Removing Dogma to Create Healthier Humans

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Corporations don't want you to be a critical self thinker

The reasoning behind this is simple, soon as you are more aware you will seek better options from the most profitable services they provide. Along with buying less shit. Cunning Salesmen have sold you ideologies that fit into their business model. Anything that can turn a profit will or will be saught to be controlled. You are more Gullible than you think, inspecting everything that you purchase will lead to multiple revelations on how you can become more healthy, hell even save money. Health leads to Attractiveness, Strength, Athletisicm, Mental Well Being, Intelligence etc... If you didn't get this by now...
"The Best time to plant a Tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese Proverb.

Dentistry and Dental Health as an example: Treating Symptoms does not work, Treating Causes will.
Corporations of the Dental Institution like any other Corporation want you to know limited portions of their Trade. This is perpetuated by the 'wannabe dentists' a.k.a 'dental students' who go pay for their knowledge which is controlled by the profitable cultural idea that is the Dentistry Institution. What Dentistry does is the same as any other Health Institution and treats the symptoms instead of any causing factor. So lets treat these causes.

Besides a healthy diet, (stay tuned and follow me for more knowledge) Here are multiple ways you can improve your dental health:

  • Sunshine for Vitamin D Synthesis (You can supplement, especially during the winter, sunshine is better)
  • K Spectrum of Vitamins will aid with utilizing calcium to say the least (From Fermented Foods)
  • Calcium (Best source is from bones)
    These 3 Nutrients work together in harmony to strengthen, replace, protect your bones. A significant lack in any of these will lead to teeth and bone issues.

Self Dental Care Practices:

  • Oil Pulling, swishing oil (I use coconut oil) around in your mouth for 5-15 minutes will remove toxins and clean your teeth.
  • Salt Water Rinses for antibacterial purposes
  • The use of toothpicks
  • Not using shitty commercial products

The last time I went to see a dentist, The checkup informed me that I had 4 cavities, I took these practices seriously for about a week and half until the next appointment. Went in and the dentist spent 15 minutes looking for my cavities, he found two and was totally baffled. Needless to say that was the last time I went to see a dentist, Not one cavity in 5 years, pearly white straight teeth, wisdom teeth fit, all along with not seeing a dentist once haha!

Follow me for more articles relating to a healthy lifestyle and let me know if there is a subject you would be interested in!