Magnesium, Why You're Deficient and What You Can Do About It

in #health8 years ago

Magnesium is one of the most crucial minerals for Athletes, Pain, De-Stressing, Mood, and Disease Prevention and more. With all nutrition from plants dropping at a massive rate, thanks mono-cropping. It's much more difficult bordering on nearly impossible to make sure that you get adequate nutrients from your food anymore, hello Egypt, goodbye rain-forest. This is no longer the time where we can get enough nutrition from a basic diet, Most people don't even eat a healthy diet... This is what we have come to. So now a supplement like Magnesium has miraculous healing properties on people. It's just nutrition, your body is starving people.

Magnesium's presence in the body allows: energy to be produced and used in the cells, muscles to contract and relax, key hormones to be synthesized. Yeah those are some pretty huge factors, i'm sure you can imagine that you don't want to have any deficiency in it. Hint, the body will take magnesium from the bones to use.

According to the National Institutes of Health:
"Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis"

Conditions that can Benefit from Magnesium Supplementation:

  • Headaches
  • Muscle Spasms and Muscle Cramps
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Autism and ADD
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Insomnia
  • Tics
  • Psoriasis, Acne and Eczema
  • Asthma
  • Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis

Benefits of Magnesium Supplementation:

  • Feeds the muscles and is an important factor in muscle relaxation and heart health
  • Allows nerves to send messages in the brain and nervous system
  • Aids and regulates the body’s use of calcium and other minerals (Most if not all Nutrients work synergistically)
  • Assists in bone and teeth formation
  • Regulates the metabolism of nutrients such as protein, nucleic acids, fats and carbohydrates
  • Regulates cholesterol production and helps modulate insulin sensitivity
  • Assists in energy production, DNA transcription and protein synthesis
  • Maintains the structural health of cell membranes throughout the body

This is the magnesium I use, it's whole food based, allowing the body to properly digest. For best effects take it with some fat. The biggest benefit I have personally noticed is better sleep and quicker recovery times from training. If you are interested in magnesium supplementation, Support me by going through this link, Thanks!

My Mission is to Educate and Inform you of Truths that you can use on Upgrading Yourself through Health/Nutrition/Fitness so naturally I drop knowledge about Health, Nutrition, Wellness, Fitness, Lifestyle, Movement, and overall how to upgrade yourself. Follow me for more and let me know about any questions or concerns!
Have an Awesome Day!


I actually think I might need more mag in my diet now that I read this article.

Thanks for your mission and I hope you bring many others good health information.

By the way, what do you think of B12? Would it also help some of the problems. I was told to take B12 over Magnesium but I wanted to know someone else's opinion... you know someone from the outside.

EDIT: A few problems I have been having.
-Kinks in my neck and shoulders
-No Energy or Low Energy
-Wake up and still feel tired
-Constantly stressed out and wound up tight

I don't claim to be a doctor on the internet, I may write a post on b12. Off the top of my head it comes from red meat mainly. Vegans are deficient, as for your symptoms it could be numerous things. How much sunlight are you getting? Try to get some first thing when you wake up and then have lights off 2-3 hours before bed. F.lux is a great program.

Edit: The symptoms 1,4 that you mentioned seem to be because you are bottled up in your head and stressed out. You are going to have to figure out how to improve that. Lifestyle
Symptoms 2,3 Could be the same but could also be from a lack of proper nutrition or quality sleep. By resetting your circadian rhythm it could tremendously help your sleeping

Here dude, this is your best bet

I appreciate the input and the help. I will for sure look into the supplement and see if it helps.

Ha, funny you should say lifestyle. I came here to write about it, and what I want... I was raised on a farm in Mississippi and now live in a big city. I went from growing and raising everything I ate to buying it all and now I hate it... I want to go back to the simpler life. It is in the works but oh I can not wait for the day.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I do get a lot of sunlight. I am very very active out doors.

Will it make me taller and better looking?! :)

edit: proper nutrition will.