RE: A response to @chron: Why you should believe in Herd Immunity!
It's your decision -But definitely not a smart one. Fevers in the are of 40°Celsius and up are not a little fever. Not going there with ever rise up t0 38.5 is perfectly fine. But 40 is a different league...
Baby's get to 40C all the time, i took the oldest one (he got all vaccins) to the doctor in a panic first time it happened, because all i knew was >40C is dangerous.
The doctor told me it was nothing and as long as they are conscious baby's can get to 40C fever for a couple of hours no problem he told me (looked it up because i never trust no one and it seemed he was right).
You don't get it, or you don't want to get it - herd immunity is not for the ones who can protect themselves, but for the ones who can't...
I do not like reasoning based on emotions, it gets muddy easily, see; I care a lot more about my own children than i do about random other people. For instance i would rather have half of the world die out than one of my children to die, most people won't admit to it because it sounds so selfish but that is how all parents will feel about it.
So how much chance is there i am doing harm to my baby by being vaccinated too much and how much chance is there someone will die because of him not being vaccinated.
And if i have these numbers how much would i value the live of my kids more than i would value the live of someone else.
It would be very hard to put numbers on that.
So i decided to take the middle way, be sure to not take more vaccine shots than needed. Do not spread deadly diseases when they can be easily prevented without causing any other harm.
Expect the fact that our world can still function with vaccines but not without cars....
The world could function with less cars, but there is also some undetermined maximum of vaccine shots a human can take, so in theory there is a maximum on the amount of vaccines the world can function with.
I dont know whos your doctor but 41°C all enzymes start denturation process and you are at high risk developing complication or dying.
Sounds like a reasonable approach to vaccination to me.
It is preposterous to vaccinate newborns for Hep B. They aren't at risk from the disease, and there is a risk of vaccine related injury.
It is medical practices like this that cast all vaccination in bad light.