How to have the best sleep of your life! (Part 1)

in #health7 years ago

Hey there Steemians! Do you find yourself struggling to get out of bed in the morning but struggling to fall asleep at night? Most people aren't aware that the little things we do (and sometimes don't do!) have a massive impact in our ability to have restful sleep. If you make these small but key changes in your daily life, I promise that in a few weeks you'll be having the best sleep of your life!

1. Reduce the number of naps you have in a day

Believe it or not, sometimes too much napping can be a bad thing. Studies show that multiple naps over 30 minutes can increase you chances of having insomnia. Naps have so many amazing benefits: they help increase your clarity and focus, naps help reduce stress and anxiety, and they can be helpful in getting a nice burst of energy to continue your day. However, having more than 1 nap a day can make it much harder for you to fall asleep later at night. This doesn't mean you have to stop napping! Just make sure you have your short nap at least 6 hours before your bed time.

2. Get some exercise!

Exercise is proven to help stimulate hormones that make you feel happy and more relaxed. Even just walking your dog or a quick hop on the treadmill can help make a world of difference in your sleep. Be sure to do your exercises a few hours before you go to sleep. Many people report that exercising close to their bedtime makes it harder for them to fall asleep. Find a good time in your schedule that allows you to move those muscles and stay healthy!

3. Wake up and Go to bed at the same time everyday

This one tip made a huge difference in my life! By setting an alarm for the same time every morning and going to bed at the same time every night, you're allowing your body to fall into a natural rhythym that will make it easier to go to sleep and to wake up. This pattern will help your body develop a natural wake up time that'll leave you feeling refreshed in the morning! Also try to get between 7-10 hours of sleep consistently every night. You must also be consistent and continue this on the weekends as well. If you only stick to this 5 days a week but sleep and wake up at random hours on the weekend, you'll hate Mondays even more!

4. Stop using technology at least 30 minutes before your bedtime

The bright light from your smartphone or computer can have a negative effect on your circadian rhythm (your bodies internal clock). Your brain can sometimes have a difficult time differentiating between natural light and the bright light from your device. This light tells your brain that it's not night time (or sleep time), which can have a impact on your ability to fall asleep. Simply stop using your devices 30 minutes before bed to help your body fall into a natural pattern of sleep. Try reading a book , having a conversation, or writing your to-do list for the next day. Your future self will thank you!

5. Make sure you're comfortable when in bed

It's important to make sure you are not irritated by anything while trying to fall asleep. Wear comfortable clothes, make sure your pillow supports your head and neck well to prevent aches and pains, and ensure your mattress suits your needs. Its also important to make sure the temperature of the room fits your needs. Invest in a space heater and/or heavy comforter in the colder seasons, and a fan/ or  lighter blanket if you need it! Being comfortable in bed makes it so much easier to fall and stay asleep throughout the night!

6. Drink a glass of water right when you wake up

After 7-10 long hours of sleep, you might be parched! A nice glass of water will help hydrate you and make it easier for you to get out of bed. Try to make drinking water the first thing you do when your alarm goes off. It may seem hard at first, but the cool water will instantly wake up your drowsy body and you'll be ready to seize the day!

These are just a few amazing ways to change the way you sleep! In Part two, I'll discuss more awesome ways to incorporate sleep friendly tips into your day to make your nights a dream.

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I've had good luck with herbal tea and just consuming less caffeine each day. Hard to consume less caffeine especially when that first sip of the day is so good.

I think David Bowie himself followed these tips, and look how well he sleeps now!

A really great post. I have been losing sleep in the few hours towards the morning but now I can implement some of this practices to have better sleep. Thanks for sharing!

I can vouch for the exercise, water, and screen limitation methods. If you have trouble limiting your screen time, you can get apps to negate the blue light from your screen.

I recommend flux or twilight for that.