Living With HIV: The Ghost Of New Years Past
Throughout 2018, I was ecstatic. I thought, finally a year went by with no significant incidences. I should have stopped myself there and then and not jinx myself. Oh boy, was I in for a surprise.

Would you hold my hand and tell me its all ok?
The Morbid Dance
November came. It didn't bring with it the Goddesses and Gods of Samhain, nor did it bring the Cuddly Santa. Instead, it chose to bring back a demon. One from my past.
It all started innocently enough. One night, I was awoken from my sleep by the most intense itching within my anogenital area. It felt like something was growing in on my skin.
Little did I know, that was what was actually happening.
Return Of A Fiend
Everything just went bad there after. It started with a lump, which I thought was a hemorrhoid. Which I immediately started with my go to remedy, praying the pain away.

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A week in, it didn't get better. What I thought was hemorrhoid started spreading. I had bumps sprouting all the way to my trunks. This was a call of concern. I went to a GP to get these bumps looked into. I was told that its some boils and carbuncles, was prescribed some antibiotics and was advised to have it lanced in a week's time.
Another week went by, it grew worse. The itch and pain was unbearable, and there were discharges from these bumps.
I went to another GP for a second opinion who told me that it was venereal warts (uggh!). He referred me to the skin centre, which unfortunately has a long appointment wait list. I was left to suffer for another week before I decided enough was enough and checked myself into the emergency department, breaking my no-hospitalisation year.
Is It Boils? Carbuncles? Or Warts?
Within the span of one week, I started displaying further symptoms. There were outbreaks on my face, as well as some crusting in my nose, affecting my ability to breathe.
It was only after a week of being warded in the isolation ward (I was in isolation as they suspected that it may be tuberculosis. good grief!) that I finally got my answer.

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Healing & Recovery
After two intramascular jabs and multiple doses of antibiotics, I finally see the lesions disappearing, and all other outbreaks subsiding.
When I was diagnosed with HIV, I also tested positive for syphilis. While I had it treated then, I guess it actually went into a latent stage, only to resurface later on to haunt me again.
I won't be going into the science of it all in this post as it warrants a dedicated post by itself.
All in all, it's been a journey.
And all that is left for me now is just moving on forward towards self healing.