficult for us to get them to review the human immunization policies. Far more power and money is vested in that so that the status quo could remain the same.

Many of the farmers I grew up wouldn't give their livestock shots, only during extreme infections and would never water them with fluoridated water....they would sicken quickly. But we didn't run huge mega operations like today....Only huge operations vaccinate and give antibiotics to their livestock because of dirty crowded conditions and unnatural foods...hmmm sounds like humans are being factory farmed.

i hope reddust with this post many people get concious about pineal gland .. May God save us all from every desease .. 😊

Great post.
Humans are under attack.
Power to truth and health and community.

We are always under attack from all sorts of parasites and now we have to deal with disease manager parasites as well ...sigh

Sigh indeed.
Got to take those small steps toward health.
Not easy. Power to you.

Thanks you very much for your sharing usefull and valuable information, we have to keep our health by drink and eat benefit food and avoid glyphosat and alumanium that can danger to pineal gland function, i like your post and have upvote and resteem your post to more than 1860 my follower, greeting friendship from me @abialfatih in aceh indonesia

this article spoke to a lot of the issues I and my kids have dealt with over the years. By the grace of god my wife has a mind for this and came in before my kids were hurt by the chemicals beyond repair. I'm just learning about it and found your post really helpful.

Excellent gathering of info. I wish there were millions more eyes to view your work here... but sadly the masses will still go on FB and inoculate themselves willingly with vaccines.

I have long advocated against vaccines and learned of aluminum toxicity a few years ago when I learned of chemtrailing and also began spreading the word. Everyone fights back so efffin hard with the lies.. they just can't accept it. They don't want to believe the evil that is occurring with each injection.

I mean c'mon... the push for vaccines is harder than ever.. 5 years ago, you had to pay for a vaccine, now they'll pay you to get a shot. WTF?

I worked in a pharma lab for two years.. and every standard that had aluminum in it was regarded as potentially hazardous and was to be handled with caution. When working with a specific vaccine project, a standard Thimerosal was so dangerous, the label warned, "Fatal on contact".. hmm

this is such a very good information. well, i start being conscious about what I ate now and be healthy.