GET WHAT YOU WANT DETACHING FROM IT. Law of attractionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Since we were little kids, people tell you that you have to make an effort to achieve what you want. You have to put in hard work and sweat (sometimes even bleed), etc. When you grow up you realize that it was nothing more than a belief inculcated in our mind from our earliest childhood.

In the measure we grow up we realize that striving doesn't guarantee anything, i mean, not an assured result. When we are not getting what we want, striving more is counterproductive, because it can block us and this tension cuts off all creativity and fluidity with life.

So, make an effort ... is it worth it? strive ... is it good for you or a bad thing?

You have to practice the virtue of effort, that will be good for you. However, to strive is not a positive thing... Yes, we must direct our effort to what we want. If we focus our attention on what we like, what we feel we have to do, it will manifest. You will dedicate all the time you want and it will not be an effort for you. You'll do it in a fluid way, with motivation. When there is this dedication to a task (or a job), effort and suffering just disappear, and the joy remains. And it's a great thing.


For this we must know what is the secret of life, and what i mean about that is that you have to be self aware to know what we have come to this world.

There have always been people who seem to achieve many achievements with little effort, in the same way that many people try hard and get nothing.

and …. what is the secret?

There have always been people who want to get, with the same way that many people try hard and get nothing

How they do that? they BECOME DETACHED. Think about it like saying to the universe: "Hey, I give this to you, is in your hands now, resolve this for me".

You can't become obsessed with what you're trying to manifest because then you're going give off these desperate and anxious vibes which is going to halt the process instead of speed it up.

This doesn't mean that your attachment is a bad thing. Actually it means that is coming to you because it makes you feel great when you think about it.

When you detach from it, then you are applying the art of allowing. Here's how it works:
After manifesting what you want (whether drawing it, meditating, writing it down, etc.) you can say:
"This or something better is on its way to me."

Just saying that will make you feel more detached. You have to realize that practicing trusting is key.
If you focus on the how, on the where or even the reason why it's just going to mess with the precess
Your only job here is to want and it will come to you.

You have to stop with the questions and just enjoy your chosen path.

Much love and blessings for you Steemians! see ya


Thank you for writing this article. I read a book Your Life: Why It Is the Way It Is and What You Can Do About It by Bruce McArthur

I submit this resource to you because there are many different levels to manifesting desires into our lives. MOST Definitely being detached from the specifics and the expectation of results are necessary. In the book, McArthur details other universal laws that are also necessary to consider and practice, while practicing manifestation.

Detachment is hard to maintain especially when the desire is within one's heart. I particularly have a tendency to swirl around details, and get wrapped up In the specifics, especially when stuff is manifesting but it isn't even near my desired result.

One way I found that helps me remain truly detached is to transcribe my manifest desire into another language, or in made up hand writing, or drawing a picture. Then I put that picture up in places that aren't easily noticeable but are accessible, if only to the subconscious mind. I had a few taped to the wall in a closet; saw them every morning, but eventually they became the background.

I let these images stick around for a period of time till I no longer remember what they represent. Then, this I most important, for me anyway, I take the image down and burn it until it is completely consumed. Then watch the ashes float around and break apart, disintegrating into nothingness.

These tools are called sigils make of them what you will! -Little manifestation pun.

Emotions, especially during initial manifestation, to me, is the most important element to focus on. Detachment is a secondary process only after the original feeling of desire is felt. Even this blanket statement has many holes bcause maintinaing the original emotion while detaching from the facts is the ideal location to manifest desires into one's life.

See Ya 'round the Slope and Curve

Thank you so much for the resource. i'll check the book ! cheers

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