Life as a Health Coach

in #health7 years ago (edited)

20170723_125812.jpgHi my name is Joseph Jaime, I am 31 yrs. old I live in California and this is my story of how I became a Health Coach ...

It all started about five years ago, I was going through the roughest time in my life yet. My girlfriend at the time and I were expecting our first child together, we were so happy nothing could bring us down. Until one night she had woken me up saying that her water had broken ( Which was not normal she was only 5 months pregnant) I put my clothes on and rushed her to the hospital . We went to the ER and they immediately rushed us to a room , the doctor came in and pushed on her belly and I wasn't ready for what he had to say. He said we had to induce labor because the baby is coming , I was such in shock I just held my girlfriends hand tight as she cried . about two hours later after they induced labor he had told me that we lost our child but the good news is that my girlfriend will recover over time .

Such a hard blow to our hearts we felt empty . Its crazy how in one day your life can change and be different forever. The next few months after the miscarriage was so hard for us emotionally and physically I don't think I've cried so much in my life. About six months after the miscarriage we figured it would be best if we went our own ways she had her goals and I was still soaking in my sorrows . So we broke up , when she left I took up drinking alcohol like everyday !!! Starting the day with two to five shots of vodka before work . It got to the point where I got fired from my job and moved back in with my Mom and grandmother . This was the lowest of the low for me , I was over feeling sorry for myself and being sad about losing my daughter. This was alcoholism at it's worst for sure I would be drinking all day long and sleep that is literally all I did. This went on for about three years I had times where I thought I was going to die from just feeling like crap. Until I spoke to some random guy at the park I used to drink at , all he told me was" Hey man I see you here everyday at the same time and you're so young , I don't mean to preach to you but looks like you need to find your passion." That actually sank in to me at first I was pissed like what does this dumb ass know , I couldn't get that out of my head though.

A couple weeks had gone by of me just thinking about what I am passionate about and what passion really meant to me in my life . I searched online for people who live by their passion and many successful individuals came up , this actually got me thinking if I could at least stop drinking it would help me move on in my life. Giving up drinking was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life , I never really thought I was an alcoholic until I tried to quit then reality hit me . It took me about a good six months to quit drinking and to this day( 2 1/4 yrs later) I still haven't had one drink since then .

I started moving my mindset from passion to making my passion into actionable tasks that was the key I found . I figured since I quit drinking I should be as healthy as I could be with all the damage I caused my liver and the rest of my body. So I found a School online called The Institute for Integrative Nutrition being the worlds largest nutrition school I felt it was time to up my game and take good care of myself. Going to this school took some getting used to the first month was getting used to a new routine and actually educating myself by doing the modules they had given me and I made a promise to myself I would do more work than expected because I wanted the best for myself . I loved the modules very much they were easy at first and I thought I knew everything they already had to teach me .

Four months in the school year and our next assignment was to do mock meetings with students so we could get familiar with the material before we actually got clients. This brought on much anxiety for me I didn't want to meet anyone and thought I was going to be a total failure . One thing got me through this , the guy in the park telling me about passion !!! This drove me to do more mock meetings than expected and I did do that We were only expected to do six Meetings with students and I ended up doing 46 . I got so good at doing them that I didn't need the outline anymore and I was coaching people everywhere I went. I saw the spark in my own eyes and I felt the drive pushing me out of my comfort zone but I embraced it. I've met so many awesome people from all over the world that past year and I've helped people that I saw were struggling with there own hardships either if it was losing a loved one , weight loss, eating disorders , or just feeling lost and not knowing what direction they want to go. The thing about Health Coaching is it's truly made for anyone who is open minded enough to change their life we all have the power to change but a lot of us get stuck in the same old routines that it becomes the norm.

As a Health Coach I've had so many clients from high school students to the elderly rich and poor . In my opinion everyone deserves to live their life to the fullest and happiest ( Yes there will be those people who aren't open minded and think I waste peoples time and money but they have never tried being coached I bet lol) we all want to do good and be happy and when times get hard I know it may seem like there will be no way out. If you think about it there is literally multiple solutions to every problem. My job as a coach is to help people put themselves first and that may seem selfish at first glance but how are you going to help someone else if you can't help yourself. I focus on four main groups called primary food which is Spirituality, Career , Exercise, and Relationships this trumps your secondary food which is the food you eat. There are different ways to keep in balance and that's what my job is to do is to help you come up with a Perfect Balance just for you and your goals and no one else's.

Now I am happy to say I live the life I always wanted and deserve . I work when I want, I make good money in The Corporate Wellness Industry and I bring very good value to companies and individuals lives that is my true passion . I yet have to find the guy at the park and thank him for putting it in my head that it all starts with passion and he was definitely right. So many more people are out here struggling to pay bills and are not happy in their relationships that I get it it's easier to just stay but the true sacrifice they make is their time goes by . It's only fair to yourself and make the most out of your life and do what truly makes you happy !!!

This is my story and how I became a Health Coach I hope you enjoyed it and maybe given you a little inspiration to never settle if things aren't going well . We all deserve the best !!!!