Benefits of eating plant based diets (based on true life story)

in #health5 months ago

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Hello everyone, good evening to you from Nigeria.

It's almost 6 days since I wrote here in the blog due to my busy schedule. But I'm glad I am here and I can write here anytime I can and when I have the motivation.

I am not a medical person and my knowledge of medicine or other basic health tips are limited.

However, due to my father's poor health before he passed on, I've had the opportunity to learn some basic medical concepts through a nurse that was living close to us back then, all these were to help my Dad.

I stumbled over some of the notes I wrote when the nurse was educating me. Though it's been long, I thought of sharing those tips here, perhaps, it could be of help to others.

When you take a cup of smoothie, that's a plant based diet. When you eat some salad, that's a plant based diet.when you eat some porridge, that's a plant based diet. When you eat some grains and oat, that's a plant based diet. I was thought these things.

Day by day, we eat many plant based and animal based diets. What is the difference?

The difference is the source. While plant based diets like smoothies, grains, veggies are made from plants growing from the soil. Animal based diets are barbecue, suya, fried chicken etcetera.

Now, between plant based and animal based diets, which do you often eat?🤷

For me, I love plant based diets due to its benefits.

Now what really are the benefits of eating plant based diet?

A lot of benefits are attributed to plant based diets which I will categorize into nutritional and non nutritional benefits

Nutritional benefits

  • Plant based diets contains less calories than animal based diets. If you are seeking to loose weight, please always opt for plant based food.

  • Plant based diets contains plant fat which is high in High density lipoprotein (HDL) unlike animal fat that contains low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)which can accumulate in your arteries as thrombosis which can inversely lead to.

  • Plant based diets are nutrient rich. Vegetables, fruits and even Nuts, are very much rich in essential vitamins, the are good antioxidants , minerals and also fiber. Which builds and cleanses the boys system.

  • Plant based diets can give you the best weight management options. If you want to gain weight, there are smoothies especially ones made from banana that can make you loose weight.
    There are also healthy smoothies from different fruits which makes you maintain your weight.

  • Plant based diets have medical benefits. Some even curring some illnesses or sickness. Many others preventing deadly diseases like cancer. It encourages digestion especially roughage. It could be used for proper weight management and control of sugar level in blood.

The Let's talk the economic benefits

  • Plant based diets are less expensive than animal based diets. It's much easier to plant a fruit, shrub or veggie around your locality than rear animals for consumption.

  • Plant based diets reduce the level of zoonotic diseases acquired from animals.

  • Encouraging plant based diets is synonymous to discouraging environmental pollution. Plants take in CO₂ and give out oxygen - purify the air for us to breathe.

Are you a fan of plant based diet but don't know how best to eat it to maximize its benefits?

Here's a simple plan for typical Nigerians:

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Breakfast: You can take a herbal tea with 2-3 loaves of whole grain wheat bread. If you wish to make it much heavier especially if you are gaining weight, replace the herbal tea with a cup of banana smoothie.

Lunch: A healthy plate of boiled plantain and veggy sauce is great combo.

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Dinner: A healthy plate of brown rice and salad is enough magic. You could even choose to snack your dinner with fruits.

Ps:I am not totally condemning animal based diets. A little meat or fish will do no harm. But taking plant based diets is one way to keep fit, keep health and get in shape. A word is enough for the wise

I hope you enjoyed this piece and I hope it can help others.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Thank you my friend

Very good educational content! With all these proofs, I think I will give more attention to plant base food.

Keep engaging with other people, posts like this needs to be read.