Nah, but for real ... how are you starting your day?

in #health6 years ago

What is the first thing you do upon waking from your slumber?
What are the first thoughts you think?
What is the first drink you sip in and food you eat?

This is a big conversation and I will base my next few posts around this topic because the first things we do upon rising, can impact our day to a huge extent.

To answer my first question: What is the first thing you do upon waking from your slumber?
I am an early bird ~ waking up around 5am or 6am. I drink filtered water and then I make myself some organic and delicious coffee. I mix it w organic butter and collagen.
I take it back to bed and proceed to read my A Course In Miracles Workbook lesson (CONNECT W MY HIGHER SELF!!) and meditate.

To be totally honest, I really enjoy feeling a caffeine buzz and feeling God (the universe, goddess, whatever you want to call this unconditionally loving energy ) moving through me. They are quite the dynamic duo ;) !!! I root into this sensation of gratitude and love and allow myself to feel it all over. I don't allow myself to look at my phone for at least the first 45 minutes of waking up.

Pictured here is me w my morning smoothie. I will share what is in it next post! Because we have heard it before ... breakfast is a mighty important meal. So, let's talk about it shall we?!?!??!?