in #health6 years ago

One of the biggest reasons people seek me out as a nutrition for for is anxiety. People need help calming down because it seems that anxiety is at an all time high.

We have a tool kit full of support that can assist in us mellowing out.
Along w connecting with Spirit (in my opinion the most valuable tool in our kit), deep breathing, eating a whole foods & organic diet, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), engaging in phsyiFullSizeRender-3.jpgFullSizeRender-3.jpgexercising, reiki, massage, acupuncture, mediation and napping, here are some other tools that can be supportive in overcoming chronic anxiety. What is not pictured here and that is can be SO SO helpful is also CBD's.

I suggest taking probiotics, EPA/DHA, b-vitamins (w methylated B9 (folate) and B12), vitamin D, and CBD's consistently along with a quality multi-vitamin (not pictured). Then please do your own research about which other supplements might benefit you specifically.
Note: Supplements (especially amino acids) can interact with prescirption medications, so please talk w your doc and/or do your own research.
Also, this post is not intended to treat, mitigate or diagnose any illness.
Pictured here from left to right: Magnesium CALM, omega-3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA), coenxyme B complex, herbal formula liquid bliss (so so my fav!), probiotics, GABA, L-theanine, vitamin d3. Have you tried any of these supplements to support calming down? What has worked for you? Also, do you take anything that isn't photographed here?


I tried L theanine and I feel it loses it's magic fairly quickly. I even took a months long break and never regained it's effects.

I read somewhere that you must take d3 with vitamin k2, to prevent calcium from going where it shouldn't. Regardless, people should have their vitamin d levels checked before supplementing.

GABA doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, so the effects of that are debatable.

B-complex is good, but the majority of them have very high doses and these doses can have serious consequences.

I hear good things about the cbd oil, and the fish oil is good as well.

Thank you for your thoughts here .... Honestly, I think everyone is different and will respond to supplements in a unique way. I have worked w clients and they LOVE L-Theanine and it has done wonders for them along w 5-HTP. The amino acids can be tricky to navigate and that is why I love the book "The Mood Cure."
You are spot on w d3 and k2 needing to be present in order for calcium to be absorbed. CBD oil has worked wonders for me to support my sleep and therefore my mood :)